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Started by Maxwell, September 16, 2014, 06:52:56 PM

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In another thread I talked about intuition and said that it really doesn't belong in gaming at the pro level.  It also doesn't belong in science as was mentioned by XXVV.  Sorry, I know this may sound kind of rough.  Scientists are under tons of scrutiny with regards to the scientific method and whether or not their experiments are scientific enough. I can't ever imagine a scientist introducing intuition and feelings into an experiment without his peers ripping him a new one.  The scientist would never be published and would end up losing all peer respect. 

The same is true in gaming.  If you can't put numbers on it and code it, then it doesn't belong.  Even if intuition worked slightly, the effect would be so small that the human mind couldnt remember it or recognize it for what it is without coding and testing it.  In poker intution is reading expression, and subtle knowledge of facts about the cards and hands held.  That can be measured by performance.  In roulette its just guessing.  And guessing doesn't work when your playing to pay the bills in bj, slots or roulette. If its going to work in roulette then it can be coded, tested, and confirmed.


The scientific method is a body of techniques for investigating phenomena, acquiring new knowledge, or correcting and integrating previous knowledge.[1] To be termed scientific, a method of inquiry must be based on empirical and measurable evidence subject to specific principles of reasoning.[2] The Oxford English Dictionary defines the scientific method as "a method or procedure that has characterized natural science since the 17th century, consisting in systematic observation, measurement, and experiment, and the formulation, testing, and modification of hypotheses."[3]


When Our Intuition Leads Us to Bad Decisions

We often don't know our intuition is wrong until long after the fact, or unless we conduct a scientific experiment that shows how truly wrong it is.



Hi Maxwell.

If everything you say is right may I ask what do you suggest to gain an edge or an advantage over the game of roulette ?


Probability is a notoriously counter-intuitive subject. People are in general very bad at it, that's why the casino carpets are so thick.

XXVV's idea that intuition is "reason to the Nth degree" is interesting, but I think that only applies in certain scenarios, and surely roulette isn't one of them. There's no substitute for a properly researched method based on mathematics and logic.
A small error in the principles is large in the conclusions.


Quote from: Schoolman on September 16, 2014, 08:10:39 PM
Probability is a notoriously counter-intuitive subject. People are in general very bad at it, that's why the casino carpets are so thick.

XXVV's idea that intuition is "reason to the Nth degree" is interesting, but I think that only applies in certain scenarios, and surely roulette isn't one of them. There's no substitute for a properly researched method based on mathematics and logic.

Yes of course Schoolman you may be right as I have taken the risk of applying an esoteric application and dropped it into the thick midst of the gross world of casino roulette (lol).

'Surely' I am not so sure about that as writers such as Sunil Padiyar and Eric Nielsen have much to offer and I like questioning common assumptions and looking at things from a different perspective. Thanks for your interesting and refreshing observations.

Our new friend Maxwell is quick to judgment and might be surprised at the degree of mathematics and logic applied in my professional work. It is always amusing to observe the reactions when a word is inserted that at first glance is out of context.

In my opinion it is most unfortunate that some words in common usage seem to be devalued and very poorly understood.

My particular background rather usefully blends art and science and my whole life has been dealing with the interactions therefrom -lol.

Best wishes xxvv



In your post you said youd tested for over 300k.  Can we view the testing that you talk about?  It would help me have my friend code it if I could see how your scientist friend did it.

Did Semyon Dukach code it and test it for you or was it your chemist scientist friend?  Semyons a very detailed man.   Like I said he would want to know if you were in  vacuum traveling at the speed of light and so on...

Im kind of confused though.. in that.. how could you have tested it over 300k spins if your saying it can't be coded???

I wish youd be more descriptive in posts and less vague on roulette.  You make these ref. but I can't find any info on them when you make them.  Youre detailed in when you talk about pink chips and how they make you feel... but you leave out details when talking about everything else related to roulette.    Im kind of confuse why...



Quote from: Maxwell on September 16, 2014, 09:22:59 PM

In your post you said youd tested for over 300k.  Can we view the testing that you talk about?  It would help me have my friend code it if I could see how your scientist friend did it.

Did Semyon Dukach code it and test it for you or was it your chemist scientist friend?  Semyons a very detailed man.   Like I said he would want to know if you were in  vacuum traveling at the speed of light and so on...

Im kind of confused though.. in that.. how could you have tested it over 300k spins if your saying it can't be coded???

I wish youd be more descriptive in posts and less vague.  You make these ref. but I can't find any info on them when you make them.  Youre detailed in when you talk about pink chips and how they make you feel but you leave out details when talking about everything else.  Why?

Enough said.
I will be away from the Forum for a while ( as earlier stated).


a.....what just happened???


For those interested in exploring their own powers of intuition this link could be of interest:


[Disclaimer: I have NO association with the site or the software. The link is provided here for information only.]

I soon found the use of the word 'magic' in the site's name is unfortunate. There's nothing magical about intuition at all.

There those who claim we all have it to some degree. Apparently in some it's well developed; in others it's a latent ability that can be developed.

Perhaps that might apply to you!


Interesting topic. I do have my own formed concept about intuition. More related to us having an "internal accountant" in our subconscious mind, which acts on recognizable patterns gathered throughout our game play. Whether we want it or not.

Let me check if i have some copy about it. I always wanted to place such type of articles in our magazine, so it might make a good draft to build upon.

Email/Paypal: betselectiongmail.com
-- Victor


Making intuitive leaps...forming intuitive connections... 

Just for starters, skilled detectives not only follow step-by-step procedures, but their intuition can often lead to a successful cracking of a case.

Same applies to other occupations in medicine...research...design...the list is endless...where intuitive insights can provide an edge.

There have even been instances where intuition has either kept a person safe or prodded them into taking an action they might not have otherwise taken.

For example:  http://www.encyclopedia-titanica.org/theme/Premonition/

Like it or not, intuition exists. And it can even be harnessed with practice.

I clearly recall one time when I was consciously writing an article with DublinB running in the background when I suddenly "knew" 32 was going to arrive.

I promptly put 5e on it as I was so confident. And it dropped in. A nice payout!

"Well," you might say. "It was either intuition -- or luck."

My money was on the message received from my subconscious intuition. And I acted on it.

Intuition is, of course, part of a toolbox of selection methods. Nobody in their right mind would use it exclusively and that is certainly not being advocated.

But as the forum is about 'bet selection' then all bet-selection-doors should be open to those with open and enquiring minds.

Or is that being totally unreasonable?


Quote from: esoito on September 16, 2014, 11:56:08 PM
For those interested in exploring their own powers of intuition this link could be of interest:


[Disclaimer: I have NO association with the site or the software. The link is provided here for information only.]

I soon found the use of the word 'magic' in the site's name is unfortunate. There's nothing magical about intuition at all.

There those who claim we all have it to some degree. Apparently in some it's well developed; in others it's a latent ability that can be developed.

Perhaps that might apply to you!

I have a "free" copy of this that I am mucking around with at the moment.  Will report back in a month or two.  :upsidedown:


Intuition is a neat subject on many levels.  In pro gaming it's a scary deal though.  In the experimental realm, I love it. 
There are some fasc. links on brain wave communications and stuff that's just recently come out.   If anyone wants links Ill put them up.

Thanks to a pro counting buddy Im suppose to meet one of the biggest names in roulette on Wed evening here in LV.   I'll ask him his opinion on intuition and variance in roulette at dinner.  It should be a wildy interesting night.


               Donovan Leitch


Quote from: VLS on September 17, 2014, 01:36:13 AM
More related to us having an "internal accountant" in our subconscious mind, which acts on recognizable patterns gathered throughout our game play. Whether we want it or not.

This is misleading to say the least, you are confusing 'apophenia pareidolia' with intuition but there's distinction between them.

There is also difference between intuition, precognition,remote view,telepathy and clairvoyance.
For the majority makes no difference because they cannot understand it.

1) Apophenia pareidolia is the result of illusionary visions, they don't exist but only on subject's perception.

2) Intuition is a crude mental ability (hunches) which everyone possess up to certain degree but since it's not being developed an individual cannot use it by will and effectively.

3) Precognition is the second level of intuition, therefore the person starts to control this mental ability.
His/her visions are becoming clearer and last longer.

4) Remote viewing is like precognition but referred specifically for physical locations rather than conditions, persons, situations...etc

5) Telepathy is the next level of precognition, it's more intensive in terms of clarity and duration.
It's possible that an advanced alien civilization to use it as standard communication rather than speech.

6) Clairvoyance is the charisma of forthsight which used by the oracles.
Oracles used it by will and it's far superior from precognition, it's the ultimate level one could reach by 'opening his 3rd eye' which is the 6th chakra.
An oracle could see mentally things in the past, future or present which are beyond his/her physical senses.
A prophet is inferior to oracle because what he/she foretells is being given to him/her by divine intervention, in other words, he/she is not capable to foresee by his/her will, actually acts as a messenger.
''For after all what is man in nature?
A nothing in relation to infinity, all in relation to nothing, a central point between nothing and all and infinitely far from understanding either.
The ends of things and their beginnings are impregnably concealed from him in an impenetrable secret.
He is equally incapable of seeing the nothingness out of which he was drawn and the infinite in which he is engulfed.'' B.Pascal


As I wrote in an earlier post on this forum:

"The chance, on the other hand, to find a system, or principle,  where you graphically plot the upcoming numbers on a sheet of paper and allow your brain´s trillion synapses (that work on a quantum based wave-particle exchange level, which we also know as the subconscious),  are far greater. At least here the pure intellect found in sheer unobstructed intuition (the intelligence of the subconsciousness) is allowed to process something, you on a daily basis have tried to solve on a pure dialectic level (your thought),  but always failed to keep stable and consistent due to intervening factors known as House Edge and Variance arising from a growing set of randomly generated numbers."

More here; http://betselection.cc/roulette-forum/complex-oscillating-systems-of-chaos-of-random-number-generation-in-roulette/
All beings are born and steeped in debt. I know of no creature that negates this fact. The commodity they bought with borrowed means, is life, and the price for its duration, be it good or bad, is death.