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Mechanical systems vs "Educated guessing"

Started by Bayes, December 12, 2012, 10:04:32 AM

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... it will be easy for most programmers to pick up on what is happening.


Quote from: Bayes on December 13, 2012, 08:56:05 AM
it doesn't mean he's a scammer or has shills (where is the evidence for this?).

He admits to being Fender1000 and Fender had
more shills that could be counted. But you're
right, test his system till the cows come home,
idle hands and all that..

I don't use triggers. I have no idea what the next
outcome is, that's why I guess. Using triggers with
random outcomes is a disaster waiting to happen.

I grind. I play till I reach my goal and I leave. I
make the best guess I can on every spin and let
the chips fall where they may.


Quote from: Gizmotron on December 13, 2012, 02:44:49 PM
Spike may very well be right. I've done everything I can think of to teach this.

I've asked you in the past, Gizmo, do not equate what
you do with what I do. I let you go on and on, implying
we have some kind of connection, but from what I've
seen we have none. 98% of the time I have no idea
what you're talking about. People constantly refer to
us like we're twins. We are not. that's all your doing, I
have never EVER said 'me and Gizmo this' or 'me and
Gizmo that'. Somewhere along the line you have learned
to talk and sound like me, but you don't have even the
vaguest idea what I do in roulette.

So people, if you think by listening to Gizmo, you're in some
way listening to me, don't be fooled. I don't have any idea
what he does or what he's talking about. All I know is that
when he enters challenges he fails miserably. That should
tell you something about how good his method is.


Quote from: spike on December 13, 2012, 08:11:00 PM
He admits to being Fender1000 and Fender had
more shills that could be counted. But you're
right, test his system till the cows come home,
idle hands and all that..

I don't use triggers. I have no idea what the next
outcome is, that's why I guess. Using triggers with
random outcomes is a disaster waiting to happen.

I grind. I play till I reach my goal and I leave. I
make the best guess I can on every spin and let
the chips fall where they may.
Spike would you care to name these so-called Shills?. Because this is news to me. If you are going to attempt to drag someones name through the mud. You need irrefutable PROOF. Not blind allegations AND fabrications. To support your wishful thinking.
You don't agree with my method of play as MANY don't. I can live with that. But that doesn't mean you have the right to make stuff up either.


Quote from: Bayes on December 13, 2012, 08:56:05 AM
Well, yes, in a way the last note IS a trigger for the future notes. I sort of get the analogy and understand that you can look at past spins and see the "gestalt", as it were, but it's still a trigger in the sense that you need those past spins in order to make your best guess.

I'm sorry, but no, that's not correct. There is no trigger, no 'aha!', I
have to bet such and such. Just because I need the past spins doesn't
mean a trigger is involved. If you think this can be programmed,  you're
doing something vastly different than me. You have to teach yourself
to think randomly, that's what's happening. Its not 100% accurate, but
that's the beauty of gambling, you only have to be right more often than
wrong. If you can teach a computer to think in a random fashion, more
power to you.


Quote from: JohnLegend on December 13, 2012, 08:28:48 PM
Spike would you care to name these so-called Shills?. Because this is news to me.

Uh Huh. Go here: http://www.rouletteforum.cc/index.php?topic=11347.msg100104;topicseen#msg100104

As you can see, Steve erased most of the evidence when he
deleted Fender's and Fender's shills posts. But you know that,
don't you.


Quote from: spike on December 13, 2012, 08:41:30 PM
Uh Huh. Go here: http://www.rouletteforum.cc/index.php?topic=11347.msg100104;topicseen#msg100104

As you can see, Steve erased most of the evidence when he
deleted Fender's and Fender's shills posts. But you know that,
don't you.
I know nothing because I never had any shills period. If you consider enthusiastic members shills then that's your mistake and problem. But not anything to do with me. Steve is Mr overeaction. And the first person who will be proven out of line and flawed in his beliefs next year.


Quote from: spike on December 13, 2012, 08:21:01 PM
I've asked you in the past, Gizmo, do not equate what
you do with what I do. I let you go on and on, implying
we have some kind of connection, but from what I've
seen we have none. 98% of the time I have no idea
what you're talking about.

YOUR POINT IS WELL MADE. You clearly have no idea what I mean when I say reading randomness. So why are you so upset. You don't own any rights to my work. You share almost nothing. You keep telling people that I fail in competitions and demonstrations. That's all you have. It's not enough as far as I'm concerned.


Quote from: Gizmotron on December 13, 2012, 09:03:11 PM
YOUR POINT IS WELL MADE. You clearly have no idea what I mean when I say reading randomness. So why are you so upset. You don't own any rights to my work. You share almost nothing. You keep telling people that I fail in competitions and demonstrations. That's all you have. It's not enough as far as I'm concerned.

John, keep out of the way, I think the 'Twins Coalition' is about to implode..!  This is the most entertained I've been for weeks...

Spike, I believe it's your go..?


Quote from: topcat888 on December 14, 2012, 07:05:02 AM
John, keep out of the way, I think the 'Twins Coalition' is about to implode..!  This is the most entertained I've been for weeks...

Spike, I believe it's your go..?
TC your are right.


Come on guys. Come out of these false ego clashes. Be it JL or spike or Gizmo, nobody has proved anything better than that hundreds of systems do. First come out with proof of your claims of any superiority, then boast.
Nothing can perfectly beat a random session but luck. If someone claims perfection in every session, he is either a fool himself or think all to be fools.


Quote from: spike on December 13, 2012, 08:11:00 PM
I don't use triggers. I have no idea what the next
outcome is, that's why I guess. Using triggers with
random outcomes is a disaster waiting to happen.

Not necessarily. Only if you stubbornly persist when the results are suggesting that the trigger hasn't worked. The trigger is one thing, whether you play it out to the bitter end is another. Having constant awareness of what the wheel is giving you and making adjustments gives more reliable results than mindlessly plodding on in the face of adversity. You could think of it as using negative feedback:

QuoteNegative feedback occurs when the result of a process influences the operation of the process itself in such a way as to reduce changes. Negative feedback tends to make a system self-regulating; it can produce stability and reduce the effect of fluctuations. Negative feedback loops where just the right amount of correction is applied in the most timely manner can be very stable, accurate, and responsive. Negative feedback is widely used in mechanical and electronic engineering, but it also occurs naturally within living organisms, and can be seen in many other fields from chemistry and economics to social behaviour and the climate.


How to learn about negative feedback the Redneck way:

Go into a biker bar, find the biggest, meanest S.O.B. in the place and go spit in his beer.


If dogs don't go to heaven, when I die I want to go where dogs go.   ...Will Rogers


Quote from: TwoCatSam on December 14, 2012, 02:37:49 PM
How to learn about negative feedback the Redneck way:

Go into a biker bar, find the biggest, meanest S.O.B. in the place and go spit in his beer.



Worse steel the S.O.Bs Harley. Or do an Arnie T2 Style I want your boots your jacket and your motorcycle. Were talking murder she wrote.

I was in a bar in Texas a few years back. When about 25 hells angels came in. The nicest one looked like Chewbackas brother. Not to be messed with.


Quote from: Bayes on December 14, 2012, 09:36:57 AM
Not necessarily. Only if you stubbornly persist when the results are suggesting that the trigger hasn't worked.

The use of the term trigger defeats the explanation of what
random is. It traps you into thinking its something it isn't.
To deal with random effectively, you need to understand
it as well as possible, and that means not trying to make it
do things that aren't possible.