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Primordial roulette: can we learn anything from this?

Started by Dave, December 02, 2013, 09:39:14 PM

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Hi all,

I'm bugged by a simple question: in roulette we have a number generator, and a place to put our bets. The question i have is this, what if the number generator would be a sack of marbles, and the table design would be totally up to me. Would this make sense? Or stated differently, what is the relevance of the current table layout? There is a multitude of other layouts: triangle, line, circle, square, apart from the shae i can rotate and translate etc. Why should we prefer one above the other?

Questions questions questions, sigh...


Hi Dave . . .

In my opinion, different table layouts will not affect the game.

You can have 4 rows of 9 numbers plus the zero.

You can have 6 rows of 6 numbers plus the zero.

Any shape you want, should not make any difference as long as the Casino continues to pay out less than true odds they will have the advantage in the long run.

Welcome to the forum




If there was only a marque....and you didn't have the faintest idea how the numbers were picked. Could be a wheel....could be a bag of marbles...could be a man looking where a fly lands on a grid of 37 numbers.....and you bet by writing your choice on a slip of paper, would you have a bet to place?

I would.


@Nicksmi,  thanks for your welcome! I think i agree with you that the layout does not matter. however, there might be more to roulette(i do not know this for a fact, just an idea)

@Turner: this is exactly what i meant! Although stated clumsily. If i would not know anything about how the objects are drawn, and the place to lay my bets is a piece of paper. So you know what bet to place. Withou spilling the beams: do you think that my "gedanken experiment" could help me?




Thanks! Your answer(s) are really helpful!



Dave....keep us informed what you are tinkering with. Im interested


To win effectively at roulette you must consider the physics of the game, and measuring the right physics variables, then monitoring patterns with these variables for an effective edge.

suggest you subscribe to gw system to find out more.


@ Sandy: dear Sandy, thanks for your info. However, i have no such interest. I do not debate what you say, it has been proven to be true for roulette wheels. My goal is a different one. I'm trying to learn all that could be learned about the possible formations of unconnected objects. I'm looking for unknown facts, not known facts

@Turner: the mechanisme that leads to the statistical "law" of the third, could that also be connected to the fact that clustering must occur in random sequences (also a statistical "law")?

Grts dave


Quote from: Dave on May 24, 1974, 07:59:35 AM

@Turner: the mechanisme that leads to the statistical "law" of the third, could that also be connected to the fact that clustering must occur in random sequences (also a statistical "law")?

Grts dave
Not certain. I don't mean I don't know...I mean its hard to say.
Its not a mechanism per se...its the fact that ever number  has the same chance to show....so 12 shows.... Then 13.33,23.....12 had the same chance each time so is perfectly reasonable
I try to think in a mad way sometimrs
What if 0 comes out twice in 6.
Then 26 comes out but in landed in 0 first and bounced out.
Was the wheel trying to hit another 0...and due to the mechanical impefections of the wheel, missed?
that's where ideas like..."0 hit twice..play 26.32"  come from


Dave...simple as this.
it's a good starting point....with marque only,  to look at this kinda thing. Kinda answers your question about clumpin.
Go look at a text file from weisbaden. Close notepad up so you can only see 8 or 9 numbers. Scroll
If a number repeats.....and something has hit close....bet 5 numbers for a few spins.
This is from bremen.
Of course......I noticed this as it sticks out
33 12 1 11 36 34 12 15
12 has hit twice.....and 11  and  15

can't resist 11 12 13 14 15 for a few spins
12, 12, 14, 15 17. No joke.
And yes...happy days....but key here is 17 ....
Its close but no cigar. Stop

Same session
22 22 6 32 1 34 5 12 10 1    didn't use 22  as nothing joined it 
Now.....1 is repeated.....and 5.  its tentative....but Im well up....so I will try 1 2 3 4 5
7 18 9 0 ..... I didn't like it ayhow...and 0 is too close.....so stop.
Lol.....which is a dang shame......cos next 2 numbers are 26 and 2

see....Im playing with honesty even in this example.

I play this way a lot......jump on here and there.....love the look of this....don't like the look of that.

Repeats and clumps

As Bing Bell says. Hot numbers draw others in with them ( for a short while)

Key for me is changing tables a bit.....taking a break....just watch a while....look for little opportunities