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quote: You will NEVER beat roulette.

Started by wannawin, December 08, 2013, 05:16:21 PM

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This brings up a whole other question " if you found the grail---what would the spouse think? " would it be good or bad :)


Quote from: Marshall Bing Bell on December 10, 2013, 08:12:45 PM[...]what makes me know when to leave the game is different every time, usually it’s the wife saying, “come on, you’re not going to play all night are you?”

Well, there's no arguing with that "cut point" methodology. She knows when to go, ladies are the wiser in our relationships :rose: :thumbsup:
➡️ CHECK IT OUT: www.RouletteIdeas.com - Roulette Forum for Systems, Strategies and Roulette Software.

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-- Victor


In an effort to get us all singing from the same page here are some semantic thoughts regarding the phrases Beating Roulette and Winning At Roulette

Beating Roulette
Play continuously and you can't beat roulette -- roulette will beat you. The edge is set in cement.

Winning At Roulette
Quite a different kettle of fish altogether, otherwise those claiming to be professional roulette players, for example, would not exist, and nobody would ever be in the black.

Three essential ingredients:

1 Clearly defined triggers

2  Clearly defined betting strategy (flat...progressive...stoploss...whatever)

3  Clearly defined exit point (set by the stoploss...or a defined target...or after a certain number of wins/losses...whatever)

So one is doable; the other is not.


I meant  by "what would the spouse think", like as in if she should find out lol---fortune shines on me and mine doesn't give me any hard time on gambling.... and I have travelled a lot with it.....
I guess question 2 is if you had the GRAIL! would she mind the second wife?

PS Internationals take notice in the USA we use spouse instead of her because of political correctness....It makes someone feel better--I just don't know who?

Mr J

"Internationals take notice in the USA we use spouse instead of her because of political correctness" >>> Even that's old school now.......... PARTNER is the correct word. That covers the gays and straights. I hate the term but oh well.

Without a decent bet selection and the proper roulette experience, you don't have success, you have a hobby. There is no "Auto Re-bet" button in the ACTUAL world of roulette. Its B&M or take up stamp collecting. Don't let my honesty offend you. Haters will always hate. The saddest thing in life is wasted talent. ((If you're not already a genius, don't bother with roulette. The world needs plenty of ditch diggers))


Down south....or darn sarf ....as they would say...they often refer to the wife as " er indoors"

My favorite is from the North....referring to the wife as " the bitter half"

A reference to them only having a half beer (Bitter) in the pub...not a pint.


@ Superman,

You say,

"I would guestimate I only win around 40% of the bets I place,"

This is odd. Surely just blind guessing should give you better results.

Fair enough if you're talking about one session as some would give a higher than 50% win rate.

I'm sure there is a logical explanation but I can't see it and it's troubling me.



LOL Robert, don't be troubled mate

As you said, yes some sessions can be over very quick with 70% hit rate or thereabouts, but as we all know and understand, no 2 sessions are usually the same, by that I mean mentally and what the game does, the hits might have won BUT did I mentally feel it was good to recoup at that point, would I have done it the same last session or last week had the same things happened? probably not, maybe 40% is a little low, let's call it in hovering around the mid 40's

As I said about a year ago, I stopped writing everything down as they never seemed to look very similar to each other, per session, which I put down to MY choices as to when is good to recoup, some days it goes south and I write off the loss and start from 1 unit, again, a mental decision. All the reasons I cannot bot it as the bot would play mechanicaly over and over.

All I know is, the way have played over the last 12 months is all manually and it works for me.

PS: don't forget, although I feel mentally drained/tired after a session using 0.05 chips on no zero IMAGINE doing it for 0.50 or even a euro, I doubt I could do that for long even with someone else's money, so don't offer, glad I don't have to play to earn to eat. Sadly that makes up probably 80%+ of the readers of gambling forums, hoping to make a mint ---- easily.

Wouldn't that be sweet?
There's only one way forward, follow random, don't fight with it!

Ignore a thread/topic that mentions 'stop loss', 'virtual loss' and also when a list is provided of a progression, mechanical does NOT work!


Quote from: esoito on December 10, 2013, 10:39:46 PM
In an effort to get us all singing from the same page here are some semantic thoughts regarding the phrases Beating Roulette and Winning At Roulette

Beating Roulette
Play continuously and you can't beat roulette -- roulette will beat you. The edge is set in cement.

Winning At Roulette
Quite a different kettle of fish altogether, otherwise those claiming to be professional roulette players, for example, would not exist, and nobody would ever be in the black.

Three essential ingredients:

1 Clearly defined triggers

2  Clearly defined betting strategy (flat...progressive...stoploss...whatever)

3  Clearly defined exit point (set by the stoploss...or a defined target...or after a certain number of wins/losses...whatever)

So one is doable; the other is not.

I could not agree more, winning is winning.
If my start balance is 100 and I double it using these steps I will be foolish not to take my 1st 100 out. Then continue to play with the 2nd trying to do the same again. This will at least allow me to keep my original investment and attempt to make profit with the casinos money. If this should fail then at least I have my investment to start again.


Quote from: Mick on June 10, 2014, 09:19:04 AM
This will at least allow me to keep my original investment and attempt to make profit with the casinos money.

Wise words Mick  :thumbsup:

In gambling, the key is to control your losses and capitalize on winning streaks. In other words, to lose as little as possible and win as much as possible.

Simply stated, keep to a low average bet while you are losing and bet more everytime you win. Most people do just the opposite, doubling up when they are losing in a foolish attempt to get their losses back fast, and restricting themselves by becoming conservative when they begin to win. It's the old story of self-preservation. Casinos are so plush and luxurious because people don't always cut their losses but they cut their winnings.

Sometimes it is the people who no one imagines anything of who do the things that no one can imagine.


Quote from: Bally6354 on June 10, 2014, 09:54:55 AM
Wise words Mick  :thumbsup:

In gambling, the key is to control your losses and capitalize on winning streaks. In other words, to lose as little as possible and win as much as possible.

Simply stated, keep to a low average bet while you are losing and bet more everytime you win. Most people do just the opposite, doubling up when they are losing in a foolish attempt to get their losses back fast, and restricting themselves by becoming conservative when they begin to win. It's the old story of self-preservation. Casinos are so plush and luxurious because people don't always cut their losses but they cut their winnings.


Fantastic and simple reversal advice.  To paraphrase the Chinese admonition - Fight like dragons ('lung')  while winning, and worms ('chung') while losing - while in reality most reverse this to fail doubly miserably. ( refer P.98 Roulette for the Millions - O'Neil-Dunne 1972).