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The 3 6 9 Phenomenon

Started by Bally6354, November 21, 2012, 12:30:36 AM

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 "If you only knew the magnificence of the 3, 6 and 9, then you would have a key to the universe." -Nikola Tesla

I discovered something about the numbers 3 6 9 when I was working on system9 earlier this year. I will share it on this thread.

What I will say is that it is the most 'freaky' thing that I have ever witnessed when playing this game.

It will take a bit of explaining and I will start in the morning when I have a clear head. (It is about 1.00am here now)
Sometimes it is the people who no one imagines anything of who do the things that no one can imagine.


If dogs don't go to heaven, when I die I want to go where dogs go.   ...Will Rogers



...not that we're at all  eager to find out...

TIME TO W A K E  U P!!     :nod:


he is still asleep  :zzz: :zzz: :zzz: :zzz:

we just have to wait then


I am wide awake now.  :cheer:

Here is the chart that I used for system9.

1-1 = (1,12)
1-2 = (1,2)
1-3 = (2,3,4)
1-4 = (3,4,6)
1-5 = (4,5,8)
1-6 = (5,6,10)
1-7 = (6,7,11)
1-8 = (7,8,9)
1-9 = (7,8,9)
1-10 = (5,9,10)
1-11 = (3,10,11)
1-12 = (1,11,12)

2-1 = (1,10,11)
2-2 = (2,12)
2-3 = (1,2,3)
2-4 = (2,4)
2-5 = (3,5,6)
2-6 = (4,6,8)
2-7 = (5,7,9)
2-8 = (6,7,8)
2-9 = (5,7,9)
2-10 = (3,8,10)
2-11 = (1,9,11)
2-12 = (10,11,12)

3-1 = (1,8,10)
3-2 = (2,10,11)
3-3 = (3,12)
3-4 = (1,2,4)
3-5 = (2,4,5)
3-6 = (3,6)
3-7 = (4,7)
3-8 = (5,8)
3-9 = (3,6,9)
3-10 = (1,7,10)
3-11 = (8,11)
3-12 = (9,12)

4-1 = (1,6,9)
4-2 = (2,8,10)
4-3 = (3,10,11)
4-4 = (4,12)
4-5 = (1,2,5)
4-6 = (2,4,6)
4-7 = (3,5,7)
4-8 = (3,4,8)
4-9 = (1,5,9)
4-10 = (6,10,11)
4-11 = (7,9,11)
4-12 = (7,8,12)

5-1 = (1,4,8)
5-2 = (2,6,9)
5-3 = (3,8,10)
5-4 = (4,10,11)
5-5 = (5,12)
5-6 = (1,2,6)
5-7 = (2,3,7)
5-8 = (1,3,8)
5-9 = (4,9,11)
5-10 = (5,9,10)
5-11 = (6,7,11)
5-12 = (5,7,12)

6-1 = (1,2,7)
6-2 = (2,4,8)
6-3 = (3,6,9)
6-4 = (4,8,10)
6-5 = (5,10,11)
6-6 = (6,12)
6-7 = (1,7)
6-8 = (2,8,11)
6-9 = (3,9)
6-10 = (4,7,10)
6-11 = (5,11)
6-12 = (3,6,12)

7-1 = (1,6)
7-2 = (2,3,7)
7-3 = (3,5,8)
7-4 = (4,7,9)
7-5 = (5,9,10)
7-6 = (6,11)
7-7 = (7,12)
7-8 = (1,8,10)
7-9 = (2,8,9)
7-10 = (3,6,10)
7-11 = (4,11)
7-12 = (2,5,12)

8-1 = (1,3,5)
8-2 = (2,5,6)
8-3 = (3,7)
8-4 = (4,8,9)
8-5 = (5,9,11)
8-6 = (1,6,10)
8-7 = (2,7,11)
8-8 = (8,12)
8-9 = (1,9,10)
8-10 = (2,8,10)
8-11 = (3,6,11)
8-12 = (4,12)

9-1 = (1,4,5)
9-2 = (2,5,7)
9-3 = (3,6,9)
9-4 = (4,7,11)
9-5 = (1,5,8)
9-6 = (3,6,9)
9-7 = (4,7,10)
9-8 = (2,8,11)
9-9 = (9,12)
9-10 = (1,10)
9-11 = (2,8,11)
9-12 = (3,6,12)

10-1 = (1,3,7)
10-2 = (2,4,9)
10-3 = (3,5,11)
10-4 = (1,4,6)
10-5 = (3,5,7)
10-6 = (5,6,8)
10-7 = (6,7,9)
10-8 = (4,8,10)
10-9 = (2,9,11)
10-10 = (10,12)
10-11 = (1,10,11)
10-12 = (2,8,12)

11-1 = (1,2,9)
11-2 = (2,3,11)
11-3 = (1,3,4)
11-4 = (3,4,5)
11-5 = (5,6)
11-6 = (6,7)
11-7 = (7,8)
11-8 = (6,8,9)
11-9 = (4,9,10)
11-10 = (2,10,11)
11-11 = (11,12)
11-12 = (1,10,12)

12-1 = (1,11)
12-2 = (1,2)
12-3 = (3)
12-4 = (4,5)
12-5 = (5,7)
12-6 = (6,9)
12-7 = (7,10)
12-8 = (8}
12-9 = (6,9)
12-10 = (4,10)
12-11 = (2,11)
12-12 =  (12)

Everything gets worked from this chart if you are playing system9.

I will start a separate thread revisiting system9 and also add 'system18' and 'system36'.

This thread is just concentrating on what I call the '3 6 9 phenomenon'.

I played a game yesterday and it happened pretty quickly. So I will just replicate the game and show you what I mean.

Now in system9, I always wrote 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 at the top of a piece of paper.

(for anyone that does not know, it is a streets based system)

The first number out was 20. This is obviously the 7 street.

20) 7.

The next number out was 18 which is street 6.

20) 7.
18) 6.

Now here is where I need to use the chart for the first time because the streets have changed from a 7 to a 6.

All I do is go to the chart where it shows 7-6. I see written next to that 6-11.

So I put in the 6-11 on my piece of paper like so...

20) 7.
18) 6. 6-11.

Now I also cross out the 6 and 11 from the 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 that I wrote out at the top of the piece of paper.

So my piece of paper now looks like this....

1 2 3 4 5 x 7 8 9 10 x 12.

20) 7.
18) 6. 6-11. (10) **I also put a (10) in brackets here just to signal that there are now 10 streets left. Remember I have wiped two of them out.

ok.. next number is 1.

My piece of paper now looks like this..

x x 3 4 5 x x 8 9 10 x 12.

20) 7.
18) 6. 6-11. (10)
01) 1. 1-2-7. (7)

You can see that there are now only seven streets still to come out in the 1-12 row at the top.

Next number is 20.

My piece of paper now looks like this..

x x 3 4 5 x x 8 9 10 x 12.

20) 7.
18) 6. x-x. (10)
01) 1. 1-2-x. (7)
20) 7. 6-7-11. (7)*

So you can see the 6 7 and 11 have already appeared and so I can't cross out any more numbers from the 1-12 at the top. I have crossed out the 6 7 and 11 with some x's in the markings. The * next to the second (7) just represents a repeat of the 7.

*I have not got to the 3 6 9 bit yet. I am getting there.  :nod:

The next number out is 18.

My piece of paper now looks like this..

x x 3 4 5 x x 8 9 10 x 12.

20) 7.
18) 6. x-x. (10)
01) 1. 1-2-x. (7)
20) 7. x-7-x. (7)*
18) 6. 6-11. (7)*

The next number out is the 7.

My piece of paper now looks like this.....

x x x 4 5 x x 8 x 10 x 12.

20) 7.
18) 6. x-x. (10)
01) 1. 1-2-x. (7)
20) 7. x-7-x. (7)*
18) 6. x-11. (7)*
07) 3. 3-6-9. (5) -here is where the 3-6-9 made it's appearance-

The last two streets to appear are the 6 and 3 and I also have the 3-6-9 marked down.
This is an indication that I am store for the '3 6 9 phenomenon'. What tends to happen here often is that you now get a cluster of either the 3 6 or 9 street appearing. What also tends to happen most of the time is that they alternate.

So if the 3 street appears... bet for the 6 and 9 street next.
If the 6 street appears... bet for the 3 and 9 street next.
If the 9 street appears... bet for the 3 and 6 street next.

The next number out was 26.

My piece of paper now looks like this...

x x x 4 5 x x 8 x 10 x 12.

20) 7.
18) 6. x-x. (10)
01) 1. 1-2-x. (7)
20) 7. x-7-x. (7)*
18) 6. x-11. (7)*
07) 3. x-x-x. (5)
26) 9. 3-6-9. (5)*

So I am up and running and this can go on for a good few spins. The great thing about it is that it is only a 2 chip bet. You can afford to increase the wager a bit if it keeps hitting and get a nice payday.

The next number out was 17.

My piece of paper now looks like this...

x x x 4 5 x x 8 x 10 x 12.

20) 7.
18) 6. x-x. (10)
01) 1. 1-2-x. (7)
20) 7. x-7-x. (7)*
18) 6. x-11. (7)*
07) 3. x-x-x. (5)
26) 9. x-x-x. (5)*
17) 6. 3-6-9. (5)*

The next number out was 26.

My piece of paper now looks like this...

x x x 4 5 x x 8 x 10 x 12.

20) 7.
18) 6. x-x. (10)
01) 1. 1-2-x. (7)
20) 7. x-7-x. (7)*
18) 6. x-11. (7)*
07) 3. x-x-x. (5)
26) 9. x-x-x. (5)*
17) 6. x-6-x. (5)*
26) 9. 3-9. (5)*  That was the end of the 3 6 9 for now.

This phenomenon started to stand out because of how the 3 6 9 kept repeating when I was marking my card and some of the runs I get with it are freaky like I said.

Then I read a few things Nikola Tesla said.

So I think there is more to this 3 6 9 than just pure luck.

It does run right through the game which I will show you all when I present some new ideas.

Anyway, as I always say, don't take my word for it. Test it and you can see for yourself.


Sometimes it is the people who no one imagines anything of who do the things that no one can imagine.


Here are some numbers from a session I played today.

I will put the markings from the chart next to them. I won't cross anything out which obviously I would if playing.

34) 12
21) 7  7/10.
35) 12  2/5/12.
22) 8  8.
17) 6  1/6/10.
14) 5  5/10/11.
09) 3  3/8/10.
08} 3  3/12. **I would not bet here because it is not 3 6 9 even though two street 3's appeared**
25) 9  3/6/9. **Now I have the 3 6 9 and would bet streets 3 and 6.**
26) 9  9/12.  **oh well. It sometimes comes like this. stop betting**
10) 4  4/7/11.
09) 3  3/10/11.
08} 3  3/12.  **It's playing funny buggers at the moment**
06) 2  2/10/11.
30) 10  3/8/10.
07) 3  3/5/11.
19) 7  4/7.
02) 1  1/6.
24) 8  7/8/9.
15) 5  5/9/11.
04) 2 2/6/9.
12) 4  2/4.
24) 8  3/4/8.
02) 1  1/3/5.
27) 9  7/8/9.
22) 8  2/8/11.
34) 12  4/12.
18} 6  6/9.
17) 6  6/12.
02) 1  1/2/7.
32) 11  3/10/11.
18} 6  6/7.
26) 9  3/9. **It's trying**
18} 6  3/6/9.  **play the 3 and 9 street here**
18} 6  6/12.  **no luck whatsoever. stop betting**
17) 6  6/12.   :'(
16) 6  6/12.
31) 11  5/11.

Talk about hitting everywhere except the bullseye. Only lost 4 units.
It does show what I am getting at however.

Sometimes it is the people who no one imagines anything of who do the things that no one can imagine.


Yesterday on table 4 at spielbank wiesbaden

Total +46.

Sometimes it is the people who no one imagines anything of who do the things that no one can imagine.


The day before yesterday on table 4 at spielbank wiesbaden


I don't use it as a stand alone method. It is certainly a handy thing to have at your disposal. Having a handful of half decent trigger bets requiring not much outlay gives you the opportunity to increase your bets when things are going well and causes minimal damage in a lean spell.


Sometimes it is the people who no one imagines anything of who do the things that no one can imagine.


http://hans.wyrdweb.eu/tag/magic-square/    Maybe here is something interesting, not sure but something to think about also.  :upsidedown:

Regards Timo


Quote from: Timo on November 21, 2012, 11:08:20 PM
http://hans.wyrdweb.eu/tag/magic-square/    Maybe here is something interesting, not sure but something to think about also.  :upsidedown:

Regards Timo
Perhaps RAY and Clothdog use something similar, who knows but I know they are no losing this game ( roulette ).

Regards Timo


Thank you Timo.

I will take a look at that.

Sometimes it is the people who no one imagines anything of who do the things that no one can imagine.


Quote from: Bally6354 on November 21, 2012, 11:32:53 PM
Thank you Timo.

I will take a look at that.

:thumbsup: :thumbsup:  Thanks.

Regards Timo


Bally, on a similar note to the link Timo posted.

Please have a look on youtube for Vortex Based Mathematics by Marko Rodin. 

Vortex Based Mathematics - Marko Rodin

I don't comprehend it in detail, but hopefully it helps you.

Best Regards,


Thank you stringbean  :thumbsup:  I will watch that tomorrow morning.

Todays results on table 4 at spielbank wiesbaden were interesting.

Look at the bottom of column 1.


and then go to the very bottom of column 10 and the start of column 11.


Sometimes it is the people who no one imagines anything of who do the things that no one can imagine.