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13 and 31

Started by Leapyfrog, August 13, 2014, 09:59:14 AM

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A Big lie – goes the title of the famous blog by author R D Ellison. Often in my school days I used to hear the conspiracy by Americans on their claims for the first to reach the moon. A Big lie said one side and a great achievement said the other. Warren commission concluded that Oswald was the lone gunman behind JFK incident and there is a section that says it is a big lie. Elvis death in 1977 is a big lie to a section. And that is the wonder of the sixth sense we hold. Arguments. Opinions. Theories. Philosophies. Beliefs.

Beliefs have a great part in making a man what he is. And I believe no one is an exception to this rule. Some believe things as it is said, some believe in what they see and some believe in things which are proved. Again different beliefs when it come what is to be believed. Roulette and gambling is not an exception especially with loads and loads of things lying in the shades of grey. Last few months, I have been lucky enough to get introduced to this world of roulette, the beliefs and disbeliefs, agreements and disagreements, learnings and un-learnings. It interests me and will keep on interesting me for days to come.

One such believe is 13 and 31 and their affinity. I have seen posters with strong belief to this affinity. Some accept that it is illogical, but still believe the affinity owing to what they have seen in the past.  Irrespective of whether I look at American or European wheels, they are placed distant from each other to qualify for a neighbour bet. Apart from both being black, odd and falling in the first column, I can't see any similarities from a wheel or table perspective. So I decided to experiment. 1000 spins from Wiesbaden, 1000 from my own collection that I played in view casino and 1000 from random.org. Affinity was tested against 5 spin sequence and 10 spin sequences. Affinity of 31 and 13 vs 31 and 12 vs 31 and 32. Surprisingly 31 vs 12 resulted in a profit situation as opposed to losses for the other two. Does that mean 31 and 12 is a better bet compared to 31 and 13?

My conclusion and belief is one on one, slot on slot, spin on spin the outcomes are independent. 31 and 12 is no different from 31 and 13. Will be very interested to hear what others think.
Giant leap is formed of baby steps.


You sample is very small to get any conclusion. Although it needs no testing that 12 and 31 or 12 and 32 are no way related to each other or together can do any good.
Email: earnsumit@gmail.com - Visit my blog: http://albalaha.lefora.com
Can mentor a real, regular and serious player


I did a big test on this and of course 13 followed 31 no more than any other...and what ever did show as being higher than average...say 2 follows 15....didn't in the next test.....so yes...some pairs hit higher than others in a sample..
I think its in here or cc.roulette called 31 follows 13...or 13 follows 31...can't remember


Quote from: Turner on August 13, 2014, 10:42:57 AM
some pairs hit higher than others in a sample..
Great to hear some concurring views.

Quote from: Albalaha on August 13, 2014, 10:10:18 AM
You sample is very small to get any conclusion.
Albalaha - I would be really interested in understanding this better. I have read elsewhere that when you test 1 million spins, the next 1 million will show up a completely different beast. Which essentially mean that any sample size will remain inadequate to understand the principles of randomness.  What sample size is a good sample size to you and why do you think so?

My sample size is based on the fact that I would approximately play about 700-800 spins a month and someone who plays 10 hours everyday for a month may do approximately 3000 spins.
Giant leap is formed of baby steps.


           Maybe this could be a good reference point that you need to know:

If your method stays positive after 100k placed bets, it has genuine superiority. Even if it doesn't go positive but reduce the house edge from 2.7% to 1% or lesser, it is worth playing.
Email: earnsumit@gmail.com - Visit my blog: http://albalaha.lefora.com
Can mentor a real, regular and serious player


When Victor started rf.cc, there was a guy with username "compa". He was given an exclusive section too. He wrote a holy grail telling when u see A,B,C numbers bet  red and when u see X,Y,Z numbers bet black. I asked him what is the relation between them he answered you don't understand roulette.
            In playing betvoyager I often noticed that 0, 26 and 32 seem to come together but if we try to utilize any of such self-earned fallacies, we get to know it was merely a coincidence or a random dance looking predictive. Obviously when we test more, we learn from our mistakes. Please do not take otherwise but this topic doesn't deserve more debate.
Email: earnsumit@gmail.com - Visit my blog: http://albalaha.lefora.com
Can mentor a real, regular and serious player


Giant leap is formed of baby steps.


Quote from: Albalaha on August 13, 2014, 11:37:29 AM
           Maybe this could be a good reference point that you need to know:
Thanks Albalaha.  I had seen this in Kavs site as well. My problem is am trying to understand the basis of this claim. Why would anyone say that it is a winning system based on the numbers defined there? Why is 1000 not 500 or 2000.  Why is 50 not 25 or 100. 
Giant leap is formed of baby steps.


The basis of the claim is mathematical. Shorter periods usually can suffer from negative or positive variance and can give misleading results.
If you can't test a method by 100k bets, in a row, do 100 sessions of 1000 bets each. If a method can even reduce the house edge, in long run, it is playable and it has the edge. Coincidence, won't let you win for 100,000 bets.
Email: earnsumit@gmail.com - Visit my blog: http://albalaha.lefora.com
Can mentor a real, regular and serious player


Thanks Albalaha for the clarification. 

  I think I will have to leave it there as still am left wondering why it is 100000 and not 90000 or 110000 and not able to understand the mathematics behind the magic 100k
Giant leap is formed of baby steps.


There has to be a standard to measure something. Why do we use centimeter or millimeter to measure? we can use our fingers too. When Van Klein wrote this theory he must have reasoning to ask for 100k placed bets to determine the effectiveness of any method. If a method defies the house edge even slightly, it is worth trying.
               Have you ever thought why a meter has 100 cm or why a dozen have 12 count. Mathematician who used them first has logic for them and if we do not know those logic we can't question them either. By the way, if you are happy with testing 90k or 110k, do that.
Email: earnsumit@gmail.com - Visit my blog: http://albalaha.lefora.com
Can mentor a real, regular and serious player


Hello LF

There are ways and ways of looking at opportunities. Some cannot see the wood for the trees.

One of my colleagues who is a brilliant creator of methods, and thus someone who must do an awful lot of testing to eliminate appearances from reality, is a scientist by training and thus brings the scientific method to test his theories. He plays in many modes, but with great success on RNG in one website where he has achieved excellent results over a 12 month audit of his play. In passing I should note he takes great care to avoid being beaten by any form of cheating and there are ways to reduce such risk, and the sums he wins would not cause alarm.

He tests from data of 10,000 spin sets and uses 30 of such, according to the Charles Theory, ie uses 300,000 spins. This is a formidable tool. I recommend it if large sample sizes are required.

However the essence of roulette is to be able to read short cycles, based on human live perception, and take advanatage of opportunities when they present themselves. Philosophically I see the universe as abundant in resources which are infinite, and thus we are surrounded with opportunity, but let us limit this to roulette in short cycles. Still abundant.

However most may be invisible to us unless we open our eyes and perceptions.

The 13/31 ratio is an opportunity if you know how to look at it.

I have written extensively on this in my Blog. At times it is a rich source of potential profit, at other times one must wait. That is the nature of short cycle analysis in roulette, access to a ratio, and then set the traps to operate when the opportunity presents itself, sometimes immediately, sometimes strongly, sometimes weakly.

My approach is to set a trap that uses corner bets mainly 10/14 and 28/32 and to use a wheel and table neighbour spread but in focus on the reversals.

You miss the point entirely if you test for 100,000 spins or more on 13/31 ratio or 12/21 or 23/32. Of course they are independent. But they also cluster in cycles. Cluster analysis reveals that it is necessary to tune for the most effective and efficient bet to trap these short cycles. That requires experimental testing on a large scale but is a lot of fun. This works, and is a source of great excitement.

It just depends how and where you look.

Do not look at spins as just independent, but also see them in overlapping groups.

Hope that fires your imagination.



With all due respect...I am surprised to see you give the time of day to the mumbo-jumbo of 31-13 and number reversal. It isn't viable and has no basis, only in the realms of supernatural. 13 doesn't follow 31 in any natural way....no more than 12 follows 0 or 35 follows 7.

Numbers follow each other more than once over time, and every pair (all 666 of them) will have its day where it hits more than most over a period of spins.

I wish I hadn't said 666 now because some "new age numeracy hippy" will latch on to it......so I change that to 1332 because each pair is reversible.



Nice to share a thread again with you. Clearly you have not read my extensive notes on reversals in the Blog.

Haha, also yes there is a heavy instant karma price to pay for alluding to 666 -lol.  My posts passed that total without impact last month but I was half anticipating reactions. That of course is the essence. We trigger by half expectation -lol.

Actually to digress a little, and I am not giving away too many secrets here, Classical Hebrew transposes numbers and words with striking and intended meaning. This is termed Gematria. All sorts of hidden and intended meanings were 'ascribed' by the classical scribes/ scholars enabling hidden links where two Gematria totals are equaled by two quite different words. I won't go into further detail here.

You may be pleased to hear that 'Love'  through its Hebrew letters, each of which has a number, adds to 13 total. It is a beautiful number but tell that to the Knights Templar on a Friday.

Of course my favourite is Zero and the Hebrew letter Aleph ( not available on this keyboard is exquisitly beautiful, and at one level is linked to zero).

Remember the cover of the great Santana first album - you will see Aleph featured there. All and Nothing.

So mystical connotations may or may not be your scene, although I would have thought.....

You are missing the point. It is not the direct 13/31 link but the associations from time to time. It works for me because I target neighbours - you have to make allowances.

Mike will understand this. He knows I deal in grey areas, but of course in black and white if it comes to contracts. Some people get agitated with 'grey' or 'neighbours' because it is not compartmented or logical enough for them. My argument is that, as in building, we design 'tolerance' which allows for better fit - hence my frequent fuzzy logic reference to the Porsche factory and precise assembly of complex curved shapes. Frank Gehry the great LA Architect uses the same tolerances when designing his twisted galleries and museums and hotels. Actually the CAD systems the Architects use come from aircraft design and manufacture.

On a recent doco I saw the fabulous Ferrari 250 GT - GTO-  the great racer from the 60's and to me one of the most beautiful cars ever made. It achieved its shapes by aluminium panels beaten over wood molds. Every car was thus slightly different and unique and in the model seen, one door was longer than the other by either 25mm or was it 250mm - anyway significantly different!. Fuzzy logic ( grey thinking mathematics changed all that).

You will appreciate as well as 13/31 I could choose 0/34 or 1 and 30. It makes no difference. What I am simply saying is that the reversals are easy to remember and attack, especially 13/31 through the two corner bets! Every pair of numbers will have its time in the sun.

Smoke and mirrors!