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2013 Net Results

Started by ADulay, December 27, 2013, 01:41:39 AM

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  Well, it is that time of the year when we determine just how well we did (or didn't) in the casino environment.

   As no one will be able to see how anyone voted, you should at least try to be honest with yourself and your fellow forum members.

   The poll will run for 30 days which should give everyone a good chance to participate.

   Hopefully we'll have a few "winners" in the bunch.  No names are attached so let's try to be honest about it and see where we stand.



What does this prove or show us ?
That you can make money based upon fallacies ?


Quote from: Sputnik on December 27, 2013, 10:44:30 AM
What does this prove or show us ?
That you can make money based upon fallacies ?
It is a poll designed to at least make us think about whether we are in this for the fun of it or for real.

If everybody says they're "up" for the year, then something is amiss.  I would expect the majority of the votes to show neutral and losses with about 20% showing that they keep no records at all.

Hopefully this will spur those who just show up and gamble, to see what they're really doing.

If the poll shows a substantial number of losing players, then perhaps all of the discussions on the  various forums are moving in the wrong direction.

The poll is not scientific by any means.  It is a simple yardstick at the end of the year to see how we're doing collectively.  As there is no requirement to post up any discussion on the vote, most users will vote and move on.  If anyone wishes to expound on their choice, they are more than welcome.

In my own case, it was a good year.

I do not play roulette though, so that is why the subject is "2013 Gambling" and not "2013 Roulette Pass/Fail".



ADulay you are absolutely right about net, i think 99% we discuss about losing strategy.


I suppose I would have to tick two results for this as I am up with baccarat but down with roulette. Though I just used some of my baccarat winnings to have a play around with roulette.
I will continue to play roulette for a change now and again as I enjoy it but just with small units and basically for fun, trying out some of the systems here and seeing if there is anything else I can come up with.



wonderful, nice , super good year!!!! was fun-----clowns scare me! but casinos and sports betting doesn't!


this poll is definitely inaccurate haha


Quote from: weddings on December 29, 2013, 10:11:51 AM
this poll is definitely inaccurate haha

I got the same feeling ...


Quote from: weddings on December 29, 2013, 10:11:51 AM
this poll is definitely inaccurate haha

Did you put some inaccurate data into it?



I polled positive but doesn't the fact that almost half are positive tell you something. You can choose to believe but I don't, its just my point of view.



No fiction here--I lost!!

If dogs don't go to heaven, when I die I want to go where dogs go.   ...Will Rogers


So a lot of you are basically calling those that put positive liars? As AD pointed out, the poll was for gambling results, not just roulette! I am down in roulette as I said, but up in baccarat, which more than covered the roulette losses. And I suspect a few of the positives will come from baccarat and/or sports betting.
Just my 2cents.


I have to agree with Rogergog,

I'm down with Roulette but my Baccarat wins covered my Roulette losses. 

Like others on here I find it far easier to make a profit playing Baccarat than I can with Roulette.

And the poll did ask for net results didn't it.




Quote from: weddings on December 29, 2013, 03:24:47 PM
I polled positive but doesn't the fact that almost half are positive tell you something. You can choose to believe but I don't, its just my point of view.
May be true, may be not. There are close to 300 members here and the poll just reflects just a portion of the members who are actively involved in here. Weddings you have shown how to win and have inspired a number of people like me that it can be done. Three days back the losing % was 4% and now it stands at 20%. So as and when we get more people to poll may be we will get a balanced view. Afterall, we have to trust our fellow forum members :)

Also, on the whole topic being the results from Gambling, we need to see what is gambling.

"Gambling is the wagering of money or something of material value (referred to as "the stakes") on an event with an uncertain outcome with the primary intent of winning additional money and/or material goods. Gambling thus requires three elements be present: consideration, chance and prize."

All casino games fit into this category. But the definition is so vague, do you think investing in property is gambling? Do you think investing in stocks is gambling? I can go on and on as these are all wagering money on an event with uncertain outcome.

So limiting things only to casino games, am excluding Sports betting etc in the same lines of other investments, am in NEGATIVE. I have voted negative. A taste of how negative am in can be found from the history in BV account. I have also tracked other games i have played in B&M casinos, and overall it's a negative. But so far in December i have not lost a ssingle session and is bringing some hope for new year to look forward to. Wish you all a happy and joyous 2014 and may the luck be with you.


Note : Greens are my deposit, oranges are my withdrawals