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3.0 book delayed

Started by stephen tabone, July 19, 2017, 05:48:57 AM

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stephen tabone

My 3.0 book last in the Ultimate series is being delayed b will be out by the end of July. Delay doe to cover design and editing. Have large amount of order already for this book from other sites. If any other interested please send me a PM, you will need to read 2.1 that has just been published if you are fully going to understand 3.0.

My latest book is out!!! 2.1 edition which makes my Strategy, Silver Bullet Proof.

2.1 Kindle here: https://www.amazon.com/dp/B0741PX6JK/ref=sr_1_1?s=digital-text&ie=UTF8&qid=1500441816&sr=1-1&keywords=The+Ultimate+Silver+Bullet+Proof+Baccarat+Winning+Strategy+2.1

2.1 paperback here: https://www.amazon.com/dp/1548900613/ref=sr_1_cc_1?s=aps&ie=UTF8&qid=1500441816&sr=1-1-catcorr&keywords=The+Ultimate+Silver+Bullet+Proof+Baccarat+Winning+Strategy+2.1

Amazing stop losses and when to bet again triggers and fantastic cleverly developed tweaks and new chapters on systems and mathematics etc. Happy reading.

This is the must have book if you are going to bet on Baccarat at a casino, don't leave some without it. Unlike many books on the market this one does have a working strategy which is clearly explained.

As I wrote 3.0 will be out soon thus I'd advise anyone serious about winning and not just about talking or dreaming to rush to get a copy of my book and become familiar with the advanced strategy with the latest stop losses and when to bet again triggers. You will need to know how the strategy works in order to benefit from 3.0 when it comes out.

2.1 is the finest tuned system in the world, it's so great as you can read inside I responded to a system challenge and was basically turned down with no reply. Read all about it in my latest book.


Does the book include the same selection method as second edition?
What's new in book 2.1 and 3.0? do they only include tweaks of the original selection method you find in second edition?

Many Thanks

stephen tabone

Quote from: Sputnik on July 19, 2017, 09:20:22 AM
Does the book include the same selection method as second edition?
What's new in book 2.1 and 3.0? do they only include tweaks of the original selection method you find in second edition?

Many Thanks

2.1 is out but 3.0 is not out yet, since there is a delay with the cover design. most of the information found in 2.1 will not be in 3.0, and 3.0 will be the last book in the Ultimate series. 3.0 turns the house edge in favor of the bettor, though 2.1 is very advanced and has new chapters and new tweaks that protect all aspects of when to bet and when not to, and deals with advanced money management.

I have checked 2.1 against my 10,000 live casino baccarat shoes and the results are amazing even better than th2nd edition, 2.1 is a powerful strategy that implemented properly has to be regarded as e best strategy in the world.

After 3.0 I'll be moving on to roulette for a bit.

On Monday night I hit the casino with 2.1 and first shoe I made 4+ units
I hit the second shoe with 3+ units
the third shoe I ended up 1- unit
and the fourth and last shoe I as up 2+ units and had to leave the casino early.

Total winnings 8+ units less Banker tax that did not amount to 1 unit, so I was well up on the night.  Came away with a little under £400 profit, was only betting £50 flat betting.   


Quote from: Stephen Tabone on July 19, 2017, 05:48:57 AM
you will need to read 2.1 that has just been published if you are fully going to understand 3.0.

Why not just combine the two books into one or include the info from 2.1 which you need to know in order to understand 3.0?

stephen tabone

too much information, readers may find it difficult to separate two different systems if the whole Ultimate was read in one book. They will become confused and may switch between modes of play. Also 3.0 will have ts own new chapters which are the most advanced so the style will be very different from 2.1 therefore I'm trying to separate the two inasmuch as I can.



  I have a serious question to ask but wanted to make sure you wouldn't fly off into some kind of fit if my name was attached to it.

  May I ask the question with reference to "Version 3.0?"


stephen tabone

Quote from: ADulay on July 22, 2017, 01:27:38 AM

  I have a serious question to ask but wanted to make sure you wouldn't fly off into some kind of fit if my name was attached to it.

  May I ask the question with reference to "Version 3.0?"


Of course you can.
3.0 is not out yet. But ask away.

If your Q relates to the price of 2.1 , I can assure you that Amazon do change book prices. (proof of this below) They do this in two way, 1. say book is priced at $20 they can offer it on sale for $18, or $16 etc. 2. book is priced at $20 they can offer it for $30 or $40. For whatever reason/s they wish. It is in their terms.

I wrote to amazon about this in the past and although they responded stating that they do not change book prices, the reason they gave that I see a different price relates to currency conversion, so if I am in the UK and am looking at not amazon.co.uk but .com I will see a different price. But what they wrote does not add up, because I have set book prices at $20 and seen them on their site for sale for $30 and $40 and then prices changing at times.

It's their algorithms changing the price upon popular demand and other factors.

Since people are buying the book this is why Amazon have raised the price but I receive no more royalties than the price I had originally set. So for example if I or my agent sets price at $20 and I as the writer after agents fees etc would have ended up with 80c royalties, if Amazon sells book for $40 I still end up with only 80c and me or my agent receives no further royalty beyond the extra $20 amazon sold book for. I only receive 80c because my agent pays for editing, cover, advertising etc.


Here is one example I found online, but there are many: http://www.jimchines.com/2012/02/amazon-ebook-price/

"But they also pointed to section 5.3.2 of the current Amazon/KDP Terms and Conditions, which gives them:"

"...sole and complete discretion to set the retail price at which your Digital Books are sold through the Program."


I have noticed too that once paperback and kindle are linked then price becomes stable and is generally on offer.

For the time I put into writing books, forming my strategies, my research I do not make any profit. I enjoy forming strategies and hope people find them useful. Certainly I've received many emails from readers using and making money from my strategy on Baccarat. As for writing 3 books on the same strategy with one more planned the 3.0, the reasons are (a). up to 2.1 tweaks and clarification had not been established and it was easier to do this an 2 more books rather than edit the current ones. My agent is thinking about removing book 1/2 from publication and leaving 2.1

(b). 3.0 although the last book in the Ultimate series, will be a refined strategy of the Ultimate series in and of itself and to compare or mix the two, 2.1 and 3.0 would be a little complex to organize since readers might get confused. Therefore 3.0 has to be a stand alone book, though readers no not need 2.1 to understand how 3.0 works, it might help them understand 3.0 more. But since 3.0 will be a strategy in and of itself no reader needs to read 2.1, since 3.0 is fully explained. But some readers like to own the full collection I understand this.

Wen I bet in a casino I combine the two, 2.1 and 3.0 very easy to do. So far over the last 8 weeks I have not lost once. I have left the casinos I played in as a winner with profits. 3.0 is the book the casinos are afraid of.

Re reviews: Having no reviews does not mean book is not selling. When I just checked 2.1 was ranked in the #1 best seller of Baccarat books. Therefore in order to make it to the No. 1 spot, it follows that book has to be selling.

My readers know that I am not affiliated with any casinos where I receive commission for readers signing up or losing.  Therefore readers trust me that my strategies are solely for assisting readers to win and unlike many other authors I am not double faced where I receive payment from casinos. I do not recommend any casinos. 

My agent advertises in U.S publications across America which is why I don't end up receive much from my book sales. From my book I make money by using my strategy in casinos.

My current 2.1 book has new chapters on 'Banker' and 'Systems' for example as well as clarification and new refined tweaks that assist strategy users to gain the most profits they possibly can.

To get a copy of 2.1 right now click here: https://www.amazon.com/dp/B0741PX6JK/ref=sr_1_2?s=books&ie=UTF8&qid=1500450704&sr=1-2&keywords=the+ultimate+silver+bullet+proof+baccarat+winning+strategy#

order paperback here: https://www.amazon.com/Ultimate-Silver-Baccarat-Winning-Strategy/dp/1548900613/ref=zg_bs_4423_8?_encoding=UTF8&psc=1&refRID=KBQMGRJP7SN37TK295KT


Quote from: Sputnik on July 19, 2017, 09:20:22 AM
Does the book include the same selection method as second edition?
What's new in book 2.1 and 3.0? do they only include tweaks of the original selection method you find in second edition?

Many ThanksI see in the 2.1 edition of Tabone's ultimate silver bullet proof baccarat book it explains things properly and the tweaks are very advanced. I applied the stop losses and bet again triggers the 2.1 book refers to as well as the tweaks over 20 shoes and already my unit profits are positive.

To double check, I checked 100 shoes that I did not bet on, spent few days checking and results were very great. I will continue to use 2.1 and can't wait for 3.0 because Tabone states that he turns the table on the casinos removing their house edge in favour of the user of his 3.0 strategy. That if it works must be worth a lot of money to any serious baccarat player.

stephen tabone

Quote from: gizmo26 on July 22, 2017, 12:43:00 PM

I'm glad you're winning money using my strategy. Yes 3.0 is amazing, working on the book now. I'll let you know when it's out.


Quote from: Stephen Tabone on July 19, 2017, 09:29:58 AM
I have checked 2.1 against my 10,000 live casino baccarat shoes and the results are amazing even better than th2nd edition, 2.1 is a powerful strategy that implemented properly has to be regarded as e best strategy in the world.

Will you be providing a link to those shoes so that buyers of the book can confirm your results?

stephen tabone

Quote from: Mike on July 23, 2017, 08:49:29 AM
Will you be providing a link to those shoes so that buyers of the book can confirm your results?

I would do that Mike, but what would people say...that the shoe outcomes are fake? Therefore there would no point in publishing them either here or in any book.

I think you're questioning my integrity. But rather than do that it should not be me personally that you ought to question but my work for it speaks for itself.

But I do understand that many people are winning using it. Those who are not either do not understand it or have not applied it properly or are such type gamblers that lose using other methods but blame mine, since they may have started off using mine but then switched back to their old ways.

I see my latest book, is on offer via Amazon today: https://www.amazon.com/Ultimate-Silver-Baccarat-Winning-Strategy/dp/1548900613/ref=zg_bs_4423_13?_encoding=UTF8&psc=1&refRID=YRTDB08K9ZKDG70V9F7Z

book has some new chapters, new information and advanced tweaks.



I'm not necessarily questioning your integrity. People can make mistakes you know.  :)

In any case, there isn't much value in testing over the same shoes you used; a fresh set of shoes would be better. What about using the Wizard of odds shoes? You used those in a previous edition of the book.

By the way, are you still intending to give those 10 members of this forum a free copy of version 3.0?

stephen tabone

Quote from: Mike on July 23, 2017, 09:54:41 AM

I'm not necessarily questioning your integrity. People can make mistakes you know.  :)

In any case, there isn't much value in testing over the same shoes you used; a fresh set of shoes would be better. What about using the Wizard of odds shoes? You used those in a previous edition of the book.

By the way, are you still intending to give those 10 members of this forum a free copy of version 3.0?

You are correct I did publish them allow for readers to test, but I did not hold them up as the be all end all of outcomes. This is why I do not publish them further. I do not test my strategies against those. I reason I refereed to them in my first book was so give readers an idea of outcomes, readers moreover new to baccarat. 

Not withstanding, there is a chapter in my latest book about the wizard of odds and about systems etc. You really should read it, I think you'd enjoy what I wrote there.

The best test is for people to get used of a strategy and apply it to live outcomes. They need not bet for real, just record outcomes. Because as they say, seeing is believing. A big part of it is subjective I guess.

As for my next book 3.0 I have to go over the list of names again to check if any of those are those that had damaged me.


Quote from: Stephen Tabone on July 23, 2017, 10:04:03 AM
As for my next book 3.0 I have to go over the list of names again to check if any of those are those that had damaged me.

Hey, no publicity is bad publicity.  :thumbsup: