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Started by Bayle, May 01, 2013, 10:26:30 PM

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 I have received several emails that sent to me ,some good,some not so good ,some leave their phone number for talking ,some asked what is EC means etc.....

In the sophisticate,complicate game such as Roulette,the answer sometimes is just a simple one,even a 10 years old can play it ,for example if you see black is showing 2,4,8,10,11...you can place 2 units on column 1 and column 2 ( the horizontal column on the layout ,not the dozens )
or if you see the red is showing 19,21,23,25...,you can bet on column 1 and column 3.
Then if you lose,you could dismiss the BASE ,that is column 1,and bet on column 2+3.
but then you need the dangerous progression to recoup,or you may run into the 0 or 00.

I think that is the most simple bet you can play and go home with some unitmoney in the pocket...if leave early.
Have you ever think why 0 and 00 is green,but not other color like blue or yellow or just white,they may signal to you green is GO or FORWARD ,keep betting....and GO,GO WHERE?
you've already knew it!

To Hans and Pitbull and Brazilplayer,I am gonna try to explain a simple way and you guys can test it for yourselves to see I am a fluke or not, you could use the actual of Weisbaden, Kimo Li,WilliamsHill, Betvoyer...... whatever you feel good about it.There are a bunch of them on the net.
To those who disagreed,it reminds me the first lyric of a Led Zeppelin song "Your time is gonna come"written and sung by Robert Plant,Goo-it-up to see how true and disturb it is.
If I were you,I would wait and see what this guy has before I cast the first stone.

Roulette as you all know is unmercy,vicious,brutal randomness up to a point of total chaos.
and there is a saying stated that there is a order in the chaos.....And you all know that too,right?
I think the orders of this game lying in the flow of any EC ,and run into interupption then run again,just like the water in a river flowing,flowing then runs into a big rock,cliff,or a curve and then keep flowing again.The HIGH 19.20,21,22.....36 can not keep on running forever(I saw it runs to 17 times at one time) but at some point ,it MUST run into a LOW number.THis could be an ORDER....simply because it MUST.
We now can take the results AFTER it change :
which is 24,
not 1 ( 1 is the bump,the rock,the interupt )
24 is the result.
WE then keeping watching the flow of ONLY High and Low to collect next result,we need at least 2 results as a trigger to bet.Let's say:
1,3,5, Low is flowing      runs into 27 (high)
the result after that collision is 21.

We have now 24,and 21 .Both belongs to line 4.
We start bet on line 4 for ONLY 6 spins.
All flat bet,if you want to increase your betsize after 2,3 spins because the line 4 does not show up yet, you play risky.Very risky,and it may become a unnesscary habit.

The reason we use LINEBET (doublestreet) because it is the most reliable,well-balance on the layout,even Kimo Li when he tears the wheel and the layout apart, it still coming down to 6 GPM pies,and 6 parts of the layout,no one could do it better than Li.If you read his 2 books,you could stand at the table ,look at the layout and still know exactly where is the ball fall on the wheel.


The thing to do would be to go on Dublin, make a movie and show us exactly how you can do this.  With all the money you have surely made, a few skins for screen capture software should not hurt you.  And many are available for free!!

I would be surprised if you would do this as making a video is proof of what you can and can't do. 

So you've talked your talk; let's see you walk your walk.

Could I get a second??  Anyone want to see this feller do his thing?

If dogs don't go to heaven, when I die I want to go where dogs go.   ...Will Rogers


I'll second that excellent idea.  :thumbsup:

As it is, there are already far too many claims flying around on the forum without cold, hard substantiation to prove  -- or disprove.


Thank you, esoito.

Well, I think we have a challenge. 

If dogs don't go to heaven, when I die I want to go where dogs go.   ...Will Rogers


thanks bayle for taking the time to explain things.  :thumbsup:




I don't understand this topic.
What is he trying to say.



Bayle no one wants to throw stones to you.
What we are saying is that the base of your bet has been tested before and it can t produce a stable or winning balance.

We are always welcoming new ideas here so if you have something new to present we are all ears
Peaceful warrior