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Started by esoito, January 04, 2013, 01:21:19 AM

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A couple of years ago I had extended correspondence with Hans, a German roulette player.

He spent a lot of time developing what became a "winning bet". From time to time he would update me with progress.

I was never crass enough to ask what the bet was. I took the view if he wanted me to know he would tell me in his own good time.

Sadly, I've lost touch with him -- you'll see why towards the end of this post.

But I've often pondered how he did it... and how he is faring...

For your information here are a couple of the emails between us.

The first email below is from Hans. It might stimulate a forum member to pick up the ball and run with it. (The red bits are my responses)

At 07:36 PM 16/06/2011
Yes. I have found the solution! I found, through Boolean combinatorics (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Combinatorics), optimal objects within roulette and have translated the solution into a winning strategy.

I found a complex bet that hits 90% of the time (within the probability space) which is unrivaled in any other game of chance.

As a matter of fact, I have uncovered a class of thousands of these complex objects that hit in the 90% range.

I tried the simplest one and reduced it to a set of rules. Then I put it to the test. It worked!

I had several casinos replace the wheel for suspicion of cheating.

They tried to spin faster, thinking I was using ball ballistics to calculate the landing slot.

The faster they spun the wheel, the more I won. It was pure math that brought the crushing defeat.


This is all I can say. I fear I am under surveillance and I will be moving to a new place, very soon.
I have been threatened now three times and realize when you take a lot of money from the casino, they will stop you at all measures.

My car was stolen and was found in a lake. My house was burglarized and my computers were smashed.

The night I was with a friend and then left to go to a party, he was robbed on the street and hit on the head.

I feel I was the target but last minute plans saved me. This cannot be a coincidence.

That is dreadful news, Hans. Ganz schrecklich.

I don't know what to say apart from telling you I'm VERY glad you're unharmed.

As you say -- not a coincidence. You must have taken a lot of money from them for this sort of reaction.

I certainly understand you moving to a new place.

At 09:52 PM 21/08/2011

I am now fully committed to my project. I have sold my flat. Mine auto is fixed (it was pushed into a lake!) but it is sold also.

I sold all of my computers. I have almost nothing of physical value. I quit my job. I told my friends I was going back home to help my sick mother in Sweden, but that was so no one would come looking for me.

I have several Swiss banking accounts but they are mostly anonymous and untraceable.

My ambition is to travel to every major European city that has a casino. I stay there in hotels for maybe a week at the longest. Then I move on the next destination.

After Europe, then comes Asia, then South America, North America, and so then back to Europe. The circuit begins again.

The goal is a simple. I will make, at a hour or two, only 1.000 to 2.500 euro per day and then leave, even spread the winnings at multiple tables.

Don't stay in one place for a long time.

This should be a small amount to the casino and unnoticeable. This will be static to them.

I will live a simple life.

At this rate, I will accumulate five thousand to ten thousand euro per week and funnel it all into the bank accounts.

I repeat this for five days a week, and the math is simple.

I will gain a million euro within two to four years. Here is the truth, do not ever win too much at any one time or place.

The casinos will and can make you disappear. I know because I was threatened and will not become the target ever again.

All my website will be shut down also. E-mail will be shut down by the end of the week. My journey begins next week!

Good luck with everything in life!


Yet guys like John Patrick and the 'computer salesman' do just fine!  :))

Maybe the casino are not too worried about those two!

This is a true story what happened to a good friend of mine back in the 90's.

He was a professional shuffle tracker at the game of blackjack.

He went to greece thinking it would be some easy money and the casinos would not catch on to what he was doing.

So he won a large sum of money equivalent to about 20,000 euros.

He went out and had a meal and did not return to his hotel room immediately.

He was in for a surprise when he did get back. The room had been completely trashed and some of his papers went missing.

coincidence or not?

Maybe it was a good job he was not in the room at the time!

On the other side of the coin.......

I know several people who work within the industry. They all say that they are not concerned about anyone who wins money at roulette unless they are cheating.
They know it's a game of luck and that is true.

Sometimes it is the people who no one imagines anything of who do the things that no one can imagine.


Well that man was not so smart in the  way of his appearance. He was very stupid if you ask me, with no offense...

You can't go in the casino and take every day as much as you want (when/if you have great winning method). His greed was apparent and he showed it incredibly irrespective considering what kind of machinery he deals with...  :fight:

Yeah, soon they learned him a lesson, actualy it is good he is still on his feet.. You just don't comfortably walk in front of the tank waving with bazooka...

Now his life become unpleasnt, he has to run, hide, but it is maybe too late in a way....

Hat off to the method if so, but it just proves ingenuity is very relative and can be narrow, one sided term actualy.

In life is more less all about attitude, right?

My humble opinion



Common sense has become so rare it should be classified as a superpower.


I felt it on a trip. It was a small casino where I was playing daily. In 4 days, I earned about 20 times of what I started with. They used to note down all withdrawals with name. I was the only guy making 4-5 withdrawals daily. Obviously, I was noticed. I didn't win too much but they got annoyed. One day the manager pointed me and my friend to the casino owner, "these are the two guys". Manager approached me personally once and said, why do u play so long, u should move around this beautiful city. Nothing bad happened thereafter but I switched casino.
            If u can win regularly, play in very big casinos only.
Email: earnsumit@gmail.com - Visit my blog: http://albalaha.lefora.com
Can mentor a real, regular and serious player


Quote from: esoito on January 04, 2013, 01:21:19 AM
I found a complex bet that hits 90% of the time (within the probability space) which is unrivaled in any other game of chance.

This doesn't mean much unless we know what the payoff was for the bet. Covering 33 numbers also hits about 90% of the time.


I had a feeling of deja vu reading this tale. Im sure I've read it somewhere before. You have to be clever to stay under the radar. With what I know I could destroy any casino. I can't do that online or im cut out. I can and will do it on Supermans account. For the purposes of demonstrating that I can thoroughly beat random longterm with my methods.

there's only two possible outcomes from this challenge. They stop me, or Superman and me both become millionaires in the next 2--3 years. Im certain what comes first.


Quote from: JohnLegend on January 04, 2013, 05:13:00 PM
I had a feeling of deja vu reading this tale. Im sure I've read it somewhere before.

I tell my story on every gambling forum I go on! So you probably have!  :))

I wouldn't worry too much JL. There are plenty of casinos out there. The one thing that strikes me reading a lot of books is the real pros work in teams. A one man outfit could certainly outstay his welcome if he got TOO greedy!
Sometimes it is the people who no one imagines anything of who do the things that no one can imagine.


Quote from: Bally6354 on January 04, 2013, 05:21:29 PM

I tell my story on every gambling forum I go on! So you probably have!  :))

I wouldn't worry too much JL. There are plenty of casinos out there. The one thing that strikes me reading a lot of books is the real pros work in teams. A one man outfit could certainly outstay his welcome if he got TOO greedy!
Lol! The way youre going Bally that could well be your story. don't downplay what you are doing.

I don't know. there are people out there winning at this game. Its another myth that there are no professional roulette players. As far as im concerned this game is easier to beat than black jack. Card counting or not.

The secret is to not be too greedy. take a little from several sources. You look like a nothing compared to the ones winning hundreds even thousands on mostly luck. But you get your living and no ones the wiser.

I've never been greedy. This is an experiment to find out the breaking point of the most tolerant online casino on the planet. How much will be too much?


JL wrote:  "I had a feeling of deja vu reading this tale. Im sure I've read it somewhere before."

You can't have, mate.  :thumbsdown:

I've reproduced two private, UNIQUE emails sent to me by the bloke that had the experience !!


Uh - I think he was referring to Bally's tale - could be wrong.


With all the tales now being told who knows!!  :upsidedown: