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Mathematics and the human perception

Started by TheMagician, July 15, 2017, 05:06:19 PM

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Quote from: Albalaha on July 15, 2017, 06:45:08 AM
Sadly, mathematics has no room for perceptions.

Again you are in error. Mathematics is a language of the Human Mind based solely on its PERCEPTION and human TRANSLITERATION of a conditional Universe through its various sense organs.

From this perception and need to have phenomena measured in various units with what was deemed as acceptable accuracy (though ever changing spatiotemporal conditions offered the problem of approximation)  arose the need to develop a language that could handle this with a precision and level of proof, acceptable to the same Human Mind as an empirical reference source wherever, and whenever it moved through this spatiotemporal continuum it deemed, and deems, as a Universe.

Does this make Mathematics absolute? No, it does not, as it is an EVOLVING LANGUAGE of an evolving race in a relative continuum of ever-changing conditions. Each error, or approximation, produces a new theorem that results in a validation via a new proof and affirmation of its peers (read,  human minds) and so on. This, of course, has been going on since the first attempts by a human to develop a way to count beans or stones.

Mathematics as a language is not self-existent, nor self-real. It is just a way to interpret perceived reality and as we all know by now, perception changes from every change of position in time and space by an observer in relation to the observed.

All beings are born and steeped in debt. I know of no creature that negates this fact. The commodity they bought with borrowed means, is life, and the price for its duration, be it good or bad, is death.