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A Money Management Challenge

Started by Kav, September 02, 2013, 11:14:20 AM

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We can argue forever if roulette can be beaten or not.
However here is a challenge for you to test your creativity, knowledge and intelligence: Beat roulette given specific (hypothetical) certainties.

The challenge

You have 20.000 units bankroll. Your bet can be from 1 unit to 500 units (500 is the table limit).
You are only allowed to bet on RED, as often as you like.
In the next 100 spins the RED will appear exactly 30 times, but we do not know in which spins.
Make a profit of at least 1 unit after the 100th spin.

How would you do it?

Roulette 30 ideas


Red Outside only, or can we bet on Red inside too?


Hello Chrisbis,

I admit, I don't see the advantage of betting on RED numbers on the inside over betting them all together on the outside. However feel free to bet on red numbers in whatever combination, inside or outside, as long as your total bet per spins does not exceed 500 units.



I'm not a roulette expert, but what about the following strategy.

Play 9 RED LOW numbers AGAINST 9 RED HIGH numbers using Oscars Grind
on each side.

On my spreadsheet I show the first 70 spins as lost.


Hello Badger,

Thanks for the excel.
Betting inside doesn't help and confuses things. You could do exactly the same by betting on the RED even change. The logic and the result is the same.
Nice effort. However that approach wouldn't work if the hits where scattered among the 100 spins and especially if there were a few hits relatively early.


Good to see you here, Kav.

Does this mean you've now got some time to do a follow-up on that Kavouras bet?  (You mentioned a follow-up on your site a long time ago!!)


Hi Kav . . .

Attached is an Excel Tracker with your progression formula included.

Use the RNG numbers included or clear them and insert your own numbers.




Dear Nick,
           What exactly is the progression in the excel tracker? Are you using sessions having only 30 wins randomly spread?
Email: earnsumit@gmail.com - Visit my blog: http://albalaha.lefora.com
Can mentor a real, regular and serious player


Hello Sumit . . .

The progression used in the Excel sheet is Kav's special one as follows:

"After the first 4 spins I will use the following formula to calculate how many units I will bet each spin

B = LU/((LS/2)-WS) +1

B=bet in units
LU= Lost units so far
LS= Lost spins so far
WS= Won spins so far

According to this formula, my 5th bet would be
(remember in the first 4 spins I lost 1,2,4,8 = 15)

B=15/((4/2)-0)=15/2 +1=7,5  (+1) so my 5th bet would be 9 units. (we always round up)"

The spins were random generated or you can clear Column A and insert whatever numbers you like.




Don't you feel that the real challenge is of random sessions having 30 wins randomly scattered? How can we get such spins to test whether this progression is working or not?
Email: earnsumit@gmail.com - Visit my blog: http://albalaha.lefora.com
Can mentor a real, regular and serious player


Kav .. . .

I went through this a while ago, trying to solve the problem of winning when you have 65 Reds in 200 spins.  I tried all kinds of labby and other progressions to no avail.

I find it pays to revisit this problem and others as we often evolve in our thinking and might have a different perspective.

Rather than trying to hit it over the head with massive progressions, I thought why not attack this from a different perspective.

We know that 30 reds in 100 spins will have many Singles and Series of Reds. In other words, in this 100 spin cycle we will see BBRB which is a Single Red. We will also see BBBRRB which is a series for Red.  We will also have BBBRRRB which is another series of Red.

They will not all be Single Reds. It is possible that they will be, but highly unlikely.

Therefore, my suggestions is to bet Red ONLY after a Red wins.  We are betting that the next spin will produce a series of Red.

With this type of betting, most any type of progression should get us the one win.

Attached is an excel tracker with this type of betting and 3 types of progressions you may want to try or you can enter any progression you want.

Don't know if this solves this problem but it's an interesting system nonetheless.




Hi Nick,

Thanks for the interesting reply.
As you already know none of the 3 progressions work, even if you use your bet selection of only betting after RED appears
(Failed session)

In my opinion, bet selection does not have any effect in our issue. As crazy or "unexpected" (yet possible) it is to have only 33 Reds in 100 spins, the same is true for only 33 series of Reds after Red appears 100 times. To simplify things...
We are looking to beat 67 lost bets with 33 won betsl
(no matter what bet selection we use, no matter the triggers or if we bet continuously, that percentage is equally possible and equally ruinous) That's our problem.

I have some interesting ideas to share in a next post.
Keep up the good work



Hello Nick,

[for simplicity purposes, please allow me to change the problem a bit and make the hits 33 instead of 30. (the logic remains the same even for 30 hit, but the calculation is much simpler for 33 hits.]

How about this progression:

B=(LU/(33-WS)) +1  (we always round up)

B=bet in units
LU= Lost units so far
WS= Won spins so fa

The idea behind this progression is that we just need to recuperate our losses with 33 wins. (or the wins we have left from the 33 initial wins)


1rst bet = 1unit Loss
2nd bet = 1/33 +1 = 2 (we always round up) Loss
3rd bet = 3/33 +1 = 2 Loss
4th bet = 5/33 +1 =2
Let's say after 40 spins we are down 100 units and we have won 10 spins.
Next bet would be:
100/(33-10) +1= 100/23 +1 = 6 units
Now let's say after 70 spins we are down 280 units and we have won 20 spins so far
Next bet would be:
280/(33-20) +1 = 280/13 +1 = 23 units
... etc.
Of course from then on, as we get some wins and the denominator decreases, the bets will increase rapidly. Still, I believe we won't reach the 500 units limit.

Gentlemen , I think I solved the problem  :applause:

Nick, could you program this?


Here's the Tracker with the new formula.




Can someone check this with 30L-10W-30L-11W-30L-12W distribution of wins/losses?
Email: earnsumit@gmail.com - Visit my blog: http://albalaha.lefora.com
Can mentor a real, regular and serious player