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Started by esoito, November 26, 2012, 10:25:26 PM

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You have been asked to recommend a balanced portfolio of methods for a live wheel.

The player wants to be able to switch methods during a session.

A balanced portfolio will include:

  • flat bets
  • gentle progressions
  • inside numbers
  • some EC bets

What would be in your recommended portfolio?


That's a good question esoito

1) Flat bets. (RWD hot number system)

2) Gentle progression. (Lanky's divisor)

3) Inside numbers. (Winkel's G.U.T)

4) Even Chance. (SPIKE's 72% method  :))  )

I was serious for about 75% of that post. Honestly, I have never found an E.C. method I like. Some people go on about 'Marigny'. I don't know because I have never really studied it.


p.s. Lanky's divisor does not really get talked about much anymore but some clever people back in the day like 'number 6' praised it's worth compared to some of the other boom + bust progressions. I would put a link to it but you just get taken to spam adverts nowadays.
Sometimes it is the people who no one imagines anything of who do the things that no one can imagine.


Quote from: Bally6354 on November 26, 2012, 11:11:33 PM
4) Even Chance. (SPIKE's 72% method  :))  )

I was serious for about 75% of that post. Honestly, I have never found an E.C. method I like.

I don't doubt it. :nope:


So......  Out of close to 140 members only one (well done, Bally   :applause: ) has posted  thoughts and ideas on a pretty relevant topic.


On the other hand, if most  are firmly wedded to one method only then it's not amazing at all.  ;)


hi Esoito,

there's been so many new topics posted recently I never caught this one.

I do wonder sometimes if most people, when they sit down to play, if they already know which system they are going to be playing from the start?
Maybe it's one they are testing, or one that has been bringing success recently, but they know it's the one they are going to be playing today no matter what..

& then what percentage sit down & do not know which system they will be playing? Maybe decide which one after they have started, & will switch when deemed necessary? Which I guess is what you are alluding to here..

Personally I like the imbalanced bets on the EC's, waiting for imbalance & then trying to profit in any slow down or swing the other way. There's many ways to do it.

I like a complimentary bet that when losing, leads me to that situation. For example, if I have a bet based on betting against streaks & it starts losing, I know its because Follow The Last has started hitting above normal, & probably the 3rd hole & more (RRR or BBB) has started filling. If I watch it for a while longer & it does continue, I know that a 'Marigny-type' bet will be triggered.

On inside betting about 1-4 numbers, I've thought you could easily track say Victor's Zone Maximum which flatbets from spin 38-55 & Ken's Catch the 8 Train which also flatbets.