Our members are dedicated to PASSION and PURPOSE without drama!


Started by XXVV, December 13, 2020, 06:59:48 AM

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Access to XXVV Material requires Membership. Guests are not permitted access.


Thanks to the magic of programmers and their skills my XXVV section is invisible now unless you are a Member of this Forum.

So for those who as Guests have been following the various writings and ideas of XXVV, please join this Forum as a Member, and then when you log in the XXVV section will reveal itself, and now is starting to more frequently include valuable practical play tips and examples.

Also I propose to soon commence a psychology and esoteric section on Gaming and Markets. No problem with this - just need to be a winner -lol.  Ditch all those silly guilts and self sabotage issues and tendencies.


For those interested please visit the most recent posts on Al's gritty and verbose 'Mistruths and Drama' thread. You will see the recent posts noted. I do not consider my own threads 'verbose' because they always contain that which is constructive and helpful, never negative. I have no problem at all with constructive and respectful commentary, and am always open to fresh ideas. Also am never discouraged from idealism and exploration.  No more need be said.

If you want to comment outside of the Forum, positive or negative, you are welcome palladioxxvv@gmail.com

I plan another 2-3 months writing on this Forum and then will pause while other work takes priority.

However for anyone particularly enthusiastic about true Roulette Research  then write to me and I am always pleased to share. I work with several trusted colleagues in NZ already and will seek to expand this work next year as an additional income stream.

Best Wishes


The 'Privacy' aspect of my requirement that only Members can access XXVV material has an unintended outcome. If you are not logged in as a Member you cannot see what XXVV has posted - it is invisible even in the 'Recent Posts' notes.

That was never the intention and is a programming error. In fact it is farcical.

The intention was to encourage those who were interested, thus motivated, to access Membership. However if they are unable to see anything that is being presented they will not proceed - completely counter productive and unintended !

So to overcome this I will daily schedule in this public section the items I am publishing and sometimes if necessary and at random publish some useful material in the public section.