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Could this claim be true?

Started by esoito, July 09, 2014, 11:43:46 PM

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Just before you read the following (unedited ) extract a few points to note:

1  The writer (whose native language is Russian) offers trials of his software. So you'd know beforehand if it's any good or not.

2  I'm deliberately not including links because the bit that is of great interest is in the last half of the extract that I've made blue.

3  And I thought the bold underlined bit was particularly interesting. If true then it has massive implications for RNG players. (And begs the question "Then what are those basics?")

Anyway, see what you think.

Creating this program, I've tried to look through the roulette game from definitely new point of view. This algorithm analyses statistics, main casino cheats and theory of chaos, using hundreds of real-played game logs from diffrent casinos.

It's a unique technics that makes a prediction using 6 fields of roulette table at once (1-18, Even, Red, Black, Odd and 19-36).

I'm a professional programer that was involved in a creation of roulette codes for some online casinos. For the safety purpose I won't tell you the names. Hope, you understand me.

That work gave me the great experience, so be sure that I know a lot about main aspects of online roulette. Every casino has its own secrets and cheats.

But there are some basics, that are used by almost all the casinos.

Feature of the program is that it uses a non-linear internal scenarios of taking profit, and gives the impression that you are doing absolutely random bets without any logic. But it is not so! ;-)

The algorithm is very cleverly disguises itself. Certain mathematical symbiosis makes it unpredictable for the casinos.

I should also notice that the program has shown excellent results in testing on a virtual  roulette (RNG), and also with live dealers.



Nothing of this sort is possible. I saw or have rather used one program of a russian guy with same claims. It was claimed to work upon playtech RNG casinos. The claim was either childish or shrewd. It said that chose  your bet that u want to win and it will kind of intercept the casino server to get you exactly that. Can you believe this? This way, only three spins will make casino go empty. :thumbsdown:
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