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Started by esoito, November 15, 2012, 08:28:08 AM

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Monsieur l'abbé, I detest what you write, but I would give my life to make it possible for you to continue to write. 

[Voltaire, letter to M. le Riche, February 6, 1770]

Voltaire must be spinning in his grave over comments written by the owner of a gaming forum about a member simply because the owner of the forum does not agree with what the member writes, and the methods that member espouses.

May that NEVER happen here.

This forum should be the place where ideas can be freely expressed, tested and tweaked without ridicule, fear or favour.

If we read something we disagree with we have two choices:

1  Express our thoughts politely and tactfully with consideration of the other person's feelings

2  Change the channel -- switch to another thread entirely and ignore the one that we disagree with.

How often is somebody hurt because of the WAY an opposite opinion is expressed? More often than not I would think.

For this to continue to be a happy, gentle and productive place two things need to happen:

  • We all need to be sensitive and careful in how we write our opinions of others' ideas and thoughts. (Choose our words carefully as though we are the recipient)
  • And us Moderators need to be vigilant and make it possible for YOU to continue to write...


We must learn to speak to the little old lady who weights in at 98 pounds the same way we speak to the biggest, meanest SOB in the bar.  If I wouldn't say it to him, I won't say it to her. 

Try it; it really works!

If dogs don't go to heaven, when I die I want to go where dogs go.   ...Will Rogers


When one  guy as moderator over GamblersGlen   exceeded his authority and arbitrarily deleted posts  not to his liking the regular posters  gave up and  today  GG is a ghost town and  a new  GG has  opened its doors.



Quote from: NathanDetroit on November 15, 2012, 04:02:59 PM
When one  guy as moderator over GamblersGlen   exceeded his authority and arbitrarily deleted posts  not to his liking the regular posters  gave up and  today  GG is a ghost town and  a new  GG has  opened its doors.

The old GamblersGlen's problem was much larger than one guy deleting some posts.
It's a cesspool with 5 supposed adults throwing sludge at each other over and over and over and over and over.
What a waste of internet space.


I agree with you ND.

I only view that so-called forum as a guest,as i don't really want to log-in and give the impression i still support them over there.

There's enough bad politics around the world,WHY-OH-WHY does it have to invade Roulette of all subjects.

It's just a game,like chess or backgammon....EXCEPT....there is a market-place(without any politics) where IF you are diciplined,patient,positive,calm and good humoured you CAN make a PROFIT.

That at the end of the day IS ALL JL is about.

Remember John what old dodgy Oscar Wilde once quoted...the only worse thing than being talked about is NOT being talked about !

Best Regards to you all within this forum.



The founder of the old GG Brian Fishman  has been  MIA for   quite a while now.  The entire  registration process for  new  posters is at a complete standstill.

The board  is paid up until 2016 and will chuck along as long as those  5 cats  who are  fighting  with each other  have not assumed " room temperature" by that time.



This is what Spike recently posted at the old GG :

Quote"You are my project, Gizmo. I never talk about roulette anymore. I only post when I see you post, because you're so full of sh*t, such a fraud and con man, and I detest you so completely,I've made it my goal to harass and expose you wherever you try and sell you're stinking nonsense. You have nothing that beats roulette, you never will have anything."



Before jumping to conclusions  I would  like to mention that I  know   Spike  for over 6 years  when I first signed in at GG. Gizmo I do know   just a few years less.

I am on congenial terms  with both of them. If those  two have a problem they should  fight it out  over at GG  board  and they are doing it  even up to date..

My question to you : Have you read the  written exchange that is TAKING place  at GG between the two of them  as  recently as of today ?

Gizmo should have used better  judgement than  to have made a wailing wall   right here  at Victor`s new   forum.

DINO: check your Pers. Messages.

Nathan Detroit.



Before this all goes too far:

Espousing free speech does NOT mean being free of responsibility for what you write.

Always bear in mind such things as LIBEL defined as:    a false and malicious publication printed for the purpose of defaming a living person.

So take care.

Follow my example -- when I started the thread I SPECIFICALLY AVOIDED USING NAMES. I deliberately kept it as a general statement.

Yes, I know some of you are angry and upset. But suck it in. Don't use this forum to vent your spleen.

Name-calling here stops right now.

It's totally unnecessary, dysfunctional and disruptive.


We only want to be in peace...

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-- Victor


It was an historical moment. I posted it for the benefit of those that know this tiresome saga as cheese and crackers. Spike openly admitted to being troll. I have no plans on discussing anything with him.  If he comes here I will need to be able to delete his post. It's the only way to keep topics clean of his disruptions. When he's not harassing me there is no trouble.


Thanks ND for the pm.

I have removed the post as we don't want this forum to end up like the other one.

BUT why don't Moderator's remove/delete PERSONAL attacks against a fellow member BEFORE the next stage is reached in the so-called discussion/debate !!!!!

Otherwise the title Moderator should be changed to something else.

Esoito,many thanks for the well-worded warning,i totally agree.

It's funny,there's a personal attack just started on the other forum as we speak using dodgy language,i bet no warning will be seen.

Best Regards to all.



Thanks for your support, dino246.  :thumbsup: :thumbsup:

It's your sort of mature understanding that will help this to become The Place To Be, and a shining exemplar to others as to how a forum should be run.