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First you go to the casino.

Started by wannawin, September 14, 2014, 08:15:32 PM

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I want to comment on something curious that I was asked by one member: How long does a person have to be in these forums to go to the casino? And the truth is that it is not that way. First you go to the casino. Learn the game inside out, Mingle with other players, sweat, live the battle and then with this basic knowledge, and why not some romps, investigate more. Learn from a good book. Then finally go to the forums for a while. to discuss.

The battle arena is not in the forum, but it is in the casino.

I have learned many things THROUGH the whack and pain. Other times I learned the most by being next to experienced players. Interestingly not systems. In truth one does not speak of systems with other players in the casino . it is very rare. but sometimes a simple remark made by someone with more experience and maybe a drink, opens your understanding if it is sufficiently evident to be remembered at home. More than one time I have been talking late night person to person with some player placing bets with pure chit-chat and sometimes throws a pearl. Even some good advice from another old player who is a rather hopeless loser . I can not stop thinking about his words. I am one who believes that the most qualified to tell you how to deal with the effects of cigarette smoking is the chain smoker, not the trainer at the gym, because he lives in smoker's own flesh and must deal with it.

I learned the hard way not to put all in one set. I learned to go home with something in the pocket. I learned that long series can come against you, and I learned painfully that many times mathematical probability is not much use in the casino. Next to the table the odds seem to go on vacation. What matters is what comes out of the play. What a mathematician says that must work for the casino, for a real player is best used only as a guide and the player need to know when not to take that into account and when you should better check out, when you need to open your eyes to what is actually going on.

And no one knows what is coming unless you are next to the gaming table. Greetings.
say things directly to show respect for other people's time. Walter.


An interesting post wannawin, to be honest, I do not see many system players at the Casino. By systems, I probably mean the type of systems we read about or discuss on here.

You are right about learning from experienced players. One thing I noticed a long time ago is that the older more experienced players are in no rush to play. It's almost as though some of them know instinctively when to play and when to leave it alone. These were the ones who always seemed to be cashing in at the end of the night.

It reminds me of the old saying.  'There are old pilots and there are bold pilots, but there are no old, bold pilots.'


Quote from: split-monster on September 14, 2014, 08:55:13 PMAn interesting post wannawin, to be honest, I do not see many system players at the Casino. By systems, I probably mean the type of systems we read about or discuss on here.

Any player who really steps on a casino knows that the system players are a tiny minority compared to the rest of the gamblers everyday. It is rare to find a player with booklets, sheets for calculation and related paraphernalia in almost all the casinos I visited. What you see are addicted players who hardly stop playing a set. Those who leave the table without chips because they will not leave while they have supplies up to the last chip . In addition to the players who perhaps accustomed to losing put the chips like robots without seeming to care. Only on the internet is that there are so many "system players" together. And do not make me start talking about the amount of online winners. It seems that there are very few losers on these forums, in contrast to the reality of the casino floor. So in truth you have to take all these comments posted in the forums with a grain of salt.

One of the good books I recommended before and recommend it now: http://betselection.cc/gambling-library/monte-carlo-anecdotes-and-systems-of-play-(1910)/

It should be required reading. You will learn more from that book than reading many comments online. Greetings.
say things directly to show respect for other people's time. Walter.

Mr J

"It is rare to find a player with booklets, sheets for calculation and related paraphernalia" >>> I see this maybe 1-3 times per month, that's it.

Also, (in my opinion) I think a player should memorize the wheel (in both directions) before going to the casino.

Without a decent bet selection and the proper roulette experience, you don't have success, you have a hobby. There is no "Auto Re-bet" button in the ACTUAL world of roulette. Its B&M or take up stamp collecting. Don't let my honesty offend you. Haters will always hate. The saddest thing in life is wasted talent. ((If you're not already a genius, don't bother with roulette. The world needs plenty of ditch diggers))


Reading  the  forum  posts  of all  those "  Winnahs    one  gets the impression that the casinos world wide  are down to their  last  chandelier.

P.S. Just take an inventory of all those posts and you  shall agree.



Quote from: NathanDetroit on September 15, 2014, 06:27:37 PM
Reading  the  forum  posts  of all  those "  Winnahs    one  gets the impression that the casinos world wide  are down to their  last  chandelier.


I should not say such comments if there were a little more openness about the two realities.
The truth is that the game is won and lost, as in all .I am a winnah at moments, and at other times an irreparable lossah. That is when I pause. What I do not do is pretend that I never lost, but take the opportunity to freshen up. The world is more than the four walls of a casino. Sometimes it is easy to get lost in the dungeon or castle of the game. It is better when you do not have your head in a good place to go a bit out to the gardens. The wheel will always be there.
say things directly to show respect for other people's time. Walter.