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Let's tip this forum to let it run without any further trouble

Started by Albalaha, September 30, 2014, 04:30:04 AM

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It is really a pity that $30 has caused so much troubles with a forum with gamblers playing for real money and talking of everything under the sun here. Thanks God that it is over now but please do something that ensures that no such problem comes ahead.
               I have troubles with using paypal for paying anyone from my country. Earlier, Vic could use moneybookers (now skrill ) and paypal both so I always extended my help in such cases. How about creating a pool of funds for maintenance of this forum? A separate section for donations where not just paypal but ecopayz, neteller and skrill (earlier moneybookers) accounts and even Western Union and Moneygram should be set up and all members can pay whatever they wish when they win good online or in real casino with whichever payment mode, one wishes. We can tip croupiers and waitresses then why can't we tip the forum too? Pay anything from Euro 1 to Euro 50, as you wish.
                Esoito, Vic or anybody else come forward with these accounts and these funds will help Vic and this forum as and when required.
Email: earnsumit@gmail.com - Visit my blog: http://albalaha.lefora.com
Can mentor a real, regular and serious player


Over the years I have been a registered member of more than 10 roulette forums.

Why is it that Victor's forums are the ONLY ones that ever asked for money from members?

Not one other forum owner or admin that I know of has ever required money from members.

In the past I have donated, and quite a bit too, even set up monthly auto payment through paypal for a while, but NEVER again.

I've never been afforded any real gratitude for my charity, and have usually been treated as less than one of the free loaders. So now you lot can pay up, as I for one am done.

For the record...


If it's income Victor needs, then why all the pretentious requests for donations for site costs?

Why not come right out and say, I am running this roulette forum and accessory coding ambitions in order to generate some income to help my family survive in a harsh economic environment. Any monetary assistance for my hard work and efforts would be greatly appreciated.

I'd be more inclined to chuck in a few bucks for that (and I have before) than this, please donate so they don't close us down, petition.


Lets move forward.

I am prepared to tip in a modest regular monthly amount  from my new bitcoin account ( circle.com) that has been set up to facilitate fast easy international transfer of funds not involving banks. I use VISA/ paypal in the interim for international entry and exit  to the bitcoin account as I do not currently have a domestic US banking account. This may change next year. The point I am making is that we should seek to find innovative and profitable ways to support and yet invest at the same time. Tim Draper a US Venture Capitalist this week confirmed he sees bitcoin at $10,000 USD within 3 years and views investing in such as one his top three recommendations/ investment priorities.

Here is what I suggest in order to avoid this monthly panic scramble to sustain this most valuable Forum vehicle*. Establish a specific account that will benefit Victor's needs to maintain and grow the Forum and help sustain his expenses.  Determine what the monthly target should be and show the ongoing inputs to the account on a Forum thread/ screen. Better still, determine an annual target and let's tip in as quickly as possible the needed funds and see the Forum run thus in a confident businesslike and professional manner based on an international currency standard (USD or equivalent), and not on short term rather shaky thinking.

Let this be a Forum Initiative.

If the Forum can't get its act together I will do it myself to help Vic, as a priority goal in 2015. realize the value here.

* The Intellectual Property Value / (the sum of knowledge) of what is held and is accessible within the Forum is considerable and realisable to all who are prepared to put in the effort.

And so while on the subject of 'value' have a look at the recent posts by GG. The reference to 'pretentious' sounds like one of the glib word choices Real/ Xander the troll throws around to discredit whatever comes into his tunnel vision.

Pretentious- attempting to impress by affecting greater (undeserved) importance or merit than is actually possesed.

If you value so lowly the context here, why bother to participate Green Guy? In all my dealings with Victor 'pretentious' is not a word I would select.

Thanks Albalaha for suggesting a pool of funds that is universally accessible and yes even the smallest donation/ tip can be helpful. When we win be mindful of our loyalty to this remarkable source of information that is increasingly well managed and protected. it is a good mindful habit to be grateful.


QuoteIf it's income Victor needs, then why all the pretentious requests for donations for site costs?

             It could be the joke of the millenium. $30 as an income !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Even Victor earns a dinner from this site, I would wonder that. All tips (I won't call it donations) to this forum will help us back having more resources. Tipping will be voluntary and those reluctant or worried to do so, need not jump at those doing that.
           I believe many guests do want to tip but many get struck to not find the suitable way to do so. Max(Esoito), being in UK, u r the most fortunate person to manage all e-wallets. Can you setup all and let all know? If you have all or a few ready, let us know them as well. Paypal is already there.
Email: earnsumit@gmail.com - Visit my blog: http://albalaha.lefora.com
Can mentor a real, regular and serious player


Victor will set up 'tipping' buttons with other pay processors if that's what he thinks is best.

And no, Max is not in the UK.  Nor does he want to handle other members' money. He told me that himself !   


There really are some hilarious moments while reading, and our English language offers plenty of opportunity for subtleties and ironically they are best described by French or German words. 'Nuance' comes to mind and the accidental or intended puns in 'tipping' are prolific.

I suggested I would tip in some funds.

By this I meant a tip-truck type heavy and substantial delivery.  Not a tiny tip such as you leave the waiter after your coffee.

Tipping is rarely done in Australia and NZ, especially New Zealand where the Scottish spirit is strong, especially in the colder south.
Of course not so when you want to impress your girlfriend or chat up the waitress. Great way to build up a loyal support if you are a regular.

Tipping is illegal in the casino itself.

We don't seem to have the manic killer instinct dealers in Christchurch that the Baccarat Player Rolex refers to, nor the evil entity management. I went in at lunchtime this week and complained to the Casino Duty  Manager that my points in my private account had not been correctly credited from the previous day's play. He went out of his way to assist me and we found they had been but my churn equated to a level less than I had expected $1000 = 66 points. I apologised and went away finding out something new. However before I could leave the boss insisted he buy me an excellent red wine. It was charming. They don't do that in Auckland.

One rather bizarre casino I enjoyed was in Canberra ( Australia's diplomatic and federal capital). It is run by Casinos Austria.

I noted that on a Friday night from 6pm all the foreign staff of the diplomatic houses start gradually behaving worse and worse until by 10pm they are literally brawling and crawling over the tables in the panic to place their tax free bets. It is not the casino staff or management you have to worry about. It is the crazed mainly male punters - tipping beer over the tables.

No tipping there either - in the reward to a dealer type of nuance.

So we are suggesting donation or tip buttons perhaps.

Give it a try.

If it does not work I have a theory that might explain the outcome, and may tip the scale to a new solution. But it does not involve a tip - which is another word for a big chaotic mess. That word dates back to the collieries (coal mines) and to Dickens in Great Expectations - multiple tips/' heaps' - now there is a word out of colloquial NZ English. Thanks heaps.

No doubt there will be another manic panic come October 30. Unless alternative attitudes prevail and that is really where the change needs to come .

When things are tipped or tip it often means to fall out of balance. Yet balance is actually what we want.

Hundreds of pinterest (play on tip/pin) images could be posted. No that's enough. I've been tipped off change is coming.


Quote from: greenguy on September 30, 2014, 11:13:31 AM
If it's income Victor needs, then why all the pretentious requests for donations for site costs?
Quote from: Albalaha on October 01, 2014, 06:42:29 AM
             It could be the joke of the millenium. $30 as an income !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Friends I saw prices for cc names to be close to $ 20 USD. http://betselection.cc/general-discussion/triply-important-support!/msg32237/#msg32237

  Unless website is hosted on a free server completely the gain of $ 30 USD would not be complete . There is no advertising of free service shown in webpages so it can be assumed that there exists some form of a payment, if it is half $ 15 USD and $ 5 USD for data backup, would sum to be $ 10 USD profit. A whole pity. so many problems.

  All I wanted to know if what is given is strictly for the forum. Apparently it is by applying a simple logic. If I were a global moderator staff for the loot I would be insulted with such a low annual pay. It only remains to do it for love.

  Now I continue to offer my support to this space because it is still a good place to share. I want to see the bet selection forum to flourish very nicely over time . very well maintained by the moderators. Please just get rid of these unfortunate mishaps for maintenance from time to time to remain a deserving community.
Time for me to continue publishing now because it is back to normal for me here. Greetings.
say things directly to show respect for other people's time. Walter.


@All fellows.

Thanks for the concern and support.

1) Let's get past it :nod:. Nobody's aiming at looting the mentioned $30! Certainly not me, nor mods. This was strictly for site support.

2) Rest assured this is being addressed. We're having a viable software product for us to gather enough funds a month, with only six (6) "fiver" sales required to sustain ourselves.

This all occurred out of my belief of a September release, but making these sort of unlimited-flexibility architectures isn't trivial. Good thing is we have it already available this month and we're populating a new subscription already, including versions of our new "reboot" software released.

I'm mostly working for this in the "night shift". (Read late-night hours).

Yes, I've been a living zombie for the past few weeks, but it has been worth. It is finished, it currently consumes the all-popular Excel sheet format, has unlimited expand-ability and we're set to bring a very positive "silent revolution" to our small community of forums, where everyone gets something good.

The "core" of it is free and open, so coders from other communities (not just English-based, but world-wide) can grab the sources and re-use our software works at http://github.com/betselection/

We as BetSelection.cc are getting the benefit of being the "Official upstream" / headquarter; hosting added-value services, early previews, etc.

These sort of open architectures have proven themselves. We retain the main benefit of being the Official source, so we can expect an influx of users from all other gambling communities which benefit from it (Spanish, German, French, Italian, etc.).

We are in fact upgrading our community to another octave this October. Everyone's invited and welcome to participate from it.

Back to coding.
➡️ CHECK IT OUT: www.RouletteIdeas.com - Roulette Forum for Systems, Strategies and Roulette Software.

Email/Paypal: betselectiongmail.com
-- Victor


Quote from: greenguy on September 30, 2014, 07:40:30 AMWhy is it that Victor's forums are the ONLY ones that ever asked for money from members?

1) My country isn't particularly #1 in the web hosting field. We don't have easy access to foreign currency here, so yes, the sites have been running thanks to the generosity of members.

2) At times it has been to sponsor a new forum feature or piece of software. That's all :)

Quote from: greenguy on September 30, 2014, 07:40:30 AMIn the past I have donated, and quite a bit too, even set up monthly auto payment through paypal for a while, but NEVER again.

I've never been afforded any real gratitude for my charity, and have usually been treated as less than one of the free loaders. So now you lot can pay up, as I for one am done.

For the record...

I publicly express a big thank you for your generosity.


Also thanks a lot for being around. We aren't driven by seeking financial support but we have a true drive to build a community of gentlemen. You are one.
➡️ CHECK IT OUT: www.RouletteIdeas.com - Roulette Forum for Systems, Strategies and Roulette Software.

Email/Paypal: betselectiongmail.com
-- Victor


Quote from: greenguyI am running this roulette forum and accessory coding ambitions in order to generate some income to help my family survive in a harsh economic environment. Any monetary assistance for my hard work and efforts would be greatly appreciated.

Green, can I adapt a version of this copy for my signature?

Once the BetSoftware is released, this is going to be in fact my goal; both to make a profitable venture out of the software offering to help my family, as well as giving all-free versions of it away to help the community at large.

(Read: 100% free downloads for the public while selling related extra services to improve the experience for those opting to them i.e. auto-update, early releases, extra goodies...).

➡️ CHECK IT OUT: www.RouletteIdeas.com - Roulette Forum for Systems, Strategies and Roulette Software.

Email/Paypal: betselectiongmail.com
-- Victor