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Started by esoito, December 01, 2012, 12:58:06 AM

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Spike has been warned to cease personal attacks immediately.

He is to play the ball and not the man.

Kindly inform a moderator if he posts any more personal attacks.
  [Please be sure to mention the post number and the thread so we can follow up on it.]

We simply won't stand for that sort of behaviour on THIS forum.

Any more of it and he will thereby help provoke his own exclusion...


I ask rather request Spike and Gizmo to stop bashing someone, whether they like something or not. Half the forum is into debating PB. Worst thing is, most of them is going negative. I personally feel that PB is nothing better than martingale but it is OK if others are willing to play that way.
            Live and let others live too.
Nothing can perfectly beat a random session but luck. If someone claims perfection in every session, he is either a fool himself or think all to be fools.


Quote from: KingsRoulette on December 01, 2012, 03:39:26 AM
I ask rather request Spike and Gizmo to stop bashing someone, whether they like something or not. Half the forum is into debating PB. Worst thing is, most of them is going negative. I personally feel that PB is nothing better than martingale but it is OK if others are willing to play that way.
            Live and let others live too.

Hold on a minute there king. I've spent a lot of my time writing & testing algorithms that comply with each aspect of Pattern Breaker. That includes trying to figure out the exact rules for the hit and run process. Every time I provided data or telemetry I was personally attacked by JohnLegend. All I did was offer real information. Ask anyone here. Check it yourself. When did I ever call anyone stupid, a moron, or an imbicile? All I attempted to do was show evidence that conclusions were based on magical thinking, a well known expression used by professionals dealing with gambling issues. And to this point I have been accused of being a mathBoyz by JL himself. You need to back up your accusation or retract it.


JL? I've completely forgotten about him, he's in the past
for me. I've moved on...


I am not accusing you Gizmo or spike but rather I supported  your contentions in those threads, that u can check too. I just mean to say, let's avoid this topic and work upon something else positive. I can very conclusively say that there is no system ever posted in any forum  that can pass a million spins test, with winning even a single chip. PB is just another system. It is useless to analyse it so deep. Let others play it.
            If you analyse any system written over here or in any other forum with the depth that you did with PB, all will have same fate.

Can you suggest anything that can win more and lose less, in long run? If not, u have got no right to criticize a system so much.
Nothing can perfectly beat a random session but luck. If someone claims perfection in every session, he is either a fool himself or think all to be fools.


Settle down, people.

It's just a GAME for goodness' sake.

In the wider scheme of things it is way down the pecking order.

Addressing climate issues and addressing worldwide poverty -- just for starters -- are far more important matters to spend time, money and energy on.

Keep a sense of perspective!!

I'll lock the thread to remove temptation to rabbit on and on...."Much ado about nothing", as the Bard do eloquently put it.


I think it is ok to debate, Make your point and leave it. It is very tedious reading negative post after negative post about the same thing. It's funny the most negative have not tried PB and yet  they are experts. I say test it as JL described if it works great make some money, if not publish the result of your extensive testing and move on.
I am doing exactly this.
This is a great place for us let's keep it that way.
Just my 2cents  :)

Moderator's edit:  A great post!!  :thumbsup:  And a good note to finish on.


11 December 2012   

His recent post attacking a member of this forum has now been referred to all Moderators for their consideration.