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Gambling Perspective!

Started by Sputnik, July 01, 2018, 02:26:23 PM

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Gambling Perspective!

When you are trading you use one side of the coin.
You aim for the ups and avoid the downs.

That is the same thing as playing one side with Baccarat.
For example, playing only Player side.

Is very rare or not existed discussion on gambling forums where you tackle only one side of the coin.
If someone solves the puzzle you would be trading expert, sports betting expert, baccarat expert, and roulette expert.



But when trading, it is a payoff of much greater than one to one, when it does hit. Kind of comparative to 40 to 1 or 200 to 1, on the side Wagers in baccarat.

Attempting to master a certain thing could be lucrative in the very short run, but to maintain that short run on a consistent basis is virtually impossible in my own opinion. However a plus or minus of the 10 count, to a high peak/wave of plus or minus a 20 count, depending on what hand of the shoe it is, can be extremely beneficial to the player. However in my opinion limiting yourself to one thing is detrimental as that one thing will only hit the smallest fraction of the shoe and that might not be on the consistent and continuous basis, shoe after shoe, session after session. That is the problem.

Many will undoubtedly disagree, challenge and possibly attempt to belittle those statements as well. But doing just that will limit one's getting, 'into the groove' type of playing, where you can profit on many different things of course when and if they hit. Sitting at your desk or couch playing online, you will never know what I am talking about. However at a brick-and-mortar casino you most certainly will.

Now playing one side continuously is a road to large losses and those with some kind of real bankroll will not adhere to it for more than just a little bit during his sessions. With that said, wagering on one side of the coin you will see lots of losses and at times close catch ups. Those times will be exactly what will psychologically play on the person with his expanding thoughts of why he lost and how he was betting wrong, no matter even if he was betting right.   Those small Profitt holds will only fund your pursuit to continue playing if you're lucky, as nothing will always excel and keep excelling continuously especially if you are counting on not replacing your bank roll from outside sources rather than from the wins on a consistent basis.

Huge bankrolls are seldom risked to make a very small profit, as there are so many other things in the business world that will make a much greater profit with absolutely less risk than baccarat or any gambling to most people.
My Blog within BetSelection Board: https://betselection.cc/index.php?board=250.0

Played well over 37,120 shoes of baccarat since I started playing at B&M USA casinos.


"Don't say it's a winning hand until you are getting paid for it".

Played numerous properties in Las Vegas, Reno, Southern California, Atlantic City, Connecticut, South Florida, The South/Southeast as well as most areas of The Midwest.

Baccarat, actually a mixture of Watergate, attacking the Gotti Family and the famous ear biting Tyson fight leading to disqualification and a near riot.  Bac has all that & more.
Administrator & Forum Board Owner  of  BetSelection.cc
EMAIL: Betselectionboard@Gmail.Com


I don't comprehend everything you write and have difficult to see that you have another opinion.
Assume we have to agree that we disagree.

For example, Banker has a slightly higher strike ratio then Player but is so insignificantly small that you will never have the ability to take advantage of such difference.
Just mention fluctuation and variance make it disappear in the short, middle run and only manifest in the long run - when we all are dead.

Upon this Banker side has a huge fee opposite to Player side.
So when we look at the hose edge we get a great advantage playing only Player side.

Trading currency comes with any amount and I am referring to bitcoins.
Not talking about stocks.



Betting player only, when it hit, hoping for streak forming?

Wait for bpbpbpbpbp.....to formed, then when bb formed, wait for  p to hit and bet it to streak?


Quote from: Sputnik on July 02, 2018, 10:07:07 AM

I don't comprehend everything you write and have difficult to see that you have another opinion.
Assume we have to agree that we disagree.

(It is not agreeing or disagreeing in reality.  It is not textbook, such as learning a language, science or even math.  Sure there are variables of those also, but not the basics and the reality of the fundamentals of those.  Yes, there are fundamentals of baccarat as well.  We are not talking about those.  We are talking about actual play and attempting to win, not manipulate, cheat or those things.  We are talking about what is optimum for each player, which might be the same for you and I, different for the next 3 people.  But, my point is, a research point, a reference point, a path to, explore and find what fuels your positive sessions rather than dwelling on negative and what might work over a test of 10,000,000 shoes, etc.)

For example, Banker has a slightly higher strike ratio then Player but is so insignificantly small that you will never have the ability to take advantage of such difference.

(That is correct, ratio is over 10 million shoes or 80 million hands, or 50 million shoes and 400 million hands, so on and so forth.  It is impossible to sit down and win on any type of regular and consistent basis wagering the banker and the banker only.  Sure a player might win 5 times out of 5 sessions playing a limited amount of hands on banker.  But then it turns and he will give it all back and then sums of his bankroll to continue playing.  That will happen 100% of the time, no matter what anyone says by any test. 

There is no formula or count to wager a small amount of banker wagers and hit them, winning greater than 50% of the times using the same formula on each attempt.  Every one every attempting this has failed.  You will get the theory and math wizards that will come up with a positive win formula based upon statistics that will allow them to manipulate their figures down from a large amount of test shoes into play sessions, those will not follow their numbers in any casino or RNG on-line, etc. 

Their numbers are not necessarily wrong.  But they just cannot apply to the majority of the actual gaming shoes at any casino, the way they say they should or will based upon the testing performed.  The same as a certain auto can do a max of 150 miles per hour.  The theory of how long the auto can travel at that speed, is measured by its gas mileage.  When it was tested and the max speed was calculated and set, it was done with a certain set of conditions with different wind speeds, road conditions, fuel type, driver tendencies, and many other items that come into play.  That does not mean you can take that auto and drive at 150 mph endlessly without anything happening along the way.  The same as many shoes of b the shoe presentments and how each player handles them.  But once again, each test produces a slight edge for the banker.  That is a proven statistic.  So many authors and so many gamblers will always say, when in doubt, wager banker.  That does not mean that 25 players might present itself to one banker each time for 4 times, etc., within section of 29 hands played.)

Just mention fluctuation and variance make it disappear in the short, middle run and only manifest in the long run - when we all are dead.

(Yes, you are correct.  Others will challenge that statement, but you are correct because  virtually all gamblers cannot and will not have an infinite bank roll, the same as a casino has.  That is why a gambler has to hit it and 'refresh and reset' every single time which is one of the toughest and most difficult things to do.)

Upon this Banker side has a huge fee opposite to Player side.
So when we look at the hose edge we get a great advantage playing only Player side.

(If you are talking about the 5% commission, many of the baccarat tables have converted to the newer 'EZ Baccarat' version where there is absolutely no commission at all.  But still continuously wagering banker will not allow the person to actually continually win by any means.)

Trading currency comes with any amount and I am referring to bitcoins.
Not talking about stocks.

(I spent many years in NYC and know numerous Wall Street people.  Not tycoons or firm owners, just traders and investors of all types.  Some of them did fantastic on certain investments is what I was getting at.  The 100 to 1's or the 500 to 1's made up for all the losses they incurred which was plenty.  More losses than wins in most cases, but some of the people were able to take those larger wins, get their profit and continue off the win money to replace all their losses and forge ahead at the reset and refreshed amounts.  The same as I talked about baccarat.  Same thing with Bit coin.  If you bout it at a small amount and e a larger amount, you can take the profit and continue to buy and wait.  However, if you buy it and sell it at say only double and then take all that money and place it back into Bit Coin, say the price drops, then what?  Same with anything in investing. 

Say I bought real estate here in the USA prior to 2008 when it was very easy and possible, no money down (in most cases) prices rising out of control, selling it and getting say $600,000 for a $350,000 purchase.  Then take the $600,000 and buying more property, money to fix up and make even larger profits and selling them all once again, making well over one million dollars profit.  Then you are sitting with all those properties you purchased for say, $200,000 which were once selling for $500,000 and the market drop out virtually overnight.  No one knew it.  Then everything changed and all the banks are virtually broke.  They cannot lend one dollar on real estate under the old rules.  Now it is strictly 25-35% down, qualifying, worst thing, every piece of real estate virtually lost 40-75% of its prior selling value, NOT WORTH VALUE, but the trading value.  BOOM!  Done, finished, the great market crash of 2008 that effected everything here in the USA.  Now you are holding numerous properties with all your profits and all your net worth tied up and you cannot even get near the purchase price of them.  You cannot even sell them for even money. Even at a great loss it will be many months or a year or two to sell to a qualified buyer because  of the lending conditions and down payments required.  And well, the house will also be upside down in taxes because  of what was paid for the house and its assessed value.  It would be the same as losing money at a gambling table and then when you win, you get 40% back on a winning wager that used to pay even money.

Same with baccarat and gambling.)

My Blog within BetSelection Board: https://betselection.cc/index.php?board=250.0

Played well over 37,120 shoes of baccarat since I started playing at B&M USA casinos.


"Don't say it's a winning hand until you are getting paid for it".

Played numerous properties in Las Vegas, Reno, Southern California, Atlantic City, Connecticut, South Florida, The South/Southeast as well as most areas of The Midwest.

Baccarat, actually a mixture of Watergate, attacking the Gotti Family and the famous ear biting Tyson fight leading to disqualification and a near riot.  Bac has all that & more.
Administrator & Forum Board Owner  of  BetSelection.cc
EMAIL: Betselectionboard@Gmail.Com


Yes now I can comprehend what you wrote and it was very nice expressed.

I will put it further and stretch thing a little bit.
Take clockwise direction and anti-clockwise direction with roulette in Europe.
That is a counter measurement by the casino against the advantage players using physics.

The conclusion is that you have two random streams mixing everything together into chaotic variance with two independent random bits distribution.
You should play one stream independently from the other as they produce the same results with less confusion and chaotic variance.

In fact, I see this for the same reason advantage player separate Clockwise direction and Anticlockwise direction.
The reason is that rotor and ball spin different and the dominant drop zone might be different from the other direction, so that's different physics parameters.

With random bits where one stream is connected within itself (victim to the law of series) and produce the same results as regular distribution, should not be confused and mixed with another opposite side that produces same results independently.
One comparison would be that in Las Vegas do they spin the ball/rotor in one direction without the counter measuring clockwise and anticlockwise that is common in Europe.

Take trading for example, if I learn and master to play one single stream, I am only allowed to place my bet on one side at all times, in one way that would be the price change going up and the other side would be the price change going down. To make a comparison trading currency versus even money.

See how beautiful the streams look separated from each other.

P 116112321512112142141312411311342443314111322211453311111216341132112132133141
B 1233123132521211316112421223113333142512221241121113774445321123111231111211215

Me talking about risk and reward with up and downs trading is about scalping where you take advantage of choppy sequences or small price changes to add up to serious money.
Scalping is an art that is very similar towards advance trending using different gambling concepts.
