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Started by esoito, November 06, 2012, 05:45:44 AM

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What? You're not a butterfly?

You mean you don't flit from forum to forum, from thread to thread, from page to page,  looking...seeking...searching for the panacea to all your money woes?

The manic flapping and erratic undulations of your travels are matched and mirrored by only the ebbs and flows of your betting bank.

And here you are -- on a nice new, attractive  flower that's sprung up, exuding the heady scent of promise, of fulfilment to all your dreams. <sniff...ah, lovely...>

Otherwise why else would you be here? (It's not to enjoy my sunny disposition, that's for sure!)

Have you sampled  the different flavours on offer at the different forum smorgasbords? Of course you have.

  • Some made you ill -- you lost heaps.
  • Some made you heaps -- and then you lost it 'cos you tinkered with the rules or lacked discipline.
  • Some taxed your patience to the extreme so you gave up.
  • Others were so complicated that you started to wonder if it was something wrong with you that you couldn't  ' get' it.

Remember the System 9 bot?  Flavour-of-the-month for a while.  And now...? Basically discarded. Another toy tossed out of the toy box.

Remember Ophis' MST software?  After the initial frenzied excitement and susurration of wings he's stopped developing it -- lack of support 'cos the butterflies have long since moved on, d'you see. There is sweeter nectar over there...

(Yes, yes. I know a few still use them. But compared to the initial frantic flapping there are few using them now. Don't split hairs -- you know what I mean.)

Anyway, the horse is long since dead so I won't flog it with any more examples. But you'll probably recall other rising stars that rose and crashed into the Waters of Oblivion, or even the Seas of Discontent.

So here you are...Pregnant with hope...Just look at you all...

And now for an answer.  >:D   (Yes, the devil is in the details!)

Pick half a dozen methods that appeal to you for what ever your reasons -- AND. STICK. WITH. THEM.

Play a live wheel -- RNG is NOT roulette.

Set aside an amount of money you can afford to lose. You will at some point. Hey, it's not called gambling because you're betting on certainties! (The only certainty is that there is no certainty -- apart from the 2.whatever%  the casino makes)

Accept that wins and losses tend to come in clusters.

Decide on your stop-loss point. When the bank reaches that point STOP. Go away. Come back another day.

1 Play the first method until you make a profit . Stop.

2 Repeat with each method in turn, stopping each one the minute you make a profit with it.  (Why? Remember the clusters...)

3 After the 6th method  STOP for the day.  Fold your tent and move on. RUN out of the casino -- you've beaten The Edge...for now...

4  Rinse and repeat.  (NO --  Not every day. Get a life in between!! It's just a game.)

Now flap your gaudy wings with agitation, tell me this is ALL wrong, that I've got it ALL wrong, and that it will NEVER work because...

But read carefully.  I wrote it's "AN answer"...not THE answer. Big difference.

I pwomise not to cwy, little butterfly.

I pwomise.



You are quite the writer/philosopher!

I am going to read this again and again.

If dogs don't go to heaven, when I die I want to go where dogs go.   ...Will Rogers



...Pregnant with hope....--Esoito

I would not want to live (much less play Roulette) without Hope.


Quote from: Proofreaders2000 on November 06, 2012, 10:55:04 AM
...Pregnant with hope....--Esoito

I would not want to live (much less play Roulette) without Hope.

Despite Eeyore being my cousin (I'm a bit of a donkey, too) I also would not want to live without Hope.

But, sometimes, certain events in Life can cause Hope to become hopeless. That's where Faith steps in. Miracles, of course, can and do happen.

Moving from the general to the specific:  if a betting system is a definite loser then both Hope and Faith can be seriously misplaced!


Well said Esoito,
         The feelings that you expressed in the beginning of this thread belong to all of us, literally.
I am not boasting but I am not a butterfly (it doesn't mean I am considering myself nectar). I am here only because Victor invited me on all his ventures (I can still recall when he invited me to join rouletteforum.cc while I was member of vlsroulette and rouletteforum.net). He is such a nice person, I couldn't dare to deny this. One more thing, I too need like-minded and known buddies who have a common interest.
                  Of course, I look at different threads but I can swear that so far I have yet to see a system or workable idea on these various forums that I can personally use for any betterment except a few posts from Bayes and superman which talk of mathematical aspects.
            Every system wins in certain favorable conditions and lose in not so-favorable ones. When we see MST, we get that all well-known methods lose in large pieces of data. You have number of choices to play with so-called "systems" but none can make you a winner in long run, unless u remain perpetually lucky.
Email: earnsumit@gmail.com - Visit my blog: http://albalaha.lefora.com
Can mentor a real, regular and serious player


Thanks, Al.  I appreciate your comments. 

You wrote:

"You have number of choices to play with so-called "systems" but none can make you a winner in long run, unless u remain perpetually lucky."

  • So what do you reckon is a sound way to play, Al?

  • What works for you?  (Something more than luck, I hope...LOL!)


I am going to put a very serious debate in this regard which will either shut all system makers' mouths or going to fetch the most playable idea. For spreading some logical ideas of mine or my fellows, I have now opened my private club/forum for the masses to view( it was a private forum and contents were hidden for non-members earlier. You can visit : http://albalaha.lefora.com
Email: earnsumit@gmail.com - Visit my blog: http://albalaha.lefora.com
Can mentor a real, regular and serious player


Perhaps you could post here as well, your response to those two questions.


A few people asked me why I decided to play multiple methods. For those who asked me and for those who will ask, read the first post from esoito over and over again. I am flapping my wings as esoito said I should. I am flying still and hope will be able to for some more time.

The first thing I read when I joined was reading the useful newcomers post from esoito in the new comers' lounge. Then I decided to go through each one of his posts and I landed on this one. I took it as the first advice and started to base my play based on this. As you have seen, its working so far, but since then my thought process has also evolved based on inputs from others. But I am still sticking to this for online play, as I better not fix something that's not broken isn't it :)


I'm fluttered flattered by your post. Thank you, Priyanka.

I'm great at giving advice even if I don't always follow it myself!! LOLOLOL

Bit bothered you thought I was encouraging folk to flap their wings -- more a case of the opposite, really!

I was basically highlighting the problem of forum butterflies, who flit from one to another, desperately searching for The Answer (and sadly, it's not 42)

Been there. Done that. For me, my answer is to avoid roulette altogether and to focus on sports betting, with particular emphasis on horse racing.

But given the recent scandals regarding doping (UK horses, Aussie football, cycling to name just a few of the prominent ones) even that is tainted and less reliable than it should be.

I guess if fun is the object then keep doing what you're doing.

If profit is the object then careful blue-chip investments might be better...but there's always a crash around the corner.

Must go now. Eeyore says I'm starting to sound a touch optimistic...