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2015 & BetSelection

Started by VLS, January 30, 2015, 04:17:09 PM

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Hello dear fellows, I've thought long about what is the best course of action for the turn to the second-half of this decade in order to avoid repeating previous mistakes and with the overall goal of separating us from being "yet another gambling forum" (with its negative traits) to getting us to focus in being an actual "Bet Selection" board to honor our name and create our own positive flavor. These are the results.

As BetSelection.cc is financed by BetSoftware.cc it becomes part of its operation.

BetSoftware is focused in software, BetSelection gets to be focused in studying & analyzing systems.

We get to enforce a "Be Nice" policy to cut every message that doesn't abide to it.

This will make us a much-hated board for every troll, the "freedom of speech for whatever I want to say" folks, hinters, as well as those who are "mixed" posters, being productive today and troublesome the next day, in an endless loop/cycle.

We can certainly do good to outsource all of the bickering, personal arguments and recurrent nasties elsewhere and stick to delivering a great experience to the fine fellows who end up enjoying our flavor for focused discussion and testing here.

This change in focus gets to be powered by a new custom web engine.

2015 gets devoted to developing this new web engine, one little bit at a time, with the overall plan for the year being this:

The forum gets split in independent sub-forums, one for each game, featuring only three (3) sections: Bet Selection, Money Management and Systems.

This allows us to confine the system selling ads to the roulette forum and the roulette forum alone, which enables us to appeal to audiences such as Poker, Blackjack, and others which wouldn't ever like to participate in a forum featuring those the ads in their messages.

Alongside, a system-testing rig, where users submit posted system and created BetSoftware modules are used to test them on a daily basis, generating open stats for them to act as a way for attracting more activity to the focused discussion. Also, a hosted betting server for real-time gaming with chat as a hang-out place for our users.

Our ultimate goal for 2015 is to become an actual bet selection board, with focused gambling study, complementary to our BetSoftware web, being self-sufficient, enjoying our custom web engine with bleeding-edge features to deliver a great experience to those who want to discuss, test, play in group and in general enjoy our very own flavor.

The fellows who have the right productive profile sure are getting to be pleased to the maximum and stay with us for the long run in a higher octave.
➡️ CHECK IT OUT: www.RouletteIdeas.com - Roulette Forum for Systems, Strategies and Roulette Software.

Email/Paypal: betselectiongmail.com
-- Victor


Your heart is in the right place Vic, but your flogging a dead horse.

One look at the content on the site should tell you that.  Firstly it is an open forum, so don't expect successful gamblers to start posting working methods, why would they.  You have newbies that couldn't differentiate their a$$ from their elbow when it comes to gambling. 

You have moderators here, who are deeply offended by the use of the word bullsh1t, when was the last time they actually played in a casino and heard the amount of swearing and cursing that takes place, in many languages.  You have another moderator, whom despite claims to have been successful for many years playing a negative expectation game, has shared nothing (but that is his prerogative), however when it comes to promoting a scam, if the opportunity presents itself, he'll be all over it, but you made him a mod?? 

You have the wash-up players, such as Alex, who simply wanted to place to chat and feel appreciated sharing his exploits from eons ago, nothing useful rather just wanting to feel wanted.  Then you have a few frequent posters, one touting for business, another not wanting to reveal anything (his words) in fact I don't see what his purpose is other than waffle about Roulette.  I personally don't care, I know I made more money than him in the last week [fact as Rafa would say]. 

This is a site were the software ain't that great, it's cr@p really, typing lock-ups, slow loading, full of smiley options that makes it look like it is a kiddies forum, do you really think any serious Poker, BJ?? or even Baccarat players would chose to post here when there are smoother running, more intelligent boards out there.

I've said more than I wanted to Vic, like I said your heart is in the right place, but that doesn't build a decent forum.  If I had to offer any advice, I would suggest focus solely on Roulette.  Baccarat is too subjective, attracts too many wet-behind the ears, scammers, game-players, that things go nowhere and end in tears.  Roulette is your game, but many boards already do it better than you. 

Anyway, good luck, hope things work out for ya.