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interesting meeting next week!!!

Started by Tomla, January 10, 2014, 11:49:01 AM

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I'm meeting the President of  Mohegan Sun a fairly large casino in CT next week on a biz proposal---Should be pretty interesting! Will report back if anything is of interest?


Best wishes for loads of success in your presentation Tom  :thumbsup:
➡️ CHECK IT OUT: www.RouletteIdeas.com - Roulette Forum for Systems, Strategies and Roulette Software.

Email/Paypal: betselectiongmail.com
-- Victor


Is he the last of the Mohegans?

[Edit: LOLOLOL...good one  :thumbsup: :thumbsup: ]
If dogs don't go to heaven, when I die I want to go where dogs go.   ...Will Rogers


@Tom....you are meeting Kevin "red eagle" Brown then.?

@Two cat Sam !!......his predecessor was called Bruce "Two Dogs" Bozsum lol

You 2 should have a fight.



Good Fortuna!

One of my roulette mentors, a very smart commercial cookie and a Director of a company that markets Coca Cola in Australia, met with Jupiters Casino owners in Queensland ( some years ago now) in order to have the Casino pay him NOT to play his (quite brilliant) method.

I can report that my friend passed away soon after.



Quote from: XXVV on January 10, 2014, 07:55:12 PM

Good Fortuna!

One of my roulette mentors, a very smart commercial cookie and a Director of a company that markets Coca Cola in Australia, met with Jupiters Casino owners in Queensland ( some years ago now) in order to have the Casino pay him NOT to play his (quite brilliant) method.

I can report that my friend passed away soon after.


And did he introduced you with the method before passing away.....very anxious to hear this.



Thanks for your genuine concern.

I am delighted to say he passed on all his secrets to me ( bless him) and am still considering which casino(s) to approach on that basis. However a little bell keeps ringing in my ears and says -don't do it! - lol.


don't think he will shoot me---and what's wrong with a good fight ?


Quote from: XXVV on January 10, 2014, 10:50:33 PM

Thanks for your genuine concern.

I am delighted to say he passed on all his secrets to me ( bless him) and am still considering which casino(s) to approach on that basis. However a little bell keeps ringing in my ears and says -don't do it! - lol.

--There was a reason why I ask you this......Was spinning on the Gold Coast for almost 30 years/in that time never played roulette,till I comeback to EU/...and there was a chap that never lost,and before he passed away he gave me a mehtod which I started playing coming back here.Won bundle of dough never lost in
about 11 years play,seen half globe.....BUT.......finally hit the wall and lost more then 1ook in Venice few years back,and joined those forums hopping to find a new gral........Today wouldn't have a stamina to play
same again...too much stress and need too large BR.

Mr J

I'm trying to make a point with this at another forum.......So this man who passed away, I can assume he did not collect all his roulette knowledge over 9 hours? (lol, inside joke).

What I really mean is, I assume it took YEARS of playing etc. to get to that level?

Without a decent bet selection and the proper roulette experience, you don't have success, you have a hobby. There is no "Auto Re-bet" button in the ACTUAL world of roulette. Its B&M or take up stamp collecting. Don't let my honesty offend you. Haters will always hate. The saddest thing in life is wasted talent. ((If you're not already a genius, don't bother with roulette. The world needs plenty of ditch diggers))



Fascinating. My friend was playing at Jupiters mainly mid 1980's and we met in Sydney ( before the harbour casino opened there). He played the Private Members high stakes tables and used a hair raising progression but often would win virtually every spin because he played 4 sets of nine numbers and naturally they would materialise (often but not always) every spin to the groans and gasps of onlookers. Sometimes bets would overlap between sets and as the staking progressed from 2 to 5 chips per number, sometimes wins would come in with 10 or more on board at $10 to $20 units. At its best fantastic.

But of course it was not always like that.

Sometimes, mostly very late, when mistakes started to creep in and the ecart tide turned, the dream could become a challenging potential nightmare.

My friend was always honest. He told me where/ when it could go wrong and that is one reason why he invited me to join him, so a team could spread the load. He taught me all he knew and today I still have his notes written by him furiously but impeccably in haze of thick cigarette smoke. He was a chain smoker.

However also, as a professional applied mathematician and statistician, he was convinced he had a winner and started negotiating a contract where he would be paid to stay away from the Casino. I noted this with concern.

My business interests were complex overseas and I delayed returning to Australia for six months. During that time he passed away suddenly through a heart attack. His home base was Vienna as well as Brisbane.

I have worked for 30 years with his methods and they constantly evolve. One major breakthrough I made was to scrap the progression and replace it with flat staking. I will always be grateful to him for blazing a trail.


Mr J

 "scrap the progression and replace it with flat staking" >>> As I have stated.

"My friend was playing at Jupiters mainly mid 1980's" >>> That's what I was looking for.

Without a decent bet selection and the proper roulette experience, you don't have success, you have a hobby. There is no "Auto Re-bet" button in the ACTUAL world of roulette. Its B&M or take up stamp collecting. Don't let my honesty offend you. Haters will always hate. The saddest thing in life is wasted talent. ((If you're not already a genius, don't bother with roulette. The world needs plenty of ditch diggers))

Mr J


Is this a ...."gotcha" or something? (ROFL, too funny)

You are correct, in YEARS past. Its called learning. Something that 86% of players REFUSE to do.


Without a decent bet selection and the proper roulette experience, you don't have success, you have a hobby. There is no "Auto Re-bet" button in the ACTUAL world of roulette. Its B&M or take up stamp collecting. Don't let my honesty offend you. Haters will always hate. The saddest thing in life is wasted talent. ((If you're not already a genius, don't bother with roulette. The world needs plenty of ditch diggers))

Mr J

"My, how the worm has turned" >>> That's fine, I make more than you do at this game. Stuff that in your stockin.   :P

Without a decent bet selection and the proper roulette experience, you don't have success, you have a hobby. There is no "Auto Re-bet" button in the ACTUAL world of roulette. Its B&M or take up stamp collecting. Don't let my honesty offend you. Haters will always hate. The saddest thing in life is wasted talent. ((If you're not already a genius, don't bother with roulette. The world needs plenty of ditch diggers))


I was wondering why the worm would want to turn.....

Now we know why the chicken crossed the road and why the worm turned.

If dogs don't go to heaven, when I die I want to go where dogs go.   ...Will Rogers