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IPLAYFORALIVING Request signature and profile site approval

Started by iplayforaliving, May 01, 2014, 11:55:02 AM

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Hi Vic!

I hope you're having a great day!

I would like to request for my signature.

Many thanks in advance!

www.iplayforaliving.com  "Make Money Anytime, Anywhere!"
"Make Money Anytime, Anywhere!"


You are not seriously going to let this guy have that signature!

I thought spammers weren't allowed in this forum?  ??? ??? ???


Quote from: Mike on May 01, 2014, 03:30:26 PM
You are not seriously going to let this guy have that signature!

I thought spammers weren't allowed in this forum?  ??? ??? ???
I agree with Mike. it says above so the community can have a say. well this smells like a scam in progress. this is what we say.
say things directly to show respect for other people's time. Walter.


Quote from: wannawin on May 01, 2014, 03:55:02 PM
I agree with Mike. it says above so the community can have a say. well this smells like a scam in progress. this is what we say.
This is obvious to everyone except...


I'm perfectly aware that there are some doubts about this application, based on suspicions and speculation.

Mike made the most sensible, fair and thoughtful assessment thus far. He wrote:

In a court of law, you're usually assumed innocent until proven guilty, but in this case, given that no winning system at baccarat is mathematically possible, the casinos are still open for business, every system touted as winner has been proved a failure, then you should be assumed guilty until proved innocent.

A Suggestion

In the interests of fairness, and to help decide if the signature link should be approved or not, here's a suggestion to try to lay to rest all the negative comments that are based on opinions and not evidence.

Iplayforaliving could offer a free membership to Adulay who, as we all know, is not only a moderator but is also a very experienced baccarat player.

If Adulay agrees, then we can all be guided by Adulay's report to us, which will be based on facts and not on baseless conjecture and guesses that proliferate at the moment.

Please could Iplayforaliving post for us his response to the suggestion above?

Meanwhile, whilst the jury is out, now is the time for some to go and take a cold shower, whilst we wait to see which way the cards fall.


Quote from: esoito on May 02, 2014, 12:42:47 AM
I'm perfectly aware that there are some doubts about this application, based on suspicions and speculation.

Mike made the most sensible, fair and thoughtful assessment thus far. He wrote:

In a court of law, you're usually assumed innocent until proven guilty, but in this case, given that no winning system at baccarat is mathematically possible, the casinos are still open for business, every system touted as winner has been proved a failure, then you should be assumed guilty until proved innocent.

A Suggestion

In the interests of fairness, and to help decide if the signature link should be approved or not, here's a suggestion to try to lay to rest all the negative comments that are based on opinions and not evidence.

Iplayforaliving could offer a free membership to Adulay who, as we all know, is not only a moderator but is also a very experienced baccarat player.

If Adulay agrees, then we can all be guided by Adulay's report to us, which will be based on facts and not on baseless conjecture and guesses that proliferate at the moment.

Please could Iplayforaliving post for us his response to the suggestion above?

Meanwhile, whilst the jury is out, now is the time for some to go and take a cold shower, whilst we wait to see which way the cards fall.

If the marked passage is 'sensible, fair and thoughtful', and I take it the same jaundiced logic is applied to roulette, then what what are we doing .....

I do not think this stonewall negative view of the impossibility of winning has a place in a forum devoted to theory and practice of development of winning strategies in investment activities, in this case speculative risk activities such as baccarat or roulette. The risk exposure in casino games  is known with fixed variables, unlike the financial markets. Yet there are winning strategies available in all these areas and there is always room for discussion of more.

Then perhaps, in a spirit of inclusion, those who wish to exclude others might themselves avoid being excluded.


Quote from: esoito on May 02, 2014, 12:42:47 AM

Iplayforaliving could offer a free membership to Adulay who, as we all know, is not only a moderator but is also a very experienced baccarat player.

If Adulay agrees, then we can all be guided by Adulay's report to us, which will be based on facts and not on baseless conjecture and guesses that proliferate at the moment.

Please could Iplayforaliving post for us his response to the suggestion above?

Meanwhile, whilst the jury is out, now is the time for some to go and take a cold shower, whilst we wait to see which way the cards fall.

Insert chirping cricket sound effect here


Quote from: RouletteKEY on May 02, 2014, 02:30:56 AM

Insert chirping cricket sound effect here


'Bond curled his right hand in, glanced briefly down and flipped the cards face up into the middle of the table.

' Le neuf,' said the Croupier.

Le Chiffre was gazing down at his own two black kings.

'Et le baccarat,' and the croupier eased across the table the fat tide of plaques.

Le Chiffre watched them go to join the serried millions in the shadow of Bond's left arm, then he stood up slowly and without a word he brushed past the players.... The spectators opened a way for him. They looked at him curiously and rather fearfully as if he carried the smell of death on him.'

Casino Royale
Ian Fleming



Adulay and iplayforaliving have made contact about the possibility of conducting a test, and how that could go forward.

This will take some time so meanwhile, no pestering about how the test is going, please.

There will be another update when there's something specific to tell you.


Update 2

Forum member, Gavin, contacted me to say he's had NO reply to his message left on the site several days ago.

Apparently he left the message not only to point out the lack of testimonials and the offer of a money-back-guarantee, but also to test their responsiveness to queries.

A good idea.

But, not surprisingly, he's less than impressed with the lack of a prompt response.

As he acerbically noted:  "If they can't be bothered to reply promptly to a query from a potential customer  then they could just take your money and not bother with you after that."

(Somehow I think they just lost him as a customer...LOL)