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Started by esoito, January 06, 2013, 02:24:29 AM

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Two cat Sam,

The  alleged  winnings are posted  on the  message board of forums   for  others to see  and to satisfy their own  inflated EGO

The LOSSES are  being treated the same   way as    " What happens in VEGAS  stays in VEGAS" .

If you have  won just one  Dollar today you are more likely to tell the  truth than all those " fiction  writers " with their pipe dreams. They are either politicians or  liars.

Nathan Detroit.


Quote from: Bally6354 on January 06, 2013, 12:32:59 PM
This one is called the 'Barrycentric Binomial Benefit method' (I hope he copyrighted that)

Ok, got it, thanks.  :thumbsup:

Skakus is someone I'd like to see on this forum, he has a certain style.  :P


ignatus.......I'm with you.  I've never cleared a dollar myself.

Superman.........sorry about that error.  I am flush with them.  Probably accounts for my first sentence to ignatus.

N.D.............I did win a dollar.  If I can do that thousands of times, I'll be in the clear!

Bally.........I studied the B.B.B.M. by Skakus.  Even asked him a couple of questions.  Frankly, I got lost on the F this Cop That.  What does that mean?  Is it from a movie like FUBAR?  He is going to make some videos.  I'm there.  I get very suspicious of a system when the author changes it along the way.  Maybe that's why the guy asked for clarity.  I'm not knocking Skakus behind his back; I'm that way about every system.  Tweaks bother me.

Ralph.......I'd be most interested to know what changes have occurred in line bets.  Anyone?


If dogs don't go to heaven, when I die I want to go where dogs go.   ...Will Rogers


Quote from: TwoCatSam on January 06, 2013, 02:20:08 PM

Ralph.......I'd be most interested to know what changes have occurred in line bets.  Anyone?


Please clarify I do not have a clue of that the question is about.



It's my ol' unintelligent haid actin' up again!  You said changes in on line betting.  I though you meant changes to betting a line!


If dogs don't go to heaven, when I die I want to go where dogs go.   ...Will Rogers



I'm so pleased someone thought the idea worth exploring further:  http://betselection.cc/private-general-board/esoito%27s-pipe-dream/

It's at least worth trying even if it all goes tits up.

The naysayers might indeed be right.  But that's no reason not to try -- they might, just might -- even be wrong...

Persistence and vision and, dare I say it, dreams as well, have always underpinned giant steps forward in whatever field you care to think of....

That said, I'll lock the topic. It's served its purpose.

If you want to be part of this grand experiment then we'll see you in the thread above.


This has spawned its own section in the private area!


I personally thank esoito for giving us a boost in moving together towards the common goal of winning more.

I'm certain good posts are going to born from this. Some would agree we're seeing some good posting already :)

Email/Paypal: betselectiongmail.com
-- Victor