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Started by PatternAnalys, September 06, 2019, 05:47:21 AM

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RTM simply mean regression after imbalance toward more balanced result....albeit after very long spins or hand.

Since LABBY needs only 33.34%hit to produce profit.
then we need long ...1000spins hands to always win at least 1u.

We never heard 1000spins hit less than 33.4%...
THUS what and where the problem to win even 1u?

Please post your suggestions, ideas, or any question, all are welcome...


since worst ever for EC=69HIT/200SPINS.
then theoritically 1000/200=5x69 =345hit/1000.

We could safely deduce that the worst ever that we could never see in our lifetime.

maybe ALBALAHA...or any respected members here could check their computer to see THE WORST EVER EC OR SINGLE DOZEN... IN 1000HITS/HAND.
then we could safely build a labby@johnny around the worst to even win 1u...by manipulating the progression.

if 1000 too long unplayable in bm
...then 300 also good since worst 69+33=102/300spins...theoritically...then we could build labby@johnny around it.
Please post your suggestions, ideas, or any question, all are welcome...


member like..NICKMSI...who always quest for a little edge...after long spins ...
could trying to bet with labby since FLATBET always frustrating...
Please post your suggestions, ideas, or any question, all are welcome...


even if you can't have "a little edge". as espoused by the mathboys...then if your betselection always not far from  -3%...not a problem with labby.
Please post your suggestions, ideas, or any question, all are welcome...


as always...evry erudite member here knows that labby always snowballing the br...and marthy takesover at the very last needed hit.

then we need a modified hp.johnny to tackle these...
Please post your suggestions, ideas, or any question, all are welcome...


labby needs 33.34hitrate to win...
but hp.johnson more flexible...wherr you could determine
how many hit to close...and even prolong the bets by creating more strings to endure variance.

two simple way to start Johnny.
1. fixed string where you crossout ONE digit..the leftmost digit or string.
say...you want to win 1u...in 500hits.
then 499zero+1....
crossout the left after a hit...and when lose...write a 1 at the right side of previous 1...
when all zero replaced with 1...add the leftmost and rightmost...that's bet 2u.
if win...crossout only the left...if lose add 1 to the leftmost and  a 1 to second leftmost...then bet 1+2=
bet 3u...

Another johnny is ...to win1 in 500hit
=999zero plus a 1...
bet like labby..but in fixed 1000string...and crossout TWO...when win....the right and left...
Please post your suggestions, ideas, or any question, all are welcome...


HP Johnson is foolish labby how many times you need to be told. It seems you only read things and never simulate or play for real, so it looked  very bright to you.
Take a case of an hp Johnson looking for 7 wins so 13 zeros and 1. 7 wins came in 20 spins only, this way
DESPITE a great starting wins it earned nothing till the last painful win. You better forget this silly progression. Labouchere is great by itself and if u r ready to risk upto 5000 chips, you are winning even 69/200 with the basic labouchere.
Email: earnsumit@gmail.com - Visit my blog: http://albalaha.lefora.com
Can mentor a real, regular and serious player


Thank you sir for your thought.
If we bet hp johnny for very short spins...say..20 or even 30spins...it be very painful..suicidal..BUT..
if you simulate very long....say..1000spins...you see that it will almost a grail...the labby@johnson...is a martingale  instead of a single hit..is a modified marthy..that...win with predetermined hit...
1000 spins can't possibly less than40%hit...check you zumma...see how low the worst EC per 1000...
I am eager to know...
ps.i can't believe you can't understand how 5d/23s=40+%...?
Please post your suggestions, ideas, or any question, all are welcome...


HP Johnson worst side is trying to fix number of wins without having any estimate of its span. Classic labouchere gets bigger in certain number of losses and wins back in a bit more than half of that only. Labby is mathematical while Johnny is foolish. If you want to safeguard bets from getting big in first few losses, start a 01 labby. So LLLLLLL WILL LOOK LIKE 011111111 only.
Email: earnsumit@gmail.com - Visit my blog: http://albalaha.lefora.com
Can mentor a real, regular and serious player


the labby is flexible yet daunting...

if you bet 1000spins with hpjohnny...you can't possibly lose....
if 1000 too short...then.

in your own blog you says 3700spins..where almost every ec dz may rtm...thus bet with hpjohnny with 1800 will not suicidal...
there's a nick of realization...its
your own ideas BUT...that you yet realize.
you almost get the ideas but you just not see it...when you eventually realize it...you will jump up eureka...and not post anything here forever...as..you have a grail..
people knows about it just zipped up...
Please post your suggestions, ideas, or any question, all are welcome...


as you said..Labby is mathematical..
then (i know you already heard this stales.. a thousand time...i can imagine you roll up your eyes )...

200EC has at least 69hits..
thus more than the 33.34%.
it will certainly close...
you can also bet with  johnny...137zero plus 1.
as it close with 69hits.

but... the pertinent question...the snowball br and table limit....solved  this...eureka!
Please post your suggestions, ideas, or any question, all are welcome...


if...you want to bet 1000spins with
hpjohnson..then you could bet that

WHY 345 the extreme virtual limit?
simply because worst ever recorded  is still
69/200...thus 1000 will never see 69x5=345.

bet with 690 fixed string of johnny.
that 689zeros  with a 1.

a win strike out two digit...
the left and rightmost..
thus flatbet will never than 690time.
and labby will not more than 345time.
but marthy still will kick in...sigh..

Please post your suggestions, ideas, or any question, all are welcome...


OMG. Again HP Johnson?  I told you that if the last win took bad turn it is the worst martingale you might have ever seen. Basic 01 labouchere is better. This being my last comment on this progression. If you can't comprehend that hp Johnson is foolish way,  I can't help it anymore.
Email: earnsumit@gmail.com - Visit my blog: http://albalaha.lefora.com
Can mentor a real, regular and serious player


Math wise..
the labby..or any added zero in front of 1...that prolong snowballing....will definitely win before or on the 200th EC spin...or hand.

if it definitely win in every season..of 200..
then what and why YOU...AND I... still posting here?

its because the br gone horrible...and the deadly marthy.

the hpjohnny is just another version of labby  that also face same debacle...The johnny can prolong the flatbet and prolong the labbying process..
we need to manipulate the progression to avoid horibble br and the deadly marthy....to win 1u...before the very last win hit...

think hard...
Please post your suggestions, ideas, or any question, all are welcome...


HP Johnson is set to win 1 unit only at last and it can lose even a million before that becoming a poor martingale at last. Basic labouchere can't go so bad in any possibility. The element of martingale makes  Johnson unintelligent's playground only. If you have 5000 units BR, labby will win all cases for you.
Email: earnsumit@gmail.com - Visit my blog: http://albalaha.lefora.com
Can mentor a real, regular and serious player