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Mistruths, Drama and Made Up Garbage and Gambling Forums

Started by alrelax, December 04, 2019, 05:45:20 PM

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Gobbledy Gook and BlaBlaBla Mistruths-Drama-and Made Up Garbage Appearing Online

Causes and Effects Resulting in Bad Circumstances to the Player

I will give you the punch line first here:
  That people tend to seek information that aligns with their views.  In some form, fashion or other means, I do wholeheartedly believe that we are all guilty of this at times.  The problem being on message boards, a handful of members will blast the majority of others with a repetitive and usually challenging statement with zero or very little facts, research or experiences, just a statement to cause drama and upset.  Period.  No other reason other than the selfishness and audience stealing desire of the poster coming on the scene to disrupt a member's thread.  Again, Period. No matter the original author's purpose, points or how much time and trouble they put into the original posting to help make a community.  Unlike a real classroom or seminar setting, where an actual challenge will come about and constructive and real pros and cons are cited and discussed with ample time for questions and answers, etc.  But on message boards, a group of the stronger and self-proclaimed masters or professional gamblers, usually take hold and attempt domination.  Moderation will generally bring on a citation by those offenders of the Admin and the Moderators stopping free speech, etc.  Then the vicious cycle begins.  Then sides are taken and the personalities overrule the chance to share info, data and really useful research and real-life experiences.

And what are the consequences? Why will the players hurt themselves the highest majority of the times?  Because, they will convince themselves that erroneous and bad information they are tailoring to themselves will successfully assist them to accomplish their goals of winning large sums of money and no matter what or how they attempt to adjust, they are truly fighting a losing battle.  They started with the wrong equipment and tools concerning the gambling war chest IMO, they believe in false agendas, faked info and stories, etc., that add so much weight and burden to their gaming attempts.  Therefore, when the player finally uncovers the truth, he lost virtually all of his capital, personal and business relationships, along with burning himself out past redemption the highest majority of the times.  Great for the casino, great for your casino host, great for the loan sharks, great for the pawn shops, great for everyone involved in the industry except for yourself.  PLEASE NOTE:  You do not have to believe me, you do not have to follow me, you do not have to find validity in anything I say or do, in fact why not just believe someone that is an ex-world class skier mastering 100 plus MPH 70% or so downgrades or others claiming to have gambled around the world and constantly posts pictures of on-line scoreboards with 5 to 7 shoes of losing statistics and a final one each day where he finally recouped all of his losses and profited for the day?

Onward.  Let me explain.  Why the rise and change since the 70's through the mid-90's?  Even bring that out a bit past 2000.  Because of the internet and making money, that's why.  Coupled with the other non-sense with social media, message boards and other internet forums used for the wrong reasons.

"Truth is no longer dictated by authorities, teachers, professors, and people with a lot of real-life experiences and those that really have a good-hearted desire to help others share their own school of hard knocks.  But is networked by peers with lots of other reasons, rather than those I just laid out.  For every fact there is a counter fact and all these counter facts and facts look identical online, which is confusing to most people."  There is your reasoning, pick it apart, agree with it or not.  But, IMO, it is 100% spot on, without one reservation whatsoever!

And misinformation is dangerous, REAL DANGEROUS, especially in gambling because, misinformation is not like a plumbing problem you fix. It is a social condition, like crime, that you must constantly monitor and adjust to not knowing what has actually worked or what has not.  If you do not know, you simply will most likely get hurt, and in gambling that means a real hurt, the loss of your money.

The sad part is, you will not be able to figure it out conclusively, what exactly is real and what exactly is made up or lies or just told with motives not in your best interest.   For someone really trying to learn something within the message boards, it causes a great deal of confusion and needless drama--sometimes by mistake and sometimes intentionally.  IMO, there is not much more of an explanation that just that. Correct me if I am wrong!

Their reasoning revealed a wide range of opinions about the nature of these threats and the most likely solutions required to resolve them. But the overarching and competing themes were clear:  Those who do not think things will improve felt that humans mostly shape technology advances to their own, not-fully-noble purposes and that bad actors with bad motives will thwart the best efforts of technology innovators to remedy today's problems.

And those who are most hopeful believed that technological fixes can be implemented to bring out the better angels guiding human nature.  Yeah right!  Sure thing and the rich and the wealthy will wake up every day at 4 AM and head out to their local restaurant and stay there all day and pay for everyone's food that cannot afford to eat, etc.


The fake news ecosystem preys on some of our deepest human instincts:  Respondents said humans, 'primal quest for success and power,  their survival, instinct, will continue to degrade the online information environment in the next decade'.  They predicted that manipulative actors will use new digital tools to take advantage of humans--inbred preference for comfort and convenience and their craving for the answers they find in reinforcing echo chambers.  Sorry, but in reality, it is like that in all facets of business.  It is a business thing, not out of the goodness of everyone's hearts.  I am a realist but the fake news thing is not at all hard to figure out.  It is about business and money, no matter if politics are involved.  Fact. Period.

Our brains are not wired to contend with the pace of technological change:  These respondents said the rising speed, reach and efficiencies of the internet and emerging online applications will magnify these human tendencies and that technology-based solutions will not be able to overcome them. They predicted a future information landscape in which fake information crowds out reliable information. Some even foresaw a world in which widespread information scams and mass manipulation cause broad swathes of public to simply give up on being informed participants in civic life.

Technology can help fix these problems:
These more hopeful experts said the rising speed, reach and efficiencies of the internet, apps and platforms can be harnessed to rein in fake news and misinformation campaigns. Some predicted better methods will arise to create and promote trusted, fact-based news sources.

It is also human nature to come together and fix problems:  The hopeful experts in the internet and AI industries, took the view that people have always adapted to change and that this current wave of challenges will also be overcome. They noted that misinformation and bad actors have always existed but have eventually been marginalized by smart people and processes. They expect well-meaning actors will work together to find ways to enhance the information environment. They also believe better information literacy among citizens will enable people to judge the veracity of material content and eventually raise the tone of discourse.

Here, remember Glen said this:
"Misinformation is not like a plumbing problem you fix. It is a social condition, like crime, that you must constantly monitor and adjust to. Since as far back as the era of radio and before, as Winston Churchill said, 'A lie can go around the world before the truth gets its pants on'."

Michael J. Oghia, an author, editor and journalist based in Europe, said he expects a worsening of the information environment due to five things:  1) The spread of misinformation and hate;  2) Inflammation, sociocultural conflict and violence; 3) The breakdown of socially accepted/agreed-upon knowledge and what constitutes 'fact'; 4) A new digital divide of those subscribed (and ultimately controlled) by misinformation and those who are 'enlightened' by information based on reason, logic, scientific inquiry and critical thinking; 5) Further divides between communities, so that as we are more connected we are farther apart. And many others.' I dug that paragraph out I saved from Michael Oghia, it is spot on and so amazingly correct IMO.

Please take a breath, please read the following carefully:

You need to really sit down and say, who is the author, what is his/her purpose of writing what I am reading?  Why should I believe what is written?  Why would this person say negative, derogatory, hateful, vindictive, humiliating, and/or chastising things or anything of the like against the other person!  Say those things.

While propaganda and the manipulation of the public via falsehoods is a tactic as old as the human race, many of these experts predicted that the speed, reach and low cost of online communication plus continuously emerging innovations will magnify the threat level significantly.

'The internet is the 21st century's threat of a 'nuclear winter,' and there is no equivalent international framework for nonproliferation or disarmament. The public can grasp the destructive power of nuclear weapons in a way they will never understand the utterly corrosive power of the internet to civilized society, when there is no reliable mechanism for sorting out what people can believe to be true or false.?

What actually works in a casino?  What actually worked on line gaming in 2,000 spins you had to consecutively wager on to profit by a guaranteed 5 units?  Etc., Etc., Etc.  You think AI can provide the answers.  Someday it might.  And when that day comes the game itself will somehow be changed.  But without everyone understanding AI and everything along with it, the internet with carrying the messages will still hurt the person reading and interpreting them, with their attempts to apply same within the casino to make money.  That is the absolute sad bottom line.

Problem being, more and more, history is being written, rewritten and corrected, because more and more people have the ways and means to do so. Therefore, there is ever more information that competes for attention, for credibility and for influence.

The other huge problem along the same lines is, the audiences typically are looking for information that fits their belief systems, so it is a really tough problem.

Humans are by nature selfish, tribal, gullible convenience seekers who put the most trust in that which seems familiar.

It comes down to motivation:
There is no market for the truth. The public is not motivated to seek out verified, vetted information. They are happy hearing what confirms their views. And people can gain more creating fake information (both monetary and in notoriety) than they can keeping it from occurring.  I am sorry I am publishing this really, because so many of you will blame me for things that actually happen, but all I am doing in reality, is pointing out the book, the covers and the dust jacket.  Each of you are filling in the words on the internet, in your own book, on my website BetSelection, etc., etc.  That is where so many of you are confused and stay confused.

As a group, humans are 'stupid'. It is 'group mind' or a 'group phenomenon' or, as George Carlin said, "Never underestimate the power of stupid people in large groups." Then, you have Kierkegaard, who said, "People demand freedom of speech as a compensation for the freedom of thought which they seldom use."  And finally, Euripides said, "Talk sense to a fool and he calls you foolish".  If you cannot think and reason, gambling and the casino is not for you.  I wholeheartedly promise you that.

People on systems like Facebook are increasingly forming into 'echo chambers' of those who think alike. They will keep unfriending those who don't, and passing on rumors and fake news that agrees with their point of view the exact same as we do on gambling message boards and forums, no different!

Scott Shamp, a dean at Florida State University, commented, "Too many groups gain power through the proliferation of inaccurate or misleading information. When there is value in misinformation, it will rule."  But with gambling, internet message boards, forums, etc., it will still be burdened upon the receiver to deceiver what is actually right or wrong or what can or cannot apply to his needs and situations.  If he cannot do that, he will only hurt himself and continue the money loss.

Facts, truths, I will take my cash and wager on that, etc., some things are not black and white; for other situations, facts brought up to come to a conclusion are different that other facts used by others in a situation. Each can have real facts, but it is the facts that are gathered that matter in coming to a conclusion; who will determine what facts will be considered or what is even considered a fact?

It will certainly mean a greater degree of misinformation in the public internet sector and that is exactly what has been happening.  In general, not just in gambling message boards, but across the whole Internet thing.  It is easy to write, no one to check, re check and source everything.  Good and bad.  Good when everything is accurate, truthful and justified for its purpose.  Bad when it is motivated by not so good motives and reasonings.

Before, it took some kind of money and time as a general rule to get your word out, today all of which is changed.  And that is exactly my point. On my forum Betselection or otherwise.  Same, same.  Period. 

In regards to a gambling system published for whatever reason on the internet or a message board on a forum.  'It is too easy to create fake facts, too labor-intensive to check and too easy to fool checking algorithms.'  Why?  Because there are many alternative motives and for the regular consumer that is just using the message board to learn and gain knowledge in an innocent way, he himself better be extra cautious and diligent. Worse and worse every day for the newcomers.  I am sure that statement will get me even more haters and enemies than I already have!  But I stand by it and love the challenges of those newcomers and their fake facts and dreamed up blablabla.

You better read the following and apply it, because it is the best truth about the internet in a short 3 sentences that I ever read.  1) 'Artificial intelligence that will supplament human judgment is being pursued aggressively by entities in the Silicon Valley and elsewhere.  2) Algorithmic solutions to replacing human judgment are subject to hidden bias and will ultimately fail to accomplish this goal. They will only continue the centralization of power in a small number of companies that control the flow of information. 3) The 'wild west' state of the internet will not be permitted to continue by those with power, as we are already seeing with increased national pressure on providers/companies by a range of means from law and regulation to moral and consumer pressures.

The people that really succeed or actually get something out of all this internet movement are; humans that are adaptive. When faced with novel predatory phenomena, counter-forces emerge to balance or defeat them.  But each one has to decide what are right, correct, lies, mistruths, or just plain does not apply to their purpose within gambling, the casino, baccarat, etc.  And that is tough for most everyone or just plain anti productive and time consuming.  We are at the beginning of a large scale negative impact from the undermining of a social sense of reliable fact. Counter-forces are already emerging. The presence of large scale 'landlords' controlling significant sections of the ecosystem (e.g., Google, Facebook) aids in this counter-response.  And those very things, Google, Facebook, etc., has overwhelming mentality implements into the minds of people like you and you carry it into gambling, the casino and online forums.

In reality and subjective view, IMO, I would have to say, this whole internet thing with all its content, direction and influence can never entirely be eliminated, but it can be managed.

The biggest risk, as with many things, is that narrow self-interest stops people from effectively collaborating.  And that will happen across the entire internet, whether it is a gambling message board forum or a news outlet.

As we understand more about digital misinformation, we will design better tools, policies and opportunities for collective action.  But IMO, there are huge amounts of work to do and that will take some time.  What a portion of society is ready for are the airbags, the safety belts and the many other features an auto of today needs and can support.  However, the largest amount of society is not ready for it or even can sustain it with the knowledge and desire.  Those are the ones that suffer from the results of the lies, the mistruths, the self serving dialogs and everything else on the internet, etc.  And what I just said, Glen said that is, that very thing is happening right now on Betselction forum.  And all other forums, IMO anyways.

You cannot and will never, machine-learn our way out of this disaster, which is actually a perfect storm of poor civics knowledge and poor information literacy, plain and simple.

>>>PLEASE READ TWICE<<<:  You cannot and will never solve your gambling problems or really find your gambling advantages via technology.  Reason being, you have to have the background in order to deceiver the wrong and the right or actually if finding the right is even possible.  It still and I do believe, will always take Blood, Sweat & Tears with a bunch of Hard Knocks in order to figure it all out.  Machines, the internet, the AI and all those rolled up and taken into consideration, can only assist oneself at best.  A gambler still needs good judgement, no make that, superior judgement!  Otherwise he has nothing to base his decisions on and nothing to measure them against.  And that is where so many argue, internet fight, disagree and get into trouble attempting to do so.

Remember newspapers?  Remember magazines.  I used to read them religiously, why?  Because everything was double and triple sourced, checked and rechecked and written by journalists that went out and wrote what they found, without the 90% plus alternative motives what is happening these days.  Reducing 'fake news' requires a profession whose members share a commitment to getting it right. That, in turn, requires a source of money to pay such professional journalists. Advertising used to provide newspapers with money to pay such people. That money is drying up, and it seems unlikely to be replaced within the next decade.  Those are facts, face it or not.  That is what is happening today in 2019.  In newspapers as well as on the internet, because of the internet.

And, what does an industry top professional say in regards to just that?   "The problem with online news is structural: There are too few gatekeepers, and the internet business model does not sustain quality journalism. The reason is simply that advertising revenue has been untethered from news production."  And, IMO once again, it filters right down to and replicates itself with internet message boards.

Many of those experts said the flaws in human nature and still-undeveloped norms in the digital age are the key problems that make users susceptible to false, misleading and manipulative online narratives. One potential remedy those respondents suggested was a massive compulsory crusade to educate all in digital-age information literacy. Such an effort, some said, might prepare more people to be wise in what they view/read/believe and possibly even serve to upgrade the overall social norms of information sharing.  I totally agree.

From Harvard University on Internet & Society, 'False information' intentionally or inadvertently so, "is neither new nor the result of new technologies. It may now be easier to spread to more people more quickly, but the responsibility for sifting facts from fiction has always sat with the person receiving that information and always will."

What is actually happening?  'Human beings are losing their capability to question and to refuse. Young people are growing into a world where those skills are not being taught.'

The bottom line is, or at least mine is, relying on algorithms and automated measures will result in various unwanted consequences.  You can refute that, but you seriously have no leg to stand on because you cannot prove otherwise, only say it in words.

Not just the internet thing we now have as a way of life and communications, but most things in general, Ignorance breeds frustration and "a growing fraction of the population has neither the skills nor the native intelligence to master deceiving what is factual, reality, historical or correct but been replaced by technological AI that has been proven".  And, therein lies so much of the problem that it is scary, at least to me it is.

Jim Warren, an internet pioneer and open-government/open-records/open-meetings advocate, said, "False and misleading information has always been part of all cultures (gossip, tabloids, etc.). Teaching judgment has always been the solution, and it always will be. I (still) trust the longstanding principle of free speech: The best cure for 'offensive' speech is MORE speech. The only major fear I have is of massive communications conglomerates imposing pervasive censorship."  And, therefore there has to be limits as to what can be, should be, has to be, what should not be and what has to prevail in print.  Whether we are talking about a message board, a magazine, a newspaper, the TV News or anything else.  IMO, the problem with a media such as BetSelction Message Forum, is that we are all in the one room together.  The 21 year old with limited knowledge and experience as well as that hard core 60 year old person that has a ton of information, experience and knowledge that others could very well learn from.  However, there are also those others, that have the desire to entice, bump, shake and only cause problems to hamper a community from actually all rallying together.  While those latter types are the minority in almost all cases, they certainly cause the majority to pull back, reserve themselves as well as limiting their participation due to the infliction of chastising, humiliation and other verbal abuse that the majority rather not have to be dealing with.  Quote me on that one please!

And as always, one thing that has never really changed is, the responsibility is with the person who is seeking the results, stories, data and trying to get information on what is going on.  And that is going to hold down the successful use of the message boards for quite some time.  The other thing on the message boards that makes it so difficult, IMO, is the declassification of the members knowledge, experience, and ability.  Everyone is within one room like I said.  While that is fine for many, many really do not desire to teach gambling 101, every time they sign on to check for content, etc.  And those that are just coming on board, they have a ton of questions and little answers.  Fitting in is tough to do, in so many situations.  Couple that, with the bothersome 5 or 7 or 10 members almost all boards have, that are only present to stir the pot, cause trouble, show off, contribute nothing, challenge most everything with their expression of free speech, etc., and it brings down the overall good purpose and great melting pot that most of us really do desire.

The question that I will close with is: In the next few years, will trusted methods emerge to block false narratives and allow the most accurate information to prevail in the overall information on message boards? Or will the quality and veracity of information online deteriorate due to the spread of unreliable, sometimes even dangerous, socially bias and outright lies because of those peddling their commercial endeavors as well as those that have no other purpose except to cause disruption?

In classrooms, seminars and workshops of the conventional and classical kinds, we do not have to endure the anonymity of everyone refusing to divulge who they are or where they live or why they are present.  As well, the class does not have to tolerate the aggressive class clown, the 2 or 3 with their disruptive and annoying behavior, as they will be dealt with immediately in most all cases.  Finally, the class as a whole or at least the majority of it, will be able to actually apply themselves and gain back what they generally put forth.

And that my friend is old-school learning, gaining knowledge and experience from others to mold-shape and form for your own advantage!
My Blog within BetSelection Board: https://betselection.cc/index.php?board=250.0

Played well over 37,120 shoes of baccarat since I started playing at B&M USA casinos.


"Don't say it's a winning hand until you are getting paid for it".

Played numerous properties in Las Vegas, Reno, Southern California, Atlantic City, Connecticut, South Florida, The South/Southeast as well as most areas of The Midwest.

Baccarat, actually a mixture of Watergate, attacking the Gotti Family and the famous ear biting Tyson fight leading to disqualification and a near riot.  Bac has all that & more.
Administrator & Forum Board Owner  of  BetSelection.cc
EMAIL: Betselectionboard@Gmail.Com

Ronjo 2

Hello Alrelax, a long read but a interesting read, spot on.  :thumbsup: it's been a long time since I have been on a forum and I see a lot of things are not the same as the good old school.
Have a lovely day,


Good post Al.

Anyway I think that gambling forums defend readers by definition as it's quite easy to falsify directly the theories, ideas or methods presented (without insulting of course).
Providing they are offered for free.

Since many games are still considered unbeatable and no matter how prestigious is the source, there's no point to purchase anything from anyone and this is just a very good starting.

Baccarat is 99% skill and 1% luck

(Friday Night Lights TV series)

(Nelson Mandela)

Winners don't do different things, they do things differently (Albalaha)

Success is not a goal, it's just a by-product


Took some time to put it in words, but a bit more informative than the industry standard 'one-liner'.
My Blog within BetSelection Board: https://betselection.cc/index.php?board=250.0

Played well over 37,120 shoes of baccarat since I started playing at B&M USA casinos.


"Don't say it's a winning hand until you are getting paid for it".

Played numerous properties in Las Vegas, Reno, Southern California, Atlantic City, Connecticut, South Florida, The South/Southeast as well as most areas of The Midwest.

Baccarat, actually a mixture of Watergate, attacking the Gotti Family and the famous ear biting Tyson fight leading to disqualification and a near riot.  Bac has all that & more.
Administrator & Forum Board Owner  of  BetSelection.cc
EMAIL: Betselectionboard@Gmail.Com


"In regards to a gambling system published for whatever reason on the internet or a message board on a forum.  'It is too easy to create fake facts, too labor-intensive to check and too easy to fool checking algorithms.'  Why?  Because there are many alternative motives and for the regular consumer that is just using the message board to learn and gain knowledge in an innocent way, he himself better be extra cautious and diligent. Worse and worse every day for the newcomers.  I am sure that statement will get me even more haters and enemies than I already have!  But I stand by it and love the challenges of those newcomers and their fake facts and dreamed up blablabla.

You better read the following and apply it, because it is the best truth about the internet in a short 3 sentences that I ever read.  1) 'Artificial intelligence that will supplament human judgment is being pursued aggressively by entities in the Silicon Valley and elsewhere.  2) Algorithmic solutions to replacing human judgment are subject to hidden bias and will ultimately fail to accomplish this goal. They will only continue the centralization of power in a small number of companies that control the flow of information. 3) The 'wild west' state of the internet will not be permitted to continue by those with power, as we are already seeing with increased national pressure on providers/companies by a range of means from law and regulation to moral and consumer pressures."
My Blog within BetSelection Board: https://betselection.cc/index.php?board=250.0

Played well over 37,120 shoes of baccarat since I started playing at B&M USA casinos.


"Don't say it's a winning hand until you are getting paid for it".

Played numerous properties in Las Vegas, Reno, Southern California, Atlantic City, Connecticut, South Florida, The South/Southeast as well as most areas of The Midwest.

Baccarat, actually a mixture of Watergate, attacking the Gotti Family and the famous ear biting Tyson fight leading to disqualification and a near riot.  Bac has all that & more.
Administrator & Forum Board Owner  of  BetSelection.cc
EMAIL: Betselectionboard@Gmail.Com


Yes it is long and yes I decided to bump it up for somebody that emailed me the other day and was making reference to it and wanted it brought back and couldn't find it.

If you don't have time to read it, I don't know why you're reading Forum Boards. Maybe just for one liners, lookng for something that's two sentences long that's going to solve all your problems and give you the road to riches?

>>>PLEASE READ TWICE<<<:  You cannot and will never solve your gambling problems or really find your gambling advantages via technology.  Reason being, you have to have the background in order to deceiver the wrong and the right or actually if finding the right is even possible.  It still and I do believe, will always take Blood, Sweat & Tears with a bunch of Hard Knocks in order to figure it all out.  Machines, the internet, the AI and all those rolled up and taken into consideration, can only assist oneself at best.  A gambler still needs good judgement, no make that, superior judgement!  Otherwise he has nothing to base his decisions on and nothing to measure them against.  And that is where so many argue, internet fight, disagree and get into trouble attempting to do so.

My Blog within BetSelection Board: https://betselection.cc/index.php?board=250.0

Played well over 37,120 shoes of baccarat since I started playing at B&M USA casinos.


"Don't say it's a winning hand until you are getting paid for it".

Played numerous properties in Las Vegas, Reno, Southern California, Atlantic City, Connecticut, South Florida, The South/Southeast as well as most areas of The Midwest.

Baccarat, actually a mixture of Watergate, attacking the Gotti Family and the famous ear biting Tyson fight leading to disqualification and a near riot.  Bac has all that & more.
Administrator & Forum Board Owner  of  BetSelection.cc
EMAIL: Betselectionboard@Gmail.Com


Thank you Al.  Excellent work and needs to be read several times.

I hope the little experiment to have more motivation, ie Members, reading the XXVV material, will assist.

The numbers week by week, month by month will demonstrate the trends. I hope Membership increases.

My intention is simply to share a wealth of experience, and attempt to present it in an accessible way.

In the midst of this there will emerge a better way to play roulette, a more efficient way, ie faster and more profitable. I am no expert in card games and other casino activities but I believe roulette has more potential than any other casino game to enable substantial profit without  management obstruction, as most consider the game unbeatable.

Parallel with this growing roulette skill and with success will come the opportunity to take profit and re-distribute funds in our society.

I want to show some new and exciting Markets investment methods above and beyond roulette to further enable access to 'free' money. By that I mean 'free' of emotional entanglement, obligations, debt and guilt.

It is not an easy road but by definition the Forum will attract motivated and passionate intelligent readers and players.

My driving motivation is to show various ways, not just one way, to improve our roulette play, our self knowledge, and ways/ values that can break through past fixed misunderstandings.  In short to make profit and to be happy.

Roulette play certainly makes me happy and over the years my experience and interests have broadened. I want to share this.

Best Wishes


The problem is Richard, it's not fun to do it the way you're talking about. Actually reading, applying, researching, learning and repeating the process. The way most people engage in their forums or most people apply themselves is to read a few posts, believe they had mastered everything, pretending they grasped the Holy Grail and apply it in the casino or even online. That's the fun way, that's the way that appeals to most everyone these days.  Sorry if I offended anybody but to me that's reality of what's happening these days.
My Blog within BetSelection Board: https://betselection.cc/index.php?board=250.0

Played well over 37,120 shoes of baccarat since I started playing at B&M USA casinos.


"Don't say it's a winning hand until you are getting paid for it".

Played numerous properties in Las Vegas, Reno, Southern California, Atlantic City, Connecticut, South Florida, The South/Southeast as well as most areas of The Midwest.

Baccarat, actually a mixture of Watergate, attacking the Gotti Family and the famous ear biting Tyson fight leading to disqualification and a near riot.  Bac has all that & more.
Administrator & Forum Board Owner  of  BetSelection.cc
EMAIL: Betselectionboard@Gmail.Com


Well that's okay.   We are not aiming at appealing to the masses. Although I would think there might be one or two little details/ tricks that might catch someone's attention from what I demonstrate. There are also some dedicated followers of roulette in the membership. Please do not underestimate the hunger for new realisations, and that surely is fun being on a quest. It is my ongoing quest also.

At this stage I just like to share broad brush my interests and how they are expressed in roulette and in the casino environment. It is a journey and I am enjoying it, for every day for me is learning, application and further tuning after going through many past roller coaster rides while experimenting. Now we are on firmer ground and making solid progress ( eg latest matrix applications) added to existing techniques that are proven in Cluster Analysis.

Soon I will do a short summary and focus on the best applications and the destination will be reached, early 2021.

The parallel notes on psychology and some mind training applications will follow over a few weeks and then that is my contribution. The information will be made available for those who choose.

As you suggest that may not appeal to some or even most Forum readers, but in my view if just one person is interested and benefits that makes it worthwhile. There is no cost to what I am offering. It is my pleasure and privilege for which I am very grateful. In fact it really  is win-win-win but I would say that wouldn't I -lol.

As I have mentioned elsewhere I am very grateful for the opportunity to write here. It has been a wonderful training for me also. There is a spark in our human nature that seeks out adventure and growth. I find this in business, investments, research and development, as in roulette. The social benefits I have gained through roulette and the casino environment this past very challenging ten years have been phenomenal, and they grow as does our social network and opportunities.

When this next 2-3 month phase in writing for XXVV is complete I will focus once again on Markets/Investment and Design/Construction when our world recovers and parallel with that I will publish on a wider theme and encourage others to share various Quests, but always using what I have discovered with Roulette as an inspiration. Why limit ourselves? Yup, I believe in miracles.

Best Wishes


A further thought in the context of this communication. The location for this discussion is in a pretty grimly titled subject area, but never mind I sometimes do business in the rougher parts of town -lol.  Non judgmental you see.

"It can be but my gratitude I earn."

I will not quote the author of this but you might be surprised.

What in essence it is saying, is that I seek no applause or even positive acknowledgement of the material I publish. I gain my own gratitude in small steps if necessary and I celebrate my own success, while encouraging others.

It is my journey which I share. It is free. And it might help those who apply the principles therein but Al it is a life principle that no gain is achieved without effort. My studies are easy for me, but it takes practice and attitude to flourish. There are no short cuts or easy passages. However I have tried to show a way forward and I declare that Roulette offers a rich mine of treasure for those prepared to work. If not, do not join me.

For those who choose however it is not long before the adrenaline and great bio chemistry works to energise, and our native curiosity to seek out better ways assists us. It is all good.

In future I will be writing back in my home territory -lol.

Best Wishes


I must say that this gives us hope. I feel that 2021 will be a great year for all of us. We will put the work in. Happy Holidays for all.


Quote from: usernametaken on December 17, 2020, 03:13:32 AM
I must say that this gives us hope. I feel that 2021 will be a great year for all of us. We will put the work in. Happy Holidays for all.

Love the "Positiveness"!  Thanks!
My Blog within BetSelection Board: https://betselection.cc/index.php?board=250.0

Played well over 37,120 shoes of baccarat since I started playing at B&M USA casinos.


"Don't say it's a winning hand until you are getting paid for it".

Played numerous properties in Las Vegas, Reno, Southern California, Atlantic City, Connecticut, South Florida, The South/Southeast as well as most areas of The Midwest.

Baccarat, actually a mixture of Watergate, attacking the Gotti Family and the famous ear biting Tyson fight leading to disqualification and a near riot.  Bac has all that & more.
Administrator & Forum Board Owner  of  BetSelection.cc
EMAIL: Betselectionboard@Gmail.Com


Quote from: alrelax on December 26, 2020, 03:37:29 AM
Love the "Positiveness"!  Thanks!


2020 is very bad for me when it comes to gambling investment.

Hope I can recover in 2021.


I scanned a few forums this morning.  LOL!  Love the dedication to so called testing.  But where in the hell does playing a shoe or two or three at a casino produce the same or nearly the same results as the tested average of 1,000 or 20,000 or 1,000,000 shoes?

Love the circle of drama driven people on each forum that live to chastise, humiliate and degrade others.

Love those members on certain forums that report their wins with zero proof, zero evidence, zero anything in fact except something along the lines of, 'the only way to win is to wager banker after such and such happens', etc.

And all the other repetitive standardized answers that they believe portrays themselves as discovering and actually possessing the Holy Grail and can apply it at will, anywhere anytime. 

Lots more, but the nonsense outweighs all else.

I did catch something with almost no response against it or for it though.  Which was; 'Many people claim they win all the time, if that is true they have the actual Holy Grail.  They should write a book, publish the proven system, and a host of other similar things that would generate tens of millions of dollars for themselves.  They should also play in casinos at baccarat tables which have never banned players for solely winning regardless of what has been claimed.  But they come on message boards to write nonsense and that is all.  There is not one single system, scheduled wagering plan, statistical betting format or anything of the likes that will consistently prevail.  And it will not, cannot, never did and never will.'

So very true! In fact, GREAT.

As I said within the original post I start this thread with still is super prevalent to this day, "And as always, one thing that has never really changed is, the responsibility is with the person who is seeking the results, stories, data and trying to get information on what is going on.  And that is going to hold down the successful use of the message boards for quite some time.  The other thing on the message boards that makes it so difficult, IMO, is the declassification of the members knowledge, experience, and ability.  Everyone is within one room like I said.  While that is fine for many, many really do not desire to teach gambling 101, every time they sign on to check for content, etc.  And those that are just coming on board, they have a ton of questions and little answers.  Fitting in is tough to do, in so many situations.  Couple that, with the bothersome 5 or 7 or 10 members almost all boards have, that are only present to stir the pot, cause trouble, show off, contribute nothing, challenge most everything with their expression of free speech, etc., and it brings down the overall good purpose and great melting pot that most of us really do desire."
My Blog within BetSelection Board: https://betselection.cc/index.php?board=250.0

Played well over 37,120 shoes of baccarat since I started playing at B&M USA casinos.


"Don't say it's a winning hand until you are getting paid for it".

Played numerous properties in Las Vegas, Reno, Southern California, Atlantic City, Connecticut, South Florida, The South/Southeast as well as most areas of The Midwest.

Baccarat, actually a mixture of Watergate, attacking the Gotti Family and the famous ear biting Tyson fight leading to disqualification and a near riot.  Bac has all that & more.
Administrator & Forum Board Owner  of  BetSelection.cc
EMAIL: Betselectionboard@Gmail.Com


"The Anatomy of Kindness" should play a role here , there and everywhere.
Recently BBC World Service told about it. Although the world might not feel like a very kind place at the moment. this might be just the time when acts of kindness matter the most. Back in August 2021 The Kindness Test was launched on BBC Radio 4. It was an online study created by a team at the University of Sussex. People could choose whether to take part. More than 60,000 did, This is now the world´s largest in-depth study on kindness.
               Donovan Leitch