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My questions for Kimo Li

Started by Albalaha, December 04, 2013, 05:53:17 AM

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Kimo Li


Your methods, of which I know nothing about, and care not to know, are yours. You are trying compare your methods with mine. As Tomla had point out, you seem to be able to figure things out, so use your own money management produce your own results.

If you are trying to figure out how I do things, you are not an innovator, you are a reverse engineer who is trying to synthesize and build upon ideas of others, which of course is the essence of progress not innovation.

I will cease in answering any of your questions as your intent is to extract information that will synthesize  your knowledge of roulette and to claim it your own. If you want to speak of your methods, please do so. I am more that willing to listen. I will not fall for your ruse.

Kimo Li

"Keep it in check," The Random Roulette Spin, Kimo Li


Email: earnsumit@gmail.com - Visit my blog: http://albalaha.lefora.com
Can mentor a real, regular and serious player


Dear Kimo Li,
     Your two statements:
Your methods, of which I know nothing about, and care not to know, are yours.
QuoteIf you want to speak of your methods, please do so. I am more that willing to listen.If

clash with each other.

You can see a compilation of a few of my old methods, you can visit this: http://betselection.cc/index.php?topic=2673.0

        Your betselections are innovative like nuke, bowtie, star,pie, boomrang and..........................
        Are they really giving any edge to a player in overall and sufficient to earn without any kind of money management or does it really increase the accuracy of predictions? If not, they are only as good as any random betselection.

QuoteI will cease in answering any of your questions as your intent is to extract information that will synthesize  your knowledge of roulette and to claim it your own.
           Is it a joke of some kind? Both of your books are as much open to all forum members as wikipedia. I have a compilation of hundreds of books on roulette and gambling costing anywhere from $1.99 to a few thousands of dollars. I can say none makes a player any better in terms of winning. Unless you have an exclusive skill to handle the best, average and the worst session equally easily, you are no better than any "unskilled" and "uneducated" gambler.
           I know all pros and cons to all the so called "progressions" and all of them "benefits" and "harms" proportionally and none is fit to be used in all kind of sessions.
Email: earnsumit@gmail.com - Visit my blog: http://albalaha.lefora.com
Can mentor a real, regular and serious player


Quote from: Albalaha on December 07, 2013, 12:38:16 AM
  Both of your books are as much open to all forum members as wikipedia. I have a compilation of hundreds of books on roulette and gambling costing anywhere from $1.99 to a few thousands of dollars.


  Please post up a scan of one of the $1000 books you have.   The cover will suffice.



How about posting genuinewinner woth $2500?
Email: earnsumit@gmail.com - Visit my blog: http://albalaha.lefora.com
Can mentor a real, regular and serious player


Well it's true that 'All talk but no proof' So..


Email: earnsumit@gmail.com - Visit my blog: http://albalaha.lefora.com
Can mentor a real, regular and serious player


The word 'good' doesn't do justice and is the understatement of the year..

Those results are simply astounding and outstanding. All are winning sessions bar one that lost next to nothing.

The overall profits for just 4 days of limited sessions indicate someone with self-discipline, with great skill, and well worth listening to.

Well done.  Very well done indeed!  :thumbsup: :thumbsup:

Kimo Li

Well done Weddings, simply amazing.

Kimo Li
"Keep it in check," The Random Roulette Spin, Kimo Li

Kimo Li

My questions for Kimo Li

Interesting name for a topic.

I do not understand. Why does someone who knows all aspects of roulette have a desire to ask me questions about roulette. Why, it makes no sense.

The topic should read, questions for all members 1, 2, 3. Maybe all of the members will post their point of view. Just maybe. In fact, it would be great if those who had posted on this topic, or have read this topic, answer the questions as though you were asked about your own methods.

Kimo Li
"Keep it in check," The Random Roulette Spin, Kimo Li


Dear Kimo,
   You teach what to play so you should tell how to play too and when and how much and how does that make any difference from playing anything randomly.
Email: earnsumit@gmail.com - Visit my blog: http://albalaha.lefora.com
Can mentor a real, regular and serious player

Kimo Li

Dear Albalaha,

Yes I teach. It would be unfair to teach for free as the majority of GPM roulette players pay large sums of money. However, there are a few players who have paid a few hundred or close to nothing. The cream of the crop pay 10% of their annual profits as they were given a choice, pay 500.00 a week or 10% of their annual winnings, most chose 10% of their annual winnings. These are honorable men and women and very loyal. What they had failed to realize is they make 500.00 per hour and work a few days a week, four hour sessions. I would have chosen 500.00 a week. What is interesting is they all thought 500.00 a week was too much. I am not accepting any more students. Time is precious to me.

So for me to teach for free would insult those who have made a commitment. I did post the Global Star Pinwheel strategy for free. If anyone takes that strategy seriously, they will be making more money than the can imagine. Yes, the key component is missing, money management. Brent Morton is a good read for money management.

Kimo Li
"Keep it in check," The Random Roulette Spin, Kimo Li


Fair enough. Closing this topic.
Email: earnsumit@gmail.com - Visit my blog: http://albalaha.lefora.com
Can mentor a real, regular and serious player


Quote from: Albalaha on December 07, 2013, 01:40:27 AM
How about posting genuinewinner woth $2500?


  Well, it's almost closed.  You can't get away that easily!

  I asked if you would post up a photo of the cover of the $1000 book (any of them will suffice) that you purchased and you come back with a request for somebody's $2500 system play.

  So, you can start a new thread with the cover picture or retract your original statement about buying those books.

  Your choice.



I said.
QuoteI have a compilation of hundreds of books on roulette and gambling costing anywhere from $1.99 to a few thousands of dollars.

           I did not say I have bought them and no hard bound book but only e-books, systems and scanned books(a few).
Email: earnsumit@gmail.com - Visit my blog: http://albalaha.lefora.com
Can mentor a real, regular and serious player