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Started by BEAT-THE-WHEEL, February 28, 2016, 03:07:23 AM

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Ladies and Gentlemen,
I wanna start a topic about how to build your OWN hg..

But I afraid, some members here will start , "war, and battle of nasty words" ,
that I a scammer, cheater, what's not..

The Fact, is I never take anyone money, and never try to sell anything. ===========================
A HG, or will have FOUR most important CRITERIA.
Below the criteria according to their importance!


that within math expectation."

[what is that animal, MATH-EXPECTATION???]


When u have that kind of bet selection,

U build a mild progression AROUND the said bet-selection.

and win easily...

3]Horrible VARIANCE avoidance in PROGRESSION,

or management.
That avoid huge losses, when long streaky, with too little wins in-between... happen!

Understand this, and u may even win, without any progression!


AS we can't foresee future,
and when the MURPHY Law comes, a visiting, we need to CUT LOSS, but the cutloss, will be OFFSET, by another few winning profitable seasons.

all FOUR criteria...

U can build your OWN hg! [I promised U..]

and soon casino will need to change rules..
[three-ZERO roulette, perhaps? hahahaawww]
Those who already understand , will say nothing here.
Those who didn't want to understand, but tantrum thrower,
please don't post anything hurtful here.

Those newbie, or eager learner, or expert,
please post constructive criticism, or opinion, or questioning here.

I am a sporting person, will not get angry with anyone here.



Those expert may skip this, as it repetitive and boring.

Ladies and Gentlemen,

The Greatest Mistake and Misunderstanding,
of searching for ,...
and keep testing a bet selection for superior POSITIVE hit.!!!

Many of u, had test "EVEN-CHANCE", EC ,bet selection.
of black/red, O/E,H/L...

At the few first TESTING,[with no progression] they show GREAT profits, of 5,10,20,even 30 units profits.

and u feel ELATED! Happy, and "Oh Boy! This a grail!"

and then after a few more testing, they show losses of -5,-10,-20,and even -30units!!!

and u start to fell depressed, frustrated, and angry...

How I know, because, I also used to be in your shoes...

Why the bet selection, produce HUGE profit, and then , show HUGE losses?

This is because the, or your bad selection, can't overcome the probability law and the house edge,

and will SWING! WIDELY!..[but at the end will rtm]

What is SWING?
The bet selection, will produce high profit, and then swing to huge losses..


and that is in accordance with the law of probability, after a long test, when u add up, will see the net losses, just around the house edge!



Ok, if we erased the zero from the casino real bet record, after a long test, u will see that, the win/loss ratio will around 50% all the time, throw in the ZERO, and u have negative!

So don't waste your time testing and hoping for a BET selection, that will SUPERIOR than
the 'probability&Edge', COMBINED.

So , then what we need to test, or search, if there NEVER, a selection, that superior???


"Look for a bet selection that consistently, and constantly hit STABLE, WIN/LOSE ratio, that hit within the math expectation, or in other words, LOSE just at the "PROBABILITY and EDGE", value, COMBINED!

[that quote alone worth millions, hehehe]


Still not understand?

Ok, here some math, which will bore, or confuse some, nevertheless, we can't escape the math,  if u, want to understand.

U may ask question later..

The Euro Wheel has 37numbers.
One of the number is ZERO, or GREEN.
the other is 36, with 18..BLACK, red, ODD,even,HIGH,low.

What that ZERO doing here...to make u lose more money! hahahaaww!

So ,
One set of 37, has 1zero
two set of 37, [37x2]=74, has 2zero.

three set of 37,[37x3=111, has 3zero..

3zero/111=2.7027% house edge.

or just 2.7%

and now u understand, why we need to test 111spins,
instead of 100spins/set, as 111, more accurate!

Then U may ask

WHY the need of a bet selection that constantly and consistently hit STABLE, -2.7% ???? why? why? why?

because, there will no bet selection that hit, BETTER than -2.7% long term! There will never be! OR ELSE, all the casino, already closed shop 300years ago!!!

And most importantly,
All the BET SELECTION, which not constantly and consistently hit win/lose ratio will SWING WIDELY, that caused little profit, and HUGE LOSSES due to horrible PROGRESSION!!!!!!!!!!

and now u understand why casino still stand strong, and we still here? hahahaaww!

We NEED a STABLE bet selection,
and build mild progression, around it...that a hg...



We NEED a STABLE bet selection,
and build mild progression, around it...that a hg...



We NEED a STABLE bet selection,
and build mild progression, around it...that a hg...


we need to embrace the edge, instead of abhor it.

hmmm...wonder how many jump up, and eureka...???

sometime , only, and just,... a one liner change the the whole mindset!

opinion please?


Here we go again........trolls aren't even bothering to write new material any more. >:D

Just playing the oldies..........think the last time I saw this one was right before PA was banned from Roulette.cc :forbidden:


Well ,
I have no animosity toward anyone here, or in the web net.

One thing is, you are only "nick" of understanding, that will make most of your strategy a near HG, that will win constantly,
where at the end of the year, losing seasons losses, would be much less that the profitable seasons.

Only a handful of people out of seven billions earth population,  has this "knowledge",

but unfortunately, or rather, fortunately, the people who knows, choose to ...'mute' .

If someone, could sit down with you and tell you, in an hour, what I mean, you will 'ohh..' and 'ahh...', and 'eureka...'

But people who knows, will choose, not to say anything here, for why should they?

They closely and zealously guard this 'knowledge'.

If you reread, my thread, in r.cc, you will understand.

You just , "nick", of understanding.


I do believe these "stable bets" exist.

If you look at stats for appearance or formation of certain "sequence" say, in EC or dozen you can see them occur within the realm of consistency and constancy - however, that not to say there may be the odd "horrible event" that might occur against all avg % expectation- but that is why important to have a cut-loss proviso in your HG strategy...

Hi PA - and I am glad you resurrect this topic here - maybe more will join in, enjoy, understand and benefit this time around- and I agree keep it friendly folks; we are all here to learn.
PA/BEAT-THE-WHEEL has unusual way of explaining things and often can be  slightly cryptic; this so that you come to your own realisation of the truth of his pronouncements; I implore him to try and write in simple language and provide step by step instructions with clear examples to demonstrate his points and ideas. Thx.



Let's see if I can move this on a little bit into further discussion....

Suppose I imagine I have a reasonably "stable" bet selection for SINGLE DOZEN betting.

Let's say I discover that 30 (approx; give or take one or two) hits of DOZEN REPEATS will 'almost always'  inevitably occur over BEAT-THE-WHEEL/PA's suggested 111 spinframe.

Now when I find an imbalance of results taking place and I discover the repeats are "lagging behind" the singles, so to speak, I can then jump in and begin to bet for repeat to happen; and use a 'mild' progression - for surely I expect the series results to soon begin to catch up again and return to mean..
So, when IS best time to begin to bet to capture the dozen series? And also importantly WHEN TO STOP betting for the repeat dozens??
Stands to reason I'm going to have to monitor the past+incoming results first and be tolerant and patient whilst awaiting for the optimum "window" of best opportunity to arise. I can then step in and capitalize on the imbalance until a predetermined signal to stop, then I can simply hold off and wait for the next opportunity to arise before stepping in to resume betting again...

I just tried a such a session in RouletteXtreme software with real casino spinfile [using my personal stop/start parameters] and stopped at a profit of +12. This was achieved without any large drawdown or high staking. What's more I kind of "knew" and fully expected I was going to win too.

There will be other ways and other bets to do same thing. I happen to like single doz betting.


PS. Here is a demo-clip of using the repeat doz using b-t-w principles from a few months ago:


User "beat-the-wheel" is using nickname "weird" on roulette30 forum, I gave only to him a progression for single dozen with an example of how to win when there are only 30 wins in 111 results.

Beat-the-wheel or should I say "weird" confirm what I said but don't post details about my progression.
''For after all what is man in nature?
A nothing in relation to infinity, all in relation to nothing, a central point between nothing and all and infinitely far from understanding either.
The ends of things and their beginnings are impregnably concealed from him in an impenetrable secret.
He is equally incapable of seeing the nothingness out of which he was drawn and the infinite in which he is engulfed.'' B.Pascal


Hi Blue_Angel,
Yes. I was aware of his Roulette30 name.

Of course you cannot rely on getting 30 occurrences exactly in 111 spins. A more realistic expected average figure might be 25 to 30 hits on total series of dozens (that's all 3 dozen series comprising a length of 2 or more...)

Do you see that ONE such way to play to advantage is to always keep an updated ROLLING HISTORY of the last 111 spin results??

This is easy in such a program like Roulette Xtreme where you can set the program to show stats from the last 111 spins only.
You can bring up the stats for dozens 1,2 and 3 and can count the total appearances of all dozen series formed of 2 or more after each spin and when you see imbalance occurring you can begin to bet.

This is what I did today and I set a LOW parameter level of 21 hits of doz series. (I play only when 21 or 22; up to you) When I saw the total was 21 or less I begin to bet for a repeat dozen immediately providing a new single dozen has just showed. I use a mild progression. (S'pose you can use the regular progression for single doz which guarantees a profit on a win).
After the win I wait until the series count is 21 or less again... might be straight away after a new doz hit or maybe have to wait until the stats show 21 again before resuming or restarting the progression. Depends what's showing in your check of the rolling last 111spins history.
If the amount of doz series goes over 21/22 threshold then it's a no bet until it drops to 21/22 again when you see the variance in your favour.
You can use this to make a few units then skedaddle.

Of course this means you have to initially track 111 spins and enter them into your tracker software (RX, in my case)
From then on you bet as and when until you've garnered some profits. I have found it's pretty safe and sensible approach.

Hope someone can see it is worth a try. I'm glad to share it - and let me know if it works for you.


PS. Keep in mind - this not suit everybody; probably only practicable for online play only. Patience and tolerance required.
Single 0 only. Play fastspin r.n.g. at your own risk!



My approach is different because I don't wait at all, I just start to bet immediately and without interruptions till my session ends.

This 30/111 ratio is already low, you might make it look like 20/111 and still makes no significant difference for my progression.
''For after all what is man in nature?
A nothing in relation to infinity, all in relation to nothing, a central point between nothing and all and infinitely far from understanding either.
The ends of things and their beginnings are impregnably concealed from him in an impenetrable secret.
He is equally incapable of seeing the nothingness out of which he was drawn and the infinite in which he is engulfed.'' B.Pascal


Quote from: Blue_Angel on February 28, 2016, 08:40:49 PM

My approach is different because I don't wait at all, I just start to bet immediately and without interruptions till my session ends.

This 30/111 ratio is already low, you might make it look like 20/111 and still makes no significant difference for my progression.

You got our attention buddy. Shoot...


Quote from: Denzie on February 28, 2016, 08:50:01 PM
You got our attention buddy. Shoot...

Sorry but I don't wish to share it.

1) Just find the minimum possible occurrences for your bet selection within a total of results.

2) Then try to calculate a progression which is not been affected by which turn are going to occur the wins and losses and also the bankroll and max bet to be reasonable and not too high.
''For after all what is man in nature?
A nothing in relation to infinity, all in relation to nothing, a central point between nothing and all and infinitely far from understanding either.
The ends of things and their beginnings are impregnably concealed from him in an impenetrable secret.
He is equally incapable of seeing the nothingness out of which he was drawn and the infinite in which he is engulfed.'' B.Pascal

Big EZ

Quote from: Blue_Angel on February 28, 2016, 09:21:01 PM
Sorry but I don't wish to share it.

1) Just find the minimum possible occurrences for your bet selection within a total of results.

2) Then try to calculate a progression which is not been affected by which turn are going to occur the wins and losses and also the bankroll and max bet to be reasonable and not too high.

This is an extreme question, but.....
Will your 30shows in 111spins single dozen progression come out ahead if the single dozen you are betting only starts to show at spin 81? Meaning you only get your 30 shows in the last 30 spins.
Quitting while your ahead is not the same as quitting.


Quote from: Blue_Angel on February 28, 2016, 05:28:02 PM

Beat-the-wheel or should I say "weird" confirm what I said but don't post details about my progression.
yes, BA,
I admit that,
and, also admit,
you are many times better,
than me,
in betting  progression.


What BA means, is we MAY hit by EXTREME, of variance,
that only,

or even,

15hit/111, in single dozen!!!

And he, could win, with his strategy.
don't ask me how, only he, knows how to win the 15/111.


Quote from: Big EZ on February 29, 2016, 12:45:15 AM
This is an extreme question, but.....
Will your 30shows in 111spins single dozen progression come out ahead if the single dozen you are betting only starts to show at spin 81? Meaning you only get your 30 shows in the last 30 spins.

I'm going to give you an example regarding your question.

R=result B=bet T=total VB=virtual balance

R    B     T     VB
L    1     -1    60
L    1     -2    60
L    1     -3    60
L    1     -4    60
L    1     -5    60
L    1     -6    60
L    1     -7    60
L    1     -8    60
L    1     -9    60
L    1    -10   60
L    1    -11   60
L    1    -12   60
L    1    -13   60
L    1    -14   60
L    1    -15   60
L    1    -16   60
L    1    -17   60
L    1    -18   60
L    1    -19   60
L    1    -20   60
L    1    -21   60
L    1    -22   60
L    1    -23   60
L    1    -24   60
L    1    -25   60
L    1    -26   60
L    1    -27   60
L    1    -28   60
L    1    -29   60
L    1    -30   60
L    1    -31   60
L    1    -32   60
L    1    -33   60
L    1    -34   60
L    1    -35   60
L    1    -36   60
L    1    -37   60
L    1    -38   60
L    1    -39   60
L    1    -40   60
L    1    -41   60
L    1    -42   60
L    1    -43   60
L    1    -44   60
L    1    -45   60
L    1    -46   60
L    1    -47   60
L    1    -48   60
L    1    -49   60
L    1    -50   60
L    1    -51   60
L    1    -52   60
L    1    -53   60
L    1    -54   60
L    1    -55   60
L    1    -56   60
L    1    -57   60
L    1    -58   60
L    1    -59   60
L    1    -60   60
L    2    -62   120
L    2    -64   120
L    2    -66   120
L    2    -68   120
L    2    -70   120
L    2    -72   120
L    2    -74   120
L    2    -76   120
L    2    -78   120
L    2    -80   120
L    2    -82   120
L    2    -84   120
L    2    -86   120
L    2    -88   120
L    2    -90   120
L    2    -92   120
L    2    -94   120
L    2    -96   120
L    2    -98   120
L    2   -100   120
L    2   -102   120
W   2   -98    116
W   2   -94    112
W   2   -90    108
W   2   -86    104
W   2   -82    100
W   2   -78    96
W   2   -74    92
W   2   -70    88
W   2   -66    84
W   2   -62    80
W   2   -58    76
W   2   -54    72
W   2   -50    68
W   2   -46    64
W   2   -42    60
W   2   -38    56
W   2   -34    52
W   2   -30    48
W   2   -26    44
W   2   -22    40
W   2   -18    36
W   2   -14    32
W   2   -10    28
W   2   -6     24
W   2   -2     20
W   2   +2    16
W   2   +6    12
W   2   +10   8
W   2   +14   4
W   2   +18   0

You might think that this happened because I knew the results, but be sure that I'd have done exactly the same thing with different results.

Conquers the one who endures!
''For after all what is man in nature?
A nothing in relation to infinity, all in relation to nothing, a central point between nothing and all and infinitely far from understanding either.
The ends of things and their beginnings are impregnably concealed from him in an impenetrable secret.
He is equally incapable of seeing the nothingness out of which he was drawn and the infinite in which he is engulfed.'' B.Pascal


If we bet like matrix two,

where we wait for a dozen,

then bet that dozen will repeat,
how will the long term result be?



A hit, bet A will repeat.
win or lose=stop,
wait for new dozen,
then bet that dozen will repeat.



as I am computer dump,
could you please make a test and see how they hit?
Stable, or swinging wide.