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Personal and family privacy violations are serious matters

Started by wannawin, April 24, 2014, 01:14:09 AM

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It is said in this topic: http://betselection.cc/general-discussion/moving-forward/msg28838/#new

QuoteEven when it's my personal life aspect and I would have liked to have retained privacy in what was disclosed publicly about my family and life (plus in general with all chat logs; as mostly everybody would, in all my 1-on-1 chats I did with Stef, I chatted and PM'd with him having full expectation of privacy for the messages), now it's out there and I can safely say it isn't shameful to be laid-off. So I take no offense, it can happen to anyone.
This is a violation of personal and family privacy in all rule when there is expectation of privacy in a message.

This is not that if Stef got up that day and he thought it is right to publish the private messages in public because it is sunday or friday, or that it was deserved public punishment to people in a third world country who seek a living on the Internet, or because the reason of not getting the forum visitors in that day. Or maybe simply to make fun from the unemployed if he has steady income to use the haha smiley.

No. This is illegal and against international law to human activity that any person has to the privacy of yourself and your family. This is serious matter although Stef as the forum administrator looks at it being very good to have this published in his website pages and even some members look up to Stef in admiration for doing it.
say things directly to show respect for other people's time. Walter.


Quote from: wannawin on April 24, 2014, 01:14:09 AMsome members look up to Stef in admiration for doing it.

Admiration does not make things legal. serial murderers have admirers and that does not make murder any more legal.

Stef if the case is judged will neither go to Victor nor you, because for you the right to privacy and the protection of the family is a little game, which speaks more from you than anyone else. Since I can remember in these boards no forum administrator himself had come to post trusted private messages to prove his point. This reached new lows for administrators in this community.
say things directly to show respect for other people's time. Walter.


Rules in betforum are a sad joke, even when written by the one who is supposed to be the first line of defense against violations:


To blithely violate them himself.


And acknowledge openly without a care for the same members he demands rule conforming from:


Yes, excuse me for complaining, but I am not happy that the person who demands me to meet the forum rules he wrote is the one who publicly violates them and acknowledges his breach. The preacher who beats the parishioner for going to the brothel to go there himself. In betforum it is clear rules are for regular members only, but you forget there are many forums in which rules are for all. I would rather be in these forums without double standards. Or even with simple privacy standards.

Today you are against a member, tomorrow may be against another, and that one can be me. And you will spare to use communications, PMs and everything you have in your database. No thanks.
say things directly to show respect for other people's time. Walter.


I am pretty sure that unlike Betforum where the rules are invalid for having more little stars under their userame, privacy laws enforcement are for everyone.

Violations of privacy affecting the family are taken quite seriously by companies in compliance with the law.
The action of international mechanisms for privacy protections also applies to Stef. Whether or not the website administrator.

Anyone can tell how to know which company offers internet services to betforum.cc site?
say things directly to show respect for other people's time. Walter.


You raise some very interesting points-of-concern, Wannawin.

Sadly, because the digital world is largely unregulated, ethics and morality are in short supply on the internet.

Privacy violations of this sort are indeed serious matters.

Sadly, that sort of realisation tends to come with maturity.

Victor has set a good example by conducting himself with dignity and by refusing to respond in kind.

It takes more guts and courage to remain silent and unprovoked than it ever does to fight back.

Easter is a reminder of the strength needed to remain silent...


Quote from: wannawin on April 24, 2014, 03:26:32 AMAnyone can tell how to know which company offers internet services to betforum.cc site?
no need. A simple search in minutes on google gave:





Rica Web Services

Service providers are in Quebec, Canada. Stef is based in the euro zone. Canada routinely works with Europe and USA. Laws of personal and family privacy in the eurozone and North America, are very equal.

Quote from: esoito on April 24, 2014, 04:42:19 AMPrivacy violations of this sort are indeed serious matters.
This is a story in progress. The internet lives in the real world howbeit while inside forums are the site managers who put their rules and meet or remove them at administrator convenience, in the real world such invasions of personal and family privacy are very resoluted, as a consequence there are laws that protect it in place. Whether by phone, radio, internet or whatever.

If the violation is within the real world in planet earth laws apply. Stef is not above international law.
say things directly to show respect for other people's time. Walter.


Buddy Wannawin,
                    We all are human being having emotions against and in favor of a few things and people. Why are you writing so many topic blaming Stef? Because you hate what he did. When you start hating someone, even good deeds of that person look like gimmics and we ignore the wrongdoings of the person that we like.
                     Victor promised a migration without any cost and later, in the process of the migration from bs.cc to bf.cc, he suddenly demanded money from Stef. That stirred Stef and whatever he did was outburst of his anger towards Victor. He might have crossed the level of decency in doing so but that is anger all about. We never do logical things when angry.
                   Truth is the biggest defense against any allegation of defamation.
You can see yourself that even Steve has alleged Victor of same greed and family concerns stories repeatedly. You are a member of rouletteforum.cc too. Go and try to talk same thing to Steve. You will most likely get much more bitter answers.

                   Better focus on constructive stuffs. All forums are violating law of copyright in numerous ways, so there is no room for legal defense. If you seek justice, come with clean hands.
Email: earnsumit@gmail.com - Visit my blog: http://albalaha.lefora.com
Can mentor a real, regular and serious player


Quote from: Albalaha on April 24, 2014, 06:45:07 AMBuddy Wannawin,
Buddy albalaha.

Quote from: Albalaha on April 24, 2014, 06:45:07 AM
                     Why are you writing so many topic blaming Stef? Because you hate what he did.
I say yes Exactly.

You said:

Quote from: Albalaha on April 24, 2014, 06:45:07 AMWhen you start hating someone, even good deeds of that person look like gimmics and we ignore the wrongdoings of the person that we like.
It fits perfectly:


You ignored the fact that Stef had clearly published messages disclosing parts of other person family life without permission . Many personal elements were involved too.
No posts full where all words are mentioned are copied out of respect, but many published words in the post such as: "right now, UNEMPLOYED", "husband-wife relationship", "impact for my family", "head of household", "chance of income/help in unemployed times", "talk about with your partner", "wanted to give her the good news", "wife was next".

They can hint evidence of giving references to personal family life with issues that concern.

Quote from: Albalaha on April 24, 2014, 06:45:07 AM
                     Victor promised a migration without any cost and later, in the process of the migration from bs.cc to bf.cc, he suddenly demanded money from Stef. That stirred Stef and whatever he did was outburst of his anger towards Victor.
Stef himself said: "Because i'm someone that learns a lot on my own i gently neglected the offer."

Even Stef understood as you can see it was not a financial offer for the transfer of the website to be read. I too only see one offer about learning.
The declined offer I saw in posted message reads to me for: forum maintenance, server tricks with moderation tip and other unlike site transfer sale. Maybe I need an outsider to approach the computer to read it out loud but I think I read good what is written there.

Quote from: Albalaha on April 24, 2014, 06:45:07 AMYou can see yourself that even Steve has alleged Victor of same greed and family concerns stories repeatedly. You are a member of rouletteforum.cc too. Go and try to talk same thing to Steve. You will most likely get much more bitter answers.
Steve is not my cup of tea but yes. most likely.

Quote from: Albalaha on April 24, 2014, 06:45:07 AMBetter focus on constructive stuffs.
OK. lets leave it up to here.
say things directly to show respect for other people's time. Walter.


Quote from: wannawin on April 24, 2014, 09:41:35 AMOK. lets leave it up to here.
Speaking with a cool head and to promote peace.

Ideally Stef edit-out messages in good will to honor all privacy expectations instead of showing Macho attitude to the end. Maybe he can earn points in the community for doing so.

Really, these things are not little things like violating a website rule for which they ban your username to come back later as another.

Stef has chosen to leave that posted: since the beginning of April soon to be for a full month. Just think that Victor complains claiming because of those messages he lost business opportunities for the necessary support of his family or his child may not eat well because of it. Another set of laws beyond privacy trigger and he would have a legal case against Stef . The Internet service provider in Canada presumably has all the information necessary to forward to authorities.

These things go hand in hand with libel damages.


One might think that is little, but such violations in some countries , especially in the first world, are paid very expensive.

In australia I read $7000 for inadvertent disclosure affecting a person's job. We can wonder how much for willful disclosure would be claimed.


Each time more time passes showing messages as is, more exposure to risks Stef damages. I have not heard of any country in the European Union where personal privacy is waived .
say things directly to show respect for other people's time. Walter.


Too much fuss about nothing. Who will bear the price of this litigation and what will someone sue other for? There is no civil or criminal liability on any one.
Email: earnsumit@gmail.com - Visit my blog: http://albalaha.lefora.com
Can mentor a real, regular and serious player


Quote from: wannawin on April 24, 2014, 06:09:22 AMService providers are in Quebec, Canada.
Service provider responded. Betforum.cc is to be forcefully expelled from servers of Rica Web Services in the next few days.

This is the first time in the history of these forums where they cut the service after a report of actions committed by the administrator himself. Usually these reports are initiated by user violations.

Quote from: Albalaha on April 24, 2014, 01:17:51 PMToo much fuss about nothing.
Curiously enough as a lawyer you see it as "nothing" publishing of personal messages having expectation of privacy.

As a simple advocate I hate to see all invasions of privacy. No matter if abuse is committed by executive officers or other individuals alike. Those I despise and condemn.

Let us only get it this far. Time to close this thread.
say things directly to show respect for other people's time. Walter.