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Randomness and Madam Roulette

Started by Gordonline, December 22, 2012, 04:57:58 PM

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Hi AllI thought I would share what I think is quite a rare occurrence on a recent Roulette session I played on Thursday 20th Dec at SmartLive, Live dealer wheelThose of you who have studied the game for a considerable amount of time should agree that thefollowing set of numbers is very rare (See attached TXT File)   The LOT normally produces 24 Unique in 37 spins but I had 28, I normally play for repeaters and either play for a 3rd appearance of a number (aka Mr J's 8 Train), I play after a number has hit 3 times which is a little safer as this session produced 15 numbers that were on their 2nd appearance before 23 appeared 3 times at spin 50, also by this spin there were now 34 numbers that had appearedNormally 1 or 2 numbers would be cold for over 100 spins but incredibly at spin 63, 21 & 24 had not shown but 24 spun at spin 64 and you've guessed it spin 65 number 21 appeared completing all 37 numbers in 65 spins
No doubt someone will say that often happens but I'm not so sure !!!!!!! ???
I finished the session at spin 122, and number 20 had appeared 8 times (Spin 112)  by the normally expected outcome of 90-115 spins
Look forward to any comments, Madam Roulette never ceases to amaze me

Merry Christmas to you all and good luck in 2013



maybe bayes can tell us the odds on this  :thumbsup:


All outcome from 37 spins has the same odds.  If you note 37 spins, and try more spins until the very same come back, you probably have to do full time for the rest of your life, and will not see it again dispite all trials.  You may get them in order 0 to 36 before or 37 times zero, which is as likely as any 37 numbers.


" I finished the session at spin 122, and number 20 had appeared 8 times (Spin 112) by the normally expected outcome of 90-115 spins Look forward to any comment."

I hope that was a trick remark, like a test. There is no way that the number 20 hitting 8 times by spins 90-115 should be expected. ... basic arithmetic: 3 x 37 = 111.

Now if you expect the hottest number to hit that often then you must get very lucky every time you play. There's a lot of that going on too.

Please explain.


Hi Gizmotron

No that wasn't a trick remark and although its not expected, I often play the 8 train but I never risk playing more than 3 numbers when there are more than 3 at a certain appearance, Live roulette often produces an 8th hit of a number in 115 spins, Mr J mentions this in the original thread

I can only go by my experiences playing Live tables only, just thought I would share this rare session

Kind Regards



Welcome to the fray Gordon.

Ken's play the 8th train is sure popular. It's delightful it is spawning creativity and even some spin-offs around the boards.

Feel warm and cozy around.

➡️ CHECK IT OUT: www.RouletteIdeas.com - Roulette Forum for Systems, Strategies and Roulette Software.

Email/Paypal: betselectiongmail.com
-- Victor


I've heard of it, the 8 train. I must not understand it. Just to be clear, are you saying that a single number appears 8 times in a little more than 110+ spins? Or are you saying something else happens 8 times?



Ok, here is the research on this. You get 24 hits of a very hot number in 300 spins every once in a while. A common value is 12 - 14 for a hot number in 300 spins. So I can see 8 hits  in 110 spins as occurring more often than 24 in 300 does. My experience tells me that expecting 8 in 110 spins is still rare. Now 4 or 5 in 100 spins is far more realistic. That's my experience. If that is enough to create a system and if you can find the hot numbers that continue then you are working in the better directions of finding working methods. This is a direct approach toward considering the current conditions. That's what works.


Welcome Gordonline, they say there are two certainties in life: death and taxes. Roulette offers a third. You will never see all 37 numbers in 37 spins.

That said I've seen over 30 in as many spins more than a few times.


Randomness has no rules to produce a certain quanitity of numbers in a particular span. These are merely hypotheses. Every session is different from all other sessions, so far, so if u see something unseen, do not consider it was meant because you were catching an 8 train, specially when u r playing on a live dealer.
Nothing can perfectly beat a random session but luck. If someone claims perfection in every session, he is either a fool himself or think all to be fools.


Quote from: KingsRoulette on December 22, 2012, 07:20:49 PM
Randomness has no rules to produce a certain quanitity of numbers in a particular span. These are merely hypothesises. Every session is different from all other sessions, so far, so if u see something unseen, do not consider it was meant because you were catching an 8 train, specially when u r playing on a live dealer.

I have to agree. When you go to the casino with money, go mindless. Expect nothing but being treated to the cold senseless reality that if you are clueless, the casino is clueless, and the Roulette wheel is clueless that you are there only to perform the purpose of the great grist mill in the sky.


Hi All

I'm under no illusions of what Madam Roulette can produce and there are always Hot & Cold numbers which is why Mr J's 8 Train is one of the better ones, however when I play it I only Flat Bet and play a maximum of 3 numbers which was one of Mr J's tweaks he suggested (I do ok if I play the 3 most recent numbers but I've also rotated the numbers when in excess of 3 are required to bet on) A recent session I played had 8 numbers sitting on 3 hits which is why you have to apply strict rules to your play and control your BR. I always take profit when it is presented providing it is at least 3-5% of BR, when I go negative straight away and get even or close to it I consider that a winning session, or if I make a mistake and I miss a number that hits (Very frustrating) I also stop as betting when angry or frustrated is a recipe for disaster, Live to fight another day

#Gizmotron I understand the maths but often you can have a number hit 6-7 times and a neighbour not hit once, if only we knew which number was going to hit upto 8 times in advance we would all be rich lol

#John Legend 30 uniques, now that's rare......But all 37 in 65 has to be right up there in the Rarity stats



There is nothing like hot and cold numbers because they are not coming from refridgerator or oven. Every number has same probabilty to hit or miss in every spin. Casino is not a bakery or ice cream parlor to deliver hot and cold stuffs. Just kidding. Don't mind it but I get crazy to hear all these stuffs from forum guys.
Nothing can perfectly beat a random session but luck. If someone claims perfection in every session, he is either a fool himself or think all to be fools.