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Started by greenguy, August 23, 2016, 10:00:08 AM

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It doesn't make sense to sell anything (not for one minute I believe there is any merit, other than just another individual consumed by gambling), certainly makes less sense to lower the price from 500 to 200. 

If such a solution existed you would be in a casino, milking it for all it's worth, taking a break and traveling elsewhere and getting the local casino to pay for the trip.  But common sense doesn't really exist does it with sellers, they will go to inordinate lengths to get you to part with a paltry $200, opening themselves up for flack and telling students they didn't pay attention in class, so long as they gt their hands on your $200.   

This so called "knee-jerk" reaction is always justified, name one, just one system, pimped in the last two decades that has proven itself, just one will do.


Quote from: MarkTeruya on August 23, 2016, 12:08:42 PM
If such a solution existed you would be in a casino, milking it for all it's worth, taking a break and traveling elsewhere and getting the local casino to pay for the trip. 

Yeah but Gizmo says he's in it for the fame, not the money.   :o :-X



When I taught before, for $500 I did it on chat, online, with it private, student to teacher, one at a time. That took about 35 to 50 actual hours being in a live chat with each student.

No why did I do that? I was mad. The ridicule and the banter online made me hit the ceiling. I was absolutely sure that knowing my secrets would not bring down the casinos because it was so hard to be a skilled craftsman of these methods. So I told the forum that I would teach ten and prove it.

I should really have charged $100,000 placed in escrow and released to me once I proved it actually was the way to win. But I was already winning. I just wanted to get something for my time. I know it's worth millions. I just don't need millions. I prefer to be one of those "captives set free."

This is as a major contribution to gambling as Ed Thorp's "Beat The Dealer" and card counting was when he published his book. One day you will see that.

Now look at card counting today. The casinos make more off the bad players that can't adjust for randomness in the short term, even though they are card counting. You only get asked to take your game elsewhere if you are good at it. Funny how they do that.

BTW, you asked for just one example of pimping a method that works. I give you Ed Thorp and "Beat The Dealer." He could have made millions too. But he had his big laugh and then went back to his academic life.

You might consider this for a moment. The challenge was to figure it out. My life is a vast ocean of accepting challenges and reaching fulfillment from taking them on in the first place. How do you put a price on that?

I have chosen to send a throng into the mainstream with the full knowledge of where they all got it. It's my version of my face to the crowd, an acceptable version of an entertainment concept. What makes it even more interesting is that you are here to claim it is nothing more than a hoax. That makes the story more interesting don't you think?

It should take years for this new simple method to get out there as wide spread knowledge. I will in all likelihood be gone by then.



Quote from: Jake on August 23, 2016, 01:09:57 PM
Yeah but Gizmo says he's in it for the fame, not the money.   :o :-X
That is absolute BS, it is just a ploy to get some fool to send him $200.  IF he was just in for the fame, he could pass it to somebody to stress test, but no, there would be no exchange of money doing that.     

This method which he has had for years, is so great, he was selling off his US coins a few years back, now any sane person would automatically think.  Roulette winning system, in need of cash, go to a casino, nope that would be too easy. 

Plain and simple and this applies to all systems sellers since the year dot and forever more (unless a new version of  mathematics is invented).  If any proven winning system existed, the LAST thing the creator would do, is broadcast the fact, secondly offer it for sale.

When is the last time you frequented a casino?  How many consistent winners did you find? Where do you think these sellers originate from?  They appear to help you cos' they are good natured, want to share their good fortune¿  Nope, they have been stripped bare by a casino and no longer give a damn who they con, because they feel hard done by themselves, that is the truth of the situation.  How dense are some people?

QuoteBTW, you asked for just one example of pimping a method that works. I give you Ed Thorp and "Beat The Dealer." He could have made millions too. But he had his big laugh and then went back to his academic life.
He published a book and didn't go around hawking others for money.  So where are these mystery students for yours?  They must have had a significant internet presence before signing up, are we to expect strangers whom nobody recognizes to turn up in the next few days to give you their blessing? 


@MarkTeruya makes some excellent points here

Steve - claims to have Roulette computers that beat the game long-term..........not 1 computer user has ever come forward to confirm this (which is astounding if you think about it)

Kimo Li - claims to teach a winning method to students................................not 1 person has come forward to confirm this

Albalaha - selling systems he claims beat the game long-term.......................not 1 person has come forward to confirm this

Gizmotron - claims to teach a winning method to students............................not 1 person has come forward to confirm this

.................fool me once, shame on you ........fool me twice.......well.........  ::)


Thus far, it's not quite the feedback I [and others] was hoping for!


What I don't want to read is more carping criticism from those who are not signed up.

If you are not a student of Gizmo's school then kindly stop posting in this thread.

Kimo Li

Hi esoito,

Students, well at least students of mine, do not want to give testimonials unless they remain anonymous, because they are under a non-disclosure agreement. However, if you ask them to write to you privately, and give their testimonials, and not expose their identity, I am sure they would agree to give you the answers you seek about their experience in the school environment.

Perhaps, Gizmotron's students do not want to be exposed to the forum as well.

So, if you ask Gizmotron's students to write to you privately and post their experience, without giving away their identity, they may respond to you and you can post their comments.

Kimo Li
"Keep it in check," The Random Roulette Spin, Kimo Li


Quote from: Kimo Li on August 24, 2016, 06:17:25 AM
Students, well at least students of mine, do not want to give testimonials unless they remain anonymous, because they are under a non-disclosure agreement. However, if you ask them to write to you privately, and give their testimonials, and not expose their identity, I am sure they would agree to give you the answers you seek about their experience in the school environment.

I thought a non-disclosure agreement means that you agree not to disclose how to use the system, which isn't the same as giving a testimonial. And anyone can by anonymous on the internet. No one has to disclose their 'real' identity'.


I largely agree with your post. My comment about Gizmo wanting the fame not the money was intended to be tongue in cheek.


I am also interested in Gizmo's school, so I am signing up to this thread for feedback from others (either public or private).

I have tested one of his concepts 6 years ago, therefore I can do the same now.



I hope his system is better than betting on sleeping dozens. Are you happy to pay $200 for the privilege of finding out?


Maybe. I am very moderate in my purchases in general.

My concern here is that my time is quite limited due to work & family and I cannot spend many hours on studying, discussion boards, chats etc. I need to be sure it is put straightforward.


beyond bet selection Gizmo's method is attuned to the effective states of bet selection.

all bet selections encounter uncooperative variance, so refining them to hunt for cooperative variance can only help your cause.

whether you do that by charting or money management or both is up to individual preferences and skill sets.

in the end only two things work. Being right more often than being wrong, and betting more on winners than losers.

if you do both then you are good to go despite all the math..


I'm not a part of Gizmo's school but I applaud what he's doing by allowing his students to discuss and question openly amongst themselves and share experiences.   I was not given that luxury as Kimo's former student. I was on my own and never able to discuss a thing with any other student. Kimo did mention he would connect me with others but that never happened for whatever reason.  He claimed they did not want to help as they see roulette as a "solitary sport."   That's a shame.