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Defamation / libel is a crime

Started by stephen tabone, July 25, 2017, 03:26:58 PM

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stephen tabone

Defamation / libel is a crime,

I do have a U.S based lawyer and if a certain member continues to libel me: re fake Amazon reviews and other non truths he has written about me, I shall be contacting my lawyer and instructing him to take action on my behalf. This is all I am going to write about this matter. I'm taking it very seriously.

I am not going to contact that member myself because I have been told I am not allowed to do so thus will leave it to my legal team to do that. The last time I tried to defend myself I was moderated!

U.S. Defamation Laws & Standards
Federal Defamation Statutes
Defamation: Slander v. Libel

Defamation — also called slander (for spoken or otherwise transitory statements) and libel (for written or otherwise published content) — is:

"the communication of a statement that makes a claim, expressly stated or implied to be factual, that may give an individual, business, product, group, government, or nation a negative image."

What Plaintiffs Must Prove To Win A Defamation Lawsuit In The U.S.
To win a U.S. defamation lawsuit, the plaintiff, at the very least, must prove that the defendant:
•   Published or otherwise broadcast an unprivileged, false statement of fact about the plaintiff;
•   Caused material harm to the plaintiff by publishing or broadcasting said false statement of fact;
•   Acted either negligently or with actual malice;

Free Speech v. Defamation

In the United States, federal defamation law is closely tied to the First Amendment. As a result, federal slander and libel laws are more defendant-friendly in the U.S. than those in common law countries, like the UK and Canada. In short, opinion is not considered defamation in the U.S. That being said, false statements of fact that harm the reputation of an individual or business, aren't protected under Constitutional Free Speech provisions.

stephen tabone

I'm aware that a certain member (I'm not even going to write his member name) continues to write lies about me. But I am not allowed to respond to him to defend myself. I am only allowed to respond if he enters my board but I am not allowed to enter his board. This does not prevent anyone from reporting the libel he writes about me.

It will be a matter for my U.S lawyer to pick out the text that is considered libel under the law as opposed to mere "opinion". For if he cannot proof what he writes about me is true then I will certainly prove that what he had written about me is false and damaging. I will prove this with documentations.

I just hope he has some money so I can be awarded damages. It would be wise if he stops writing untruths and removes such text because if he does not then I'm confident that a case will proceed against him. I cannot advise him what to do, it's up to him, either he continues or he stops and removes the libel.

As for my legal fees, I'm insured for these instances thus does not matter.

As for being arrested, he should not worry since this is a civil matter at the moment.


 I will give you one advice, i have spend 10 years on gambling forums and have seen it all and i don't pick side, i just want to share the best way not getting involved with nonsense.
The best way is to ignore a user if you think he is trolling or being angry or for any other reason talk nonsense.

Personally i have in the past get into fights with others and this only made me feel bad and sad and nothing good come out of that.
Just waste of time and waste of bad feelings.

I just wanted to share my opinion and i feel that you involve the law for some forum talk is to much action that will not make things better in the end.
There will be to much time and effort and mix feelings and not result in anything good.

Take care

stephen tabone

Quote from: Sputnik on July 25, 2017, 04:30:56 PM
I will give you one advice, i have spend 10 years on gambling forums and have seen it all and i don't pick side, i just want to share the best way not getting involved with nonsense.
The best way is to ignore a user if you think he is trolling or being angry or for any other reason talk nonsense.

Personally i have in the past get into fights with others and this only made me feel bad and sad and nothing good come out of that.
Just waste of time and waste of bad feelings.

I just wanted to share my opinion and i feel that you involve the law for some forum talk is to much action that will not make things better in the end.
There will be to much time and effort and mix feelings and not result in anything good.

Take care

I understand what you're saying but this one certain member has taken matters too far.
He has crossed the line of what is opinion and what are complete lies.
Also the member had stated my name and had clearly set out to damage me and my work beyond mere opinion.
I have not been communicating with him for a long time. I have not entered his board. I had not responded to his posts yet he has gone on to damage me.
Someone contacted me alerting me to what he had been writing about me. I called my UK solicitor and he read the evidence and found many instances of libel. I then contacted my lawyer in the U.S where I believe the member is based.

I don't mind if someone does not like me, slags me off, hates me, swears at me in PMs (as this member had done so in the past) is jealous of my work, does not believe in it, thinks that I am cheating people or whatever which is not true. I am only writing books. I don't mind if he shares his opinions along these lines but when what he writes are complete and utter lies such as he had written in many instances and does so with malice as can clearly be seen then this is another matter altogether. It becomes a legal matter.


As much as I hate to even think about getting involved here, let me try to state the obvious.

You've decided that a single member on THIS forum has made your life so miserable that you have now had your UK based law firm contact your US based law firm in order to attempt to file some sort of charges of slander or libel on an INTERNET GAMBLING FORUM.

Yeah, right.

Let's see.  In the overall scheme of things, an internet gambling forum rates right up there with spoiled chunky peanut butter on a level of things that matter to anyone with a brain.

So this person purchased your book and made a bad review of it.   Not a big deal.  Happens all the time and evidently your first few editions have more than just one poor review so that won't carry much water with the battling lawyers.

Tort law in the US is an odd character.  I'm thinking potential book sales from a protracted "lawsuit" will have to be very large and at $20 a pop, I'm also thinking that's not a profitable business plan.

If I were a normal user I believe I would see right through the plan.

You are receiving more FREE PUBLICITY on your book than you ever imagined and just can't grasp that yet. 

So, be very happy with your new found free advertising and take the few punches that come along with it. 

Hopefully one of the regular members here will eventually purchase your book and come back to make a glowing report on it, at which time you will start to make a lot of money from sales.   However, if nobody comes in with a good book review, then perhaps all this talk about lawsuits and lawyers and the rest of the overachieving braggadocio will fall by the wayside.

Once again, for all the members who have read this far:   You are on an internet gambling forum.   Not the National Academy of Science and Literature.  Deal with it.



Quote from: ADulay on July 25, 2017, 05:38:35 PM
You are receiving more FREE PUBLICITY on your book than you ever imagined and just can't grasp that yet. 

So, be very happy with your new found free advertising and take the few punches that come along with it. 


stephen tabone

Quote from: ADulay on July 25, 2017, 05:38:35 PM
As much as I hate to even think about getting involved here, let me try to state the obvious.

You've decided that a single member on THIS forum has made your life so miserable that you have now had your UK based law firm contact your US based law firm in order to attempt to file some sort of charges of slander or libel on an INTERNET GAMBLING FORUM.

Yeah, right.

Let's see.  In the overall scheme of things, an internet gambling forum rates right up there with spoiled chunky peanut butter on a level of things that matter to anyone with a brain.

So this person purchased your book and made a bad review of it.   Not a big deal.  Happens all the time and evidently your first few editions have more than just one poor review so that won't carry much water with the battling lawyers.

Tort law in the US is an odd character.  I'm thinking potential book sales from a protracted "lawsuit" will have to be very large and at $20 a pop, I'm also thinking that's not a profitable business plan.

If I were a normal user I believe I would see right through the plan.

You are receiving more FREE PUBLICITY on your book than you ever imagined and just can't grasp that yet. 

So, be very happy with your new found free advertising and take the few punches that come along with it. 

Hopefully one of the regular members here will eventually purchase your book and come back to make a glowing report on it, at which time you will start to make a lot of money from sales.   However, if nobody comes in with a good book review, then perhaps all this talk about lawsuits and lawyers and the rest of the overachieving braggadocio will fall by the wayside.

Once again, for all the members who have read this far:   You are on an internet gambling forum.   Not the National Academy of Science and Literature.  Deal with it.


With respect if you as a moderator are not supposed to be biased on the side of the member who has clear written lies. Do I need to spell them out, since you had not cared to read them / identify them. Or maybe you had already but since the member is your buddy then of course you are not going to see any wrong in what he writes, none at all.

It does not follow that because this is a gambling forum a member can get away with libel. If this were not true then anyone who wanted to wrote whatever would then join a gambling forum and believe s/he will be immune from legal action being taken against them.




  Seriously.  Give it up.  You're making yourself look foolish to your target audience and potential book purchasers.

   You need to step back from the screen, take a deep breath and look at what you've written here in previous messages.

   So far you've gotten tons of publicity, a lot of help (unpaid I might add) with your original system play which allows you to publish still another book.

   I'm remaining neutral in all this but you continue to accuse anyone who won't toe the line with what you say to be some kind of criminal element out to "get you".

   Give it a rest while you can and save your remaining dignity.

   And as a side note I honestly hope that some of the 10 members who are supposed to get "Version 3.0" can make a good report after testing/playing the method.

  We all do.   It's for the overall good of our local baccarat community that something good come out of all this.



Perhaps this will finally answer everyone's question regarding the system.  To prove it's a case of defamation/libel, one has to prove that the system works.  Otherwise, a counter lawsuit can be file for scam.  I wonder how things will pan out.


That's actually a good point. Stephen should be careful about the claims he makes in his new book, or he might find himself in trouble. By the way, that wasn't meant as any kind of veiled threat.  ;D



did you give those score card to AD who started the tread ony blog

{ADulay posted} These are the three "fake" shoes that Alrelax posted up a few days ago. If you haven't tested your play on those, you are falling behind. {end quote}

why did he start the tread, who told him o? he did not know that he could do before someone told him to.

This excerpt is from a message currently in holding for a variety of reasons.   You have obvious been filling in the blanks in history with things you're seeing in your head!

I do remember the "three fake shoes" episode.  I had recently accidentally purchased your Version 2 and stated that I wanted to test it on some of the current shoes being played and not on my extensive database of transcribed live shoes as you had already declared my database to not represent a real baccarat environment.    As Alrelax was playing regularly, he graciously took the time to scan and upload the cards as he had played them.   Seemed like a valid set of shoes to test YOUR system on.  At least to me.

When the results didn't come out to your liking all of a sudden YOU started claiming that these were "fake" shoes.   No one else thought they were false, only you.

Why did I start the thread?  (You asked).   I wanted to have a separate area to only test your one system play so it wouldn't get lost in all the other sections of the forum.   Yes, I was organized and would have played anybody's shoes that got posted.   His were the only three at the time and YOU continued to call them fake for a multitude of reasons, including being messy!