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Some questions about RNGs and how they're seeded.

Started by TwoCatSam, January 30, 2013, 02:02:30 PM

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Before anyone tells me to Google it and read---I have. 

Let's say our RNG was seeded off the very minute tremors the Earth constantly produces.  I read that somewhere.  Is it possible that on Monday the Earth trembles very slightly and the RNG seeds accordingly?   And on Tuesday the Earth trembles more and the RNG sees accordingly?  Same with minute barometric changes.  Or mosquito farts.

Here's why I ask:  I am testing a new idea on the Stef/Nick Excel Bot.  (Should I call it SNEB? SNEBBY?  I wish they'd name the darn thing!!)  Anyway, this bot can shut BV down and restart it a hundred times a day or more.  My thoughts were that each time BV restarts, it would be a whole new world.  That is not so.

I have seen 32 hit twice, the bot shut down, and 32 be the first number to hit on the new trot.  Seems 32 was going to be "hot" even if it had to wait for the next trot of numbers.  It seems that when BV is throwing lots of repeats (numbers that hit twice before five reds hit), it does it over and over again, even though BV is restarted.  If I get a strong run of blacks, it continues just like reds.

I guess I'm asking this:  Is it possible that the ambient conditions causes the RNG to seed a certain way and the numbers produced are similar?  Lots of repeats; no repeats. 

Let's put it Old Hippie terms:  If the wind is prevalent from the South, the smoke from my joint will blow toward the North and vice versa.  If the wind is light and variable, my smoke my blow in any direction.  The first way the RNG would seed a certain way and the second way the RNG would seed another.

Movie to come today.  I think you'll like it.  Or at least get a good laugh.  Or confirm that nagging thought you have that Ol' TwoCat has finally lost it!!

If dogs don't go to heaven, when I die I want to go where dogs go.   ...Will Rogers


Sam, how did you figure that they were restarting 100's of times per day? A fair RNG can put out a half million spins before needing to be re-seeded. I'm just curious.



I do not know anything about BV starting.  I am saying the bot logs out of BV and logs back on 100 or more times while I'm playing.  I don't know if the RNG re-seeds every time I start a new session or it is the same seed.

I'm just thinking.......

Thanks for your answer.

If dogs don't go to heaven, when I die I want to go where dogs go.   ...Will Rogers


Bv RNG use photons and theire quantum behavior, every bit in the random stream comes from photons a bit a photon, it is not a seed and an algorithm. It produce 16 millions bit a seconds. It is something which is impossible to predict. You get the  decrypted 10 (or more up to 60) numbers as you press the spin button and the old string has to be replaced. You can alter the bits if you like while playing as well.


So, Ralph.......Is the RNG seeded:

1.  Once a day?
2.  Every time the SHA changes.
3.  Other?

Thanks for your reply.

If dogs don't go to heaven, when I die I want to go where dogs go.   ...Will Rogers


Quote from: TwoCatSam on January 30, 2013, 06:11:33 PM
So, Ralph.......Is the RNG seeded:

1.  Once a day?
2.  Every time the SHA changes.
3.  Other?

Thanks for your reply.


The stream of bits goes 24/7 16Mb a second. No seed it is all uniqe tru random bits. And as said before you got the numbers decrypted 10 to 60 at the time when you press the spin button and the  string has to be replaced as you used it.

See: http://www.idquantique.com/index.php?option=com_content&view=article&id=9



Is Quantis what BV uses?  Answer this and I'll leave you be.

If dogs don't go to heaven, when I die I want to go where dogs go.   ...Will Rogers


Quote from: TwoCatSam on January 30, 2013, 07:00:17 PM

Is Quantis what BV uses?  Answer this and I'll leave you be.


Yes they use Quantis.