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SPONSORED vs Commercial software... do *YOU* get the difference?

Started by VLS, July 29, 2013, 01:46:05 AM

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Hi guys,

Just wondering if you get what we are trying to achieve with the new sponsor's den: We are not selling software, we are asking for sponsorship to give software away to the whole community.

Also, your sponsorship help us pay for host and directly helps in paying the needed coding hours.

Ideally as time go by, more conscious people will join forces and we can have a healthy release schedule. It is a true community spirited motion, a true synergy effect. Plenty of "littles" makes a compounding force. With this force, fellow supporting members call the shots to order for the community and ultimately everybody enjoy the final product, as it is released to the public.

Now you know what we're trying to achieve, you can do your part. If $10 isn't a budget-wrecking amount for you and you can afford to spare it, right now is a great time to join. To help the snowball effect to begin running.
It actually benefits everyone, in the short and long run :nod:

➡️ CHECK IT OUT: www.RouletteIdeas.com - Roulette Forum for Systems, Strategies and Roulette Software.

Email/Paypal: betselectiongmail.com
-- Victor


These sponsored releases are completely free from software protections, also, their full source code and resources are released alongside too, guaranteeing nobody can take any sponsored release from the community once it has been transferred to the public. Ever!

That's quite a worthy model to sponsor and support :thumbsup:
➡️ CHECK IT OUT: www.RouletteIdeas.com - Roulette Forum for Systems, Strategies and Roulette Software.

Email/Paypal: betselectiongmail.com
-- Victor


My 2 pennies....

If $10 IS a budget-wrecking amount for you the cough up, shouldn't you be asking yourself whether or not you should be gambling?

If dogs don't go to heaven, when I die I want to go where dogs go.   ...Will Rogers


Hi Vic

can you tell us more about this  software

expectation to win ?



line EC DZ Col?

per haps i miss something as english is not my firse language


Hello dear RF, it isn't about a single software, but about sponsored development methodology where all willing members pool resources to order for everyone in the community.

If you want to see it like so, sponsors are buying the "lead" or the right to say what is going to be coded here: http://betselection.cc/sponsor-requests/

It is a "topic solved" board which means each and every sponsor request is marked when attended.

This way there is a record when each and every request is attended.

It's a good motion.

Members are encouraged to sponsor since it also helps to cover our monthly hosting expenses, so it ensures the smooth continuation of our community too  :thumbsup:
➡️ CHECK IT OUT: www.RouletteIdeas.com - Roulette Forum for Systems, Strategies and Roulette Software.

Email/Paypal: betselectiongmail.com
-- Victor


@ rouletteFan
Ou peut-être, spécialement pour toi  ;) :

Bonjour chers RF, il ne s'agit pas d'un seul logiciel, mais sur la méthodologie de développement parrainé où tous les membres qui souhaitent ressources en commun pour commander pour tout le monde dans la communauté.

  Si vous voulez le voir comme cela, sponsors achètent le "lead" ou le droit de dire ce qui va être codé ici: http://betselection.cc/sponsor-requests/

  Il s'agit d'un "sujet résolu" conseil qui signifie chaque demande de parrainage est marqué lorsque assisté.

  De cette façon, il ya un dossier où chaque demande est assisté.

  C'est une bonne motion.

  Les membres sont encouragés à parrainer car il contribue également à couvrir nos frais mensuels d'hébergement, il assure le bon maintien de notre communauté trop

(Désolé si j'ai fait quelques erreurs dans ce texte-- naturellement!!)