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The way to beat the ECs

Started by moglizu, February 28, 2017, 06:18:31 AM

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I will now tell you how to win the ECs.
No clues , no nothing. Just the way.

Make 4 different tables on your paper .
Each table must have the runs and changes of the ECs.
every event must be compared with the LAST EC.
So 4 events = 5 last ECs.
Do NOT , I repeat do NOT care about HOW MUCH the deviations are.... care ONLY about HOW MANY the deviations are.
When you have 2 or more deviations bet for balance.
If you have 3 and 1 = 2 so bet
if you have 2 and 1=1 so do NOT bet
If you have 2 and 2= 0 so do NOT bet.

The reason why this wins is because 1 deviation can go as much as it wants.
BUT a lot of deviation events can not happen at the same time.

Remember that the LAST EC  must be compared with ALL the 4 events.


Make comparisons .
the last R/B with the 2nd.
the last R/B with the 3d

Make a graph to watch immediately the deviations.
align the bets (if its possible) in order to correct the majority of the deviations in every spin.
Be careful cause if the bets are opposite they are canceling each other.
If you are smart you must get it by now.

One or 2 events can grow a lot and can be unpredictable... BUT 3 or more events can t grow at the same time...
Bet on HOW MANY and not on HOW MUCH.


I don t really understand why post an example when I have already explained all the way of playing.
Can t you do your own examples in paper?


alrelax if the full explanation of my method seemed to you like what you posted then roulette is not a game for you.
well at least I mean you are not ment to make money from this game.


It s not magic , it s not voodoo. Its just common sense .
1 or 2 events can start deviation a lot ... but 3 or 4 can t at the same time.
So bet for the HOW MANY and not for HOW MUCH.
Now in order to do this you must track 4 or more events(4 if my personal choice ) that ALL are linked with the last spin.
So that in every NEW spin all the 4 events to be updated.
Be carefull the ZERO is also an event ...
So watch all those events and how their deviations go... Then find the linearity of those events with the last spin and IF you can bet to the 1 selection ( RED or BLACK for example) for the most deviations to be fixed , then bet .
If you can't in this particular spin have the linearity then do NOT bet.
This method is like a predator you bet only when the opportunity apears... on average is 50% bet spins so its not boring , its playable.
I am making a steady income with my method for 2 years now by playing only the RB in land based Casinos.
I play with 25 euro chips I am making +5 and go home.
+5 is NOT a hit and run... it s just not to spend all my day in the casino. Sometimes in just 5 bets I am +5, sometimes it needs more.Its FLAT betting only.
With 15 chips BR you can t lose... its my BR. Although I never droped more of 11 chips( and that was a rare occasion)
For all the ECs I would need a program as tracking 4X3=12 events is impossible.

So I created the method myself... I never saw in any forum an approach like mine ( 4 or more events to be linked with the the last spin).
So IMO you should be thankfull that I exposed my method.
A person that is clever can understand exactly how I play just by reading my posts.


This method can be adapted to Dozens and Columns too.
But a program is needed for tracking all the bets.
I would love to have a tool like that!
A lot of betting opportunities and more cash in less time.



How can this only only on R/B? Is R/B somehow magical and the rest of the ECs are not?
read my posts and you will have your answer .
Although from your question I don t think you have understood...


It seems impossible to me that no one understood the method.
Ok let s see...

Let s just take for example ( this is what you are asking... examples) only EVENT no1.
EVENT no1 is comparison of the last 2 spins(R/B).

We have R R  this is a RUN (because from R it went to R again)
So we have

   R    C

The next spin is R R (B) ... so we have to update the chart so it will be

  R   C
  X   X     ( We are puting X under the R(Run) or the C(Change)

next spin is R R  B (R)


  R  C
  X  X

So until now we have 1 RUN and 2 CHANGES by comparing in every new spin the last 2 outcomes.

when we have RR=RUN  when we have BB=RUN when we have RB or BR = CHANGE.

Now this was ONLY the EVENT NO1

add 3 more events of the R/B.(Read my previous posts)
That all of them are being updating with the new spin...

And then make the deviations correction when the bet selection on either RED or BLACK will correct most of them.

I really don t believe that I had to make examples in order to be understood.
My previous posts had explained everything in detail.


""and do you also use a progression? ""

You do not read my posts... yet you want to learn my method. How can this be done?


You asked if I am using a progression.
BUT in one of my posts I say clearly that I bet FLAT.
So do you see now why you can t get it?
Simply because you do not read what I say.



The reason why this betting selection wins is because of the LINEARITY .
Linearity of random events and betting for the majority of the balance is the key in winning.

As I stated before we can have 1 or 2 events growing bad making imbalance but its rare to have more than 2 events growing at the same time...

Let me give you an example.

lets say we have 4 different wheels and the 3 of them have 10 REDS and 3 BLACKS.The 4th wheel has the reds and blacks balanced.
Now lets say we are betting in all the 3 wheels BLACK ( for the balance to come).

The 1 of the 3 can produce again RED(so we lose)
The 2nd can produce again RED (so we lose)
IF the 3d will produce BLACK(our bet) then we are winning in ALL 3 wheels no matter that the 2 wheels produced RED.

this is where the power comes...

We are betting with an advantage that was not known till now... this advantage is called Linearity.

How this concept came into my mind?
After testing thousands of flat bet selections I reallised that after some wins then the loss was coming for sure... so even if a bet selection was winning like hell(Deviating) ... after a while the opposite selection was coming and was always bringing the loss of the bank roll rapidly!
The more winning , the more rapid loss.
The loss was coming always because the balance had to come...

yes but how do we know WHEN the balance will come? we don t ... we just know that it will come...
So this is how the arise of the Linearity came into my mind.

Most of the times the RB is well balanced... but there are occasions that they are making big deviations...
So we can t trust any single event ALONE....
But we can trust a lot of events at the SAME TIME(Linearity) ....
In order to lose we mus have 3-4 events all deviating badly and consistent at the same time.
This is hard... it happens but it doesn t last long... then the balance is coming and all the losing bets become winning ones.


when you will understand how to play it then you will understand the example I gave.


There is nothing to be figured out...
The hole method is posted in my posts .