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The way to beat the ECs

Started by moglizu, February 28, 2017, 06:18:31 AM

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If you can understand EVENT no 1 then you can understand the rest of the events.
Read my posts all the instructions are there.


How can I answer this , when I don t even know HOW you decided to mark those Xs in the 3 events?


"""It gets more clear, but you never told to bet 3 or 4 wheels till a few posts ago."""

LoL !
I never said that.... this is your wrong understanding.
I just gave an example to show the power of the bet selection.
If I would track 4 wheels , then I wouldn t have an advantage .

These 4 IMAGINARY wheels are happening in the ONE wheel you play.

I really don t know if I have to laugh or cry with your understanding.



Only ozon and Atlantis are correct.
All the others are mistaken.

You know sometimes I am thinking of starting to write what your mistakes are... but then I am thinking that I have already posted everything in my posts... so its no use saying the same things all over again.


Crow you have understood the way of tracking...
Did you realize now that ALL the info you needed was already posted crystal clear???

You have to ADD in each spin the new Xs on the events.
Then you will have a GRAPH (on your paper) with 4 events and Xs on their RUNS and CHANGES
I put Xs because the eyes are understanding fast the imbalances .
every event that had 2 or more (runs or changes is being qualified .
If an event is pointing to bet on RED for balance and one other event is pointing in BLACK , then they are canceling each other so we have 0 value ( because 1-1=0).
In order to bet you must have a value of 2 or more...
This rule is made because as I stated a lot of times what we care in order to gain the advantage is for the MOST events to be corrected (balanced) in every spin.


there was never a decipher matter .
All the instructions of how to play the method was already posted in my posts.


its voodoo for the people that can not grasp the LINEARITY on the bets.


event no 1 has 2 or less RUNS ... so we need RUN
event no 2 has 2 or less CHANGES ... so we need CHANGE
event no 3 has 2 or less CHANGES...so we need CHANGE
event no 4 doesn t have 2 or less of runs or changes(they are ballanced) so the 4th event is NOT qualified.

This leaves as with the qualifies events 1,2 and 3.

the event no 1 leads to the last spin (1st spin)
the event no 2 leads to the penultimate spin(2nd spin)
the event no 3 leads to the 3d spin

Till now all in here thought Earth is flat ... now you start realizing that the Earth round.

we are looking at the 1st(last spin) and its RED... it needs a RUN so it's a RED bet
we are looking at the 2nd spin and it a BLACK... it needs a CHANGE so it's a RED bet
we are looking at the 3d spin and it's a BLACK ... its needs a CHANGE so it's a RED bet

ALL 3 qualified events need RED ... so this is a betting TRIGGER... because we are having at least 3 bets pointing in the same color.

Understood now how the linearity comes?

The Earth is not flat as you think... but its round.


Atlantis is 100% correct.
Members with brains are obvious ... members with no brains are obvious too.


Well done Atlantis.
Now you see how easy I am winning in my Casinos visits.

As long as you follow the rules all your sessions will be +.

Bringing the balance of the majority of 4 events with linearity betting is the key in winning in roulette and baccarat .
1 or 2 events can deviate a lot .... but 3 or 4 events can not deviate at the same time for long.
As the balance is coming even in the 1 of the 4 events we are winning.

There are rare occasions that 1 event has deviate a lot!
keep an eye on this event and when the linearity comes with the other bets... your winning advantage is higher.
In these situations I am betting 2 chips instead of 1.
Especially in these situations the winning rate is very big.


Do you see Atlantis now how annoying is to give everything crystal clear and none understands?
I would never post examples because if a person can t get it from the crystal clear explanation of rules... then the examples will not help.
I am satisfied though that some people like you and 6th and ozon understood it.

I never posted a pazzle or clues.
I just posted the full explanation.

I gave the how you track
I gave the how you bet
I gave all the rules
I also gave the why it wins

The clever ones got it. For the rest I really don t care.
I am happy you are also winning 6th sense


well done motivated... I am glad more and more clever ones are popping out of no where and are making money with MY method.
Don t worry I can never take negative comments in my hart , because my full wallet knows better.

Do not ... I repeat do not use progressions.... progressions are for losers and gamblers .
Play always FLAT and ONLY if a BIG opportunity appears bet with 2 chips on them and only them.


Well done.
When you will track a lot of spins you will start realizing WHY those imbalances are happening ;)
its because now I taught you how to look DEEPER into randomness and not flat as you all used to do.
Now you will not be surprised of WHY a lot of reds or blacks hits... its because the deeper (past events) are making the balance.


Some of you that understood my method should have the question :
Why tracking 4 events and not more?

I have tried to track 6 events too ...
The results were the same ... the trigger there was at least 4 events to point in the same bet.
With 4 events we need at least 3 events  to point in the same bet.
So its the same... as long as the events are pointing in the majority of correction the power doesn t change.

You could track 8 events... there you should have at least 5 events pointing in the same bet.Same power again...

So why track more than 4?  more tracking without any additional advantage.