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To the BetSelection Board and an open letter to Gizmo/Mark:

Started by alrelax, August 01, 2018, 08:46:45 PM

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To the BetSelection Board and an open letter to Gizmo/Mark:

The following was written by Gizmotron/Mark here on BetSelection Board June 8, 2018:

"So I'm getting requests to teach again in my PM's. Interesting. Nobody knows my newest method and why I went back to EC's. But what a few really want is to become experts at hunting the global effect. I don't blame them too. I sort of put a bull's-eye on myself to the math guys as a major challenge to refute the existence of it.

PM me if you want private tutoring. This could be the moment when trends become the fashion regardless of what the probability states what should happen. I'd like to focus just on the global effect and the skills needed to beat this game while hunting them. This time it will be private email and not a school for all to see. I will cut and paste questions and answers to this group. I have found that almost everyone has the same questions while learning. I hope that at least five students will sign up for this. I will share the cost among this limited group. If I get 5 students then all will get in for a reduced and shared price. It will take at least six weeks just to get to the point where each student can prove to me that they know how to do this. My goal is to turn out Roulette winners. It will be my success story. I have my reasons. The math crowd is starting to consider this after 12 years. Once they have it, the world will change. And i really enjoy opening peoples eyes."

The following was written by myself here on BetSelection Board June 16th, 2018:

"But since the forum has a new owner, perhaps a review of the rules regarding advertising and/or selling might be in order? There are several members doing this, including Gizmotron who is now looking for more students. I quote : "PM me if you want private tutoring." -- Gizmotron. (https://betselection.cc/albalaha's-exclusive/for-those-who-think-house-edge-or-negative-expectation-is-the-sole-culprit/msg63571/#msg63571) "

And it was posted by 'Mike'.  He has the same thing or variations of it posted in about 3 member's threads, Vrsedge's, Albalaha's and Gizmo's. 

I will clarify.  Refer to the Board's Rule #6 please.  More specifically, just a few words within that you in particular need to focus on, understand and absorb.  Here, I will make it a tad bit easier for you:

"No sales or published links of any kind to any commercial cause/website/program or item, without the express permission of the Board Moderators or the Administrators.

No direct selling or linking to a member's or member's affiliate of any kind without the express permission of the Board Moderators or the Administrators. "

Without going further into too much detail, I will explain the purpose of writing this and posting it.  Gizmortron (Mark) and I have a history for a number of years on the board here.  Yes, we has ups and downs and yes I know privileged stuff, nothing of national security or anything like that--just posts never released and other things along those lines.  And yes, I did take sided in a business dealing of types that Mark had with another board member.  It is on the board and I locked the thread, still visible. 

Mark has accused me of many things in the past.  So be it.  Some true with a twisting of the truth, facts and interpretations.  I blew up at one series of them, erased hundreds of my posts and quit the board here, Vic talked me back.  A few others talked me into calling it a clean slate with Mark.  I eventually did.  Mark even apologized with a really heartfelt apology and I accepted.  Then another round developed and I called Mark on it.  I apologized and he never accepted it, not genuinely accepted it anyway.  BTW, the apologies are on the board here, both the ones from Mark to myself and mine to Mark.  So, we existed here together.  That really bothered me by the way.  But once a dog bites and you hit the dog, I guess the relationship is really ruined?  I guess. 

Down to business.  The past couple of days, I am receiving some communication from an idle board member here and an active two other persons at another message board.  I received well over 25 copies of things Mark has posted in great detail about me and this board, BetSelection elsewhere.  I read the majority of the ones I sent to me and I also verified that they are up and visible on other message boards and there are.  I am very surprised and I am also, very appalled!  I will leave the emotional end at that and kind of "set it aside" for the time being. 

Mark believes I am someone else, a sock puppet and also believes there are a few of us banded together and against him.  All of it, the furthest thing from the truth.  I have far too many things going on at the moment with my personal life, dissolving a 5 year partnership in a viable & profitable business, starting my new restaurant down south, the taking over of BetSelection Board, and several other things, way too much at the moment. 

Three Things.  1)  I am trying to remain neutral in this latest drama ridden filled thing with Gizmo/Mark and the ugly, twised & disgusting words/posts and lies he is spreading about myself and a few others.  The same as I highly preach and recommend in baccarat, remain neutral in order to keep clear vision.  2)  Gizmo is definitely against me and BetSelection and I do not believe I gave him just reason for being so.  3)  What Gizmo/Mark does, whom he contacts, the PM's or emails he sends and receives, the teaching or tutoring he offered on this board and elsewhere, I have no idea or insight to.  I never did.  I never will. 

I welcomed him with open arms after several upsets and disputes we had.
  I thought he was a friend at one point but I learned a while back, he truly was not.  He is influenced and bands together with whoever is popular on whatever message board he is writing on, IMO anyway.  I have not moderated him or banded him in anyway, yet.  I did give thought to it and that was my initial desire last night.  The emails I received this morning are even more disturbing. 

If I felt the way he obviously thinks I do about him, I never would allowed him to post or offer anything about his tutoring on the message board here, as I cited above.  I also would have moderated him as well.  I did neither.  He is putting me into an awful and uncomfortable situation.  He can continue his 2 sided personality about me and BetSelection on his current course or he can come back and apologize and make up to me as he did before.  The latter will probably be another fake attempt to exist on this message board as he proved in his last fake apologetic postings to me as evident by his own writings and outright ugly accusations he is currently posting.   

I took the time to write this with my heart, thought and justification.  Why?  Because my friendship (unlike what I am witnessing and experiencing on his part) is not fleeting or temporary.  That comes from my heart and maybe I should have kept that a secret or whatever, but I speak my piece, we all know that don't we?  So-----Mark, as the saying always goes, the ball is in your court. 

So be it.  Thanks, Glen

My Blog within BetSelection Board: https://betselection.cc/index.php?board=250.0

Played well over 37,120 shoes of baccarat since I started playing at B&M USA casinos.


"Don't say it's a winning hand until you are getting paid for it".

Played numerous properties in Las Vegas, Reno, Southern California, Atlantic City, Connecticut, South Florida, The South/Southeast as well as most areas of The Midwest.

Baccarat, actually a mixture of Watergate, attacking the Gotti Family and the famous ear biting Tyson fight leading to disqualification and a near riot.  Bac has all that & more.
Administrator & Forum Board Owner  of  BetSelection.cc
EMAIL: Betselectionboard@Gmail.Com


When I joined this forum some year ago, I read many of Gizmos posts and I quickly discovered that however passionate he was about roulette (and he had obviously lost some money on his own past systems and even close to giving up several times), he still pushed on. That was a good virtue.

On the personal side, I recognized clear signs of bipolarity combined with clinical paranoia. The signs of manic depression were quite clear, which meant he had his highs and lows (in the extremes). This is very common among people suffering from gambling addiction. The inability to channel the great energy built on observation, calculation and expectation of said outcome within oneself is in such persons projected on others when one cannot take any more of the internal emotional chaos and overload. Cheers are nice when it happens but you don't want to stand in the way when the same person vents his frustration and anger.

I think Gizmo deserves some understanding, though I do not take his posts too seriously as I have seen the value of much of what he has offered. But he does write interesting things sometimes, so in my eyes, he is someone worth having a member of this forum.

All beings are born and steeped in debt. I know of no creature that negates this fact. The commodity they bought with borrowed means, is life, and the price for its duration, be it good or bad, is death.


Try Schizophrenia. I have always acknowledged it. Where have you been magic?
