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EASY WAY TO BLOCK ADS...from any site

Started by esoito, April 05, 2013, 08:28:17 AM

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1  Use either the FireFox or Pale Moon (a portable FireFox) browser.

2  Install the No Script add-on

3  Tell it to forbid the sites serving you the unwanted ads.

Fairly simple to use. And wickedly effective!!  >:D

Yes, there are other solutions but that does me fine.

Feel free to add your own solutions for others to pick'n'choose.


I think that the members can t see any ads.
AmI right?
Peaceful warrior


Quote from: Razor on April 05, 2013, 09:24:31 AM
I think that the members can t see any ads.
AmI right?

That's correct Razor



The info is for any that might need it for any site -- not just for here.



This also works a charm on here and even on facebook ads!!! (not sponsored posts but the other bigger ads)



Other privacy/security FireFox addons I run are:

Ghostery          (blocks trackers of which there are dozens snooping on your movements around the web)

TrackMeNot      (generates in the background random searches so nobody can pinpoint and analyse your real, live searches. In other words, it protects you from search-data-profiling)

Interclue           (lets you peep at a website without opening the page. That has security positives)

BeefTaco           (I use it to set permanent, opt-out cookies to stop behavioural advertising)

Their installation is quick, easy and painless. They all run smoothly and automatically.

As you can guess from the list I loathe snoopervision, spying, profiling and gross privacy intrusions that have come about because the internet has been hijacked by rabid, greedy marketers who are overeager to separate us from our hard earned money.

Roll on the day when we have an alternative web. A pure InformationNet where advrtisements are totally banned with hefty, trans-national penalties for violations.