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Useful part of the research for all players.

Started by Mare, July 25, 2014, 03:37:59 PM

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first image:
Aggressive style of play but without progression.
The first session drawdown -150, stop and brake for several hours.
The second session of the same style of play and quite easily achieved about 180 units.

second image:
Quiet and slow style of game, also flat.
The first session drawdown -50, an after brake +70 units.

The hardest thing in roulette, how to lose a little.

Experienced players understand what I mean.

Also  interesting, the first image Dublin 03-08-2013, the second image is a session Baden Baden in 1962.

Different cities, different countries, different tables, the difference in fifty years, but exactly the same nature of numbers.
People are mostly victims their own insecurity to cross the border of known.


i would love to know more for the actual bet selection...very curious...thanks for the info
I see a red door and I want it painted black
No colors anymore I want them to turn black
rolling stones


The way of the game is based on the inside bets, 2-6 numbers approximately. Each of numbers watching as a separate event.
All events in nature are interconnected (deterministic relationships), and so the numbers in the roulette are interconnected.
To recognize this phenomenon, it is necessary a lot of tests and observations of a number of spins.
When someone first time looking in a cycle of 36 numbers, he sees some unrelated numbers, so chaos. After a lot of work and research into this mess starting to appear a certain connection. If proper use of these connections we can predict numbers, sometimes with surprising precision and even in a one spin. I would like the numbers on the roulette wheel called a kind of orderly chaos, just like life events. Of course it takes some knowledge of mathematics, geometry, logic, good powers of observation, all this is achieved by constant and well-designed training.
People are mostly victims their own insecurity to cross the border of known.


would you be able to give some examples or you rather keep it to yourself ...which  is fair enough i think..thanks
I see a red door and I want it painted black
No colors anymore I want them to turn black
rolling stones

The Crow

Hi Mare,

Are you self taught? Or do you have a mentor? I am familiar with the concepts you describe. I too follow a "constant and well designed training."

The Crow


Hi maestro,One example is a drop in the ocean, the story is very long and very complex. I can not explain the principle, if this- then that, and so on as it is with the system.
But here's one little segment of numbers:

21 11 19 6 22 33 5 36 7 22 15 5 27 16 29 36 34

The first thing we notice, strong geometric and mathematical relationship between the numbers 11,22,33

Another strong connection 11,19

The third is a strong connection 22,29

Next thing, we can expect the number 9, why?

Because of this segment numbers have 27 and 36, the common root of 9, We also have 19 and 29 as part of denary of 9, last number 34 that's right across 9 on the rulette wheel.

But again I say this is just a small part of the whole story that has no end and that's the fascination of roulette.

Yes Crow I learn alone, explore all that can be found on the network, but the key point is the observation of a series of numbers.
Put yourself in front of 36 numbers and watch if necessary and a hundred times. Time and patience are very important factors.

People are mostly victims their own insecurity to cross the border of known.


I see a red door and I want it painted black
No colors anymore I want them to turn black
rolling stones


Very interesting. The use of associations to create groupings. You will find that no matter what groupings you create, there are three things that will happen to them. That's for every kind of trend, be it sleeper, singles, pattern, or dominance. These three things are, works real good, flat -neither good or bad, or works bad.  The trick to success is in learning how to live with these three conditions. You must grow beyond focusing on the complexity of the bet selection process, and focus on the three conditions that are the result of your favorite or selected groupings.

In case you wonder where this is all going. This is the final goal, or the final destination of trend players. You want to produce these conditions where the conditions tend to stay in their respective types. In that way you can target the "works good" condition.


Gizmotron that it is true, for this reason should not rush into placing bets at all costs, then to observe spins.
The point is to be relaxed and let the combination of skill and intuition based on the accumulated knowledge and information to recognize the trend and place a bet. It's pretty hard to achieve that level but once you succeed then gambling becomes an art.
People are mostly victims their own insecurity to cross the border of known.