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Started by Bayes, April 03, 2013, 10:39:50 AM

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      I respect your knowledge and unbiased explanation of mathematics behind all these. System selling is not a sin. We refer to so many stuffs here mostly written by someone else be it Labouchere or Kimo Li's GPM.
        Every sensible person knows there are no way to beat the odds, in all probabilities. Whatever we stake at table, we should be ready to lose. People still write different styles of betting and gamblers still buy books. We used to talk of ways to beat the wheel 4 years back and still do that.
          If nothing can beat the game, why are we gathered here? We still talk of options and styles. If everything is waste, just close this gambling forum. You eat poison for free or buy it for a heavy price, results will be same. If forum members tell methods that are proven failures and a skilled sytem seller/author guides about the realities of game, for a price, who is better?
               If there is something which is a sin in system selling, in my opinion is to not to deliver what you promise.
So far as, Ophis bot is concerned, all the testings and graphs are absolutely real and I have openly asked that Victor may ask Ophis for trial of bot and can check whether what was claimed, was true or not. Can anybody here dare to do this? Can anybody replicate our success on such a huge data with any other approach?
Email: earnsumit@gmail.com - Visit my blog: http://albalaha.lefora.com
Can mentor a real, regular and serious player


Quote from: Albalaha on April 07, 2013, 10:55:14 AM
Victor may ask Ophis for trial of bot and can check whether what was claimed, was true or not.
I suggest Bayes get a trial of the bot :nod:
➡️ CHECK IT OUT: www.RouletteIdeas.com - Roulette Forum for Systems, Strategies and Roulette Software.

Email/Paypal: betselectiongmail.com
-- Victor


Please ask Ophis to get the bot to u or Bayes, for trial.
Email: earnsumit@gmail.com - Visit my blog: http://albalaha.lefora.com
Can mentor a real, regular and serious player


Quote from: Albalaha on April 07, 2013, 10:55:14 AM
If there is something which is a sin in system selling, in my opinion is to not to deliver what you promise.

I agree, and that's what Bally has done. I don't have anything against system selling per se.

I'll send Ophis a PM to get the bot, then I'll post an honest and impartial review here, after testing.


500 is a big money...What was the base for his trust in this stuff to pay that much?
i read the description of his methods and i should tell u i would not send him that much money for this stuff. That's IMHO.
I don't trust methods based on EC or only one number to bet.


Quote from: Albalaha on April 07, 2013, 10:09:45 AM
Whether you get systems for free or for a price, both will harm you. What they all offer is "new set of fallacies". Tell me one workable idea in this forum or anywhere else. All just help you lose more.

Your losing side is starting to show there , Al.

Most, if not all "systems" just rearrange the deck chairs on the Titanic, that I'll agree with.

However, there are METHODS of play that will help the skilled player in particular games.

The obvious direction is to find a game where the method is viable and connect the dots.

Unfortunately, roulette is not one of those games.

AD (this is my own personal opinion, not that of the board)


it takes a lot to win. There are quite a few conditions that must be met by a really successful player. One of them i think is not to trust
methods with really stiff patterns like EC or dozens. When i see someone charging hundreds dollars for such methods i feel something wrong already. Another method i would not trust is betting only 1, 2, or 3 numbers. That's too hard to predict (unless u use AP of course). Such a small part of 37 or 38 numbers which may come out. Doesn't look right to me. Another sign of scam is that someone will tell u that u can easily play and play and play with no stop with their methods. All am i saying does not include AP methods, they are very different by their nature.


QuoteYour losing side is starting to show there , Al. Most, if not all "systems" just rearrange the deck chairs on the Titanic, that I'll agree with. However, there are METHODS of play that will help the skilled player in particular games. The obvious direction is to find a game where the method is viable and connect the dots. Unfortunately, roulette is not one of those games. AD (this is my own personal opinion, not that of the board)
                              I am the one who has balls of steel. I have already accomplished which you would not even dream of. You better educate newbies. The Ophis bot is an answer to all your doubts. Do anything even remotely close to that, then make statements.
Email: earnsumit@gmail.com - Visit my blog: http://albalaha.lefora.com
Can mentor a real, regular and serious player


Quote from: iggiv on April 07, 2013, 04:08:16 PM
500 is a big money...What was the base for his trust in this stuff to pay that much?

The member in question had been corresponding with Bally for some time and believed that he was to be trusted. That seems to be the way that this guy operates; he builds up a picture of himself as a good and productive member who is always happy to help others, then moves in for the kill. It's a pattern that has repeated itself over a number of years and forums. Sadly, some of us old-timers who should have known better let it happen again.  :(



i am roulette fan the guy who have bough bally systelm
and you know that

its not sure that you are right
because baly is a fanatic of roulette
he live for roulette ,for posting
read again his post

he is a real searcher
he has innovatives point of view
every bodies can see that
he could also take my money and don't send me nothing!

otherwise he send me part one
after he vanish  from skype and from the forum why ???

500 pound is really nothing
why so mutch trouble for this amount
you think he build his site post on forum for 500 pound
i think NO
the day after he have  send me system one he vanish

he really don't have any reason to do that !!

i think something has happen to him but i don't know what

i am in roulette forum since the begening
i was on GG 

but about roulette salmmers i know a lot

also when talkin with him via skype he told me that
he reaaly trust you Bayes !!!


The thread better be locked or rather deleted. The guy who was said to be cheated himself saying Bally is no cheat. Whatis the point of this debate after this clarification?
Email: earnsumit@gmail.com - Visit my blog: http://albalaha.lefora.com
Can mentor a real, regular and serious player


Hi RF,

Maybe there is a good reason for Bally's disappearance, maybe not. That was the point of this thread, to give him a chance to come forward and explain why he didn't fulfil his part of the deal, and also to warn those who might have been tempted to buy his systems to hold off for a while until this issue has been resolved.

I hear what you're saying, and it would be odd for someone to contribute so much and then simply disappear, but then he MAY have made much more than the £500 he got from you, don't you think? All I'm saying is, I know this guy, he's been around for years and this pattern of behaviour isn't new.

Anyway, he hasn't been convicted yet, he still has time.

I'd like to know more about why system 1 depends on the other systems. It doesn't seem that way from his web site.


The thread better be locked or rather deleted. The guy who was said to be cheated himself saying Bally is no cheat. Whatis the point of this debate after this clarification?

Answer= Transparency.

Note to administration ...........

Please do not delete this thread.



of course this thread
will not be deleted


Bally's silence thus far suggests to me any of several possibilities:

he's dead or in a coma or otherwise totally incapacitated  (that would perfectly explain his silence and absence)


he's temporarily somewhere in the world without an internet connection for the time being (possible if his job takes him away to isolated areas. Yes, I know. Satellite and all that exists.)


he's genuinely forgotten he owes RF the full product (maybe some sort of psychotic episode, advancing Alzheimers,  or ... ?)


he's deliberately staying silent because, as other moderators have noted, that's part of his previous modus operandi (a deliberate scammer in other words)

Whether he is or is not a scammer is one thing.

But this event has highlighted the need for us all to take proactive steps to make it difficult for scammers to operate on this forum. 

After all, online trust in someone can so easily be misplaced.  We rarely know who somebody really is because most of us sensibly conceal our identities for sound reasons to do with privacy and identity theft. And that can be a two-edged sword.

Rule 1:  If in the slightest doubt hang on to your money!

Rule 2:  If you get an email or PM from a forum member trying to get you to buy a product from them then please inform a moderator. And pay nothing until we've looked into the matter.