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what's the general concensus on 'bots'

Started by Bally6354, December 18, 2012, 12:31:59 PM

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First of all, I would like to point out that all you guys who create bots and can programme have my utmost respect. I can only imagine it as a labour of love.

I would like to see what the general thoughts are from members and how useful (ie. profitable) they are.

I have got to be honest and say upfront that my views may be a bit biased. I am an old fashioned type of guy which means pen and paper. I don't use programmes or run simulations over thousands of spins. I like to study the game spin by spin. I personally feel that this has given me a great level of understanding and insight into the game of roulette.

I sometimes think that people who are maybe new at the game and jump straight into bots and programmes are jumping from A to G and are therefore missing out on B, C, D, E and F.

Another of my concerns would be playing online as opposed to playing at live B+M casinos.
Now there are many people even on here who are suggesting a lot of online casinos may be rigged in favour of the house. Obviously a bot or programme would be of no use to someone long term if this were the case. In fact you could argue that you would lose your money even faster if any of these accusations were true.  But the main problem then would be that the player would be like a fish out of water at a live B+M casino if he lived in a country where he could not use any device which runs these programmes. (I don't subscribe to these allegations but I have to say that I have not played a lot online. I am really a pretty infrequent online player and I jump around online casinos a lot. So even though I don't agree with it, it does not mean that it is not true to some degree.)

Those would be my concerns regarding bots and programmes. (+ online casinos)

Now for the positives..... ;)

I am pretty certain from what I have read on the net that there are countries where it is not illegal to actually use a small PDA device to work out your calculations. (I am not talking about 'roulette computers' using physical approaches either.)  :forbidden:

I am talking about maybe a small programme which might help you with something like 'winkel's crossings' or maybe some of FLAT'S work.

This would be great for someone who maybe has a good understanding of the game and is looking to extract as much as information as he can in such a small timeframe. (and not working out what level he is at in the 'super-duper grand martingale with bells on' system)

I think you can see where I am coming from and I hope nobody takes it as a personal insult  who enjoys using or creating bots. It is just my personal views. I would be interested in hearing what others think.

Sometimes it is the people who no one imagines anything of who do the things that no one can imagine.


As a follow up....

I am more inclined to believe bots/programmes would be more beneficial in other areas as opposed to roulette.


sports betting/poker etc...

Is anybody using bots or programmes in these areas with a degree of success!

Sometimes it is the people who no one imagines anything of who do the things that no one can imagine.


Well dear Bally, "bots" are the last level of the automation stepladder.

You have:


Simply eliminates pen and paper; the user is responsible for the bets.


Assist in automating getting the results of a "possible" system. Saves the person countless hours of human time (i.e. testing by hand).


You want to play online, with an automated method but wanting to be in control of the betting. You use a clicker to avoid the human errors factor and to be certain all bets are laid in time. The player still retains the final word on making the bets or not.


This is full automation. Click & Forget. You trust your method, and you trust the program for backing it up with your real funds.

Bots can make long waits for you. Bots can eradicate the human errors factor.

To me Bots are just like a Knife or a Hammer.

They can assist you in making something good or they can hit and slice you deeply. It all depends on the usage or -in this case- the viability of the method to generate profits.
➡️ CHECK IT OUT: www.RouletteIdeas.com - Roulette Forum for Systems, Strategies and Roulette Software.

Email/Paypal: betselectiongmail.com
-- Victor


QuoteBots can make long waits for you. Bots can eradicate the human errors factor

Up to now that's about all the use a bot has, as there is no consistent winning bet creating bots for the sake of it is futile, no dissrespect to the likes of members Ralph and Ophis who produce bots for the masses, why? I don't see the point in spending time producing something that 'will' empty the bank for you.

I've been doing bots for years, I now mainly just test systems/methods by feeding files of numbers to it as opposed to letting it chug away on a game window, you can run 10000 spins in a mtter of seconds, 10000 spins against a game window would take hours.

Many users/members here and on other foums seem to think a bot is the dogs bo||ocks, personally I think they are just reluctant to manually test or learn to code, they think the bot will magically turn a losing method into a winning method, at this point in time, it won't.
There's only one way forward, follow random, don't fight with it!

Ignore a thread/topic that mentions 'stop loss', 'virtual loss' and also when a list is provided of a progression, mechanical does NOT work!


You will win more or lose more using a bot. I most cases you will place more bets.  The bot help you, but do nothing to help you win more, except from cases there the human misstakes makes the bets as not intented by the rules.  A bot can as well have errors in the programming as a tracker can have.

Some methods on some casinos are virtually not possible to play using manual play.  Some years ago I talk to someone using a bot, in a way many still do.
He place bet on red and black on a NZ wheel until he got 20 of a kind, then he started to martingale (MMM).  I think such strategy is of no use, and that is the reason the casino not allow betting on both anymore. It could be 10000 spins before a single real play.

If the casino allow low stakes, a long serie of bets can make the variance easier to control, and using such play can be very hard to do manual, myself have had bad fingers from all clicking. 

The style of playing differ and a bot is not for all. I would like to see a player starting the bot and go to bed, staking 10 Euro a bet. This is probablly rare, bot players use normally 0.1 as the highest chip.  betting cycles can be very long.


All well and good, but youse guys overlooked the most important thing:  BOTS ARE FUN TO RUN!!

I have a couple of methods I play on line with no bot--just ol' Sam and cup of OOOOOOOooooooolong tea!  I'd love to have them botted.  May do so in the future.

I feel--don't know for sure--but feel that the casino can actually see the carpet just as you do anytime they want to.  I have a tracker/clicker which can put down bets at lightning speed.  They know that's not human!!  Win some money from and---poof!---you're gone.

If dogs don't go to heaven, when I die I want to go where dogs go.   ...Will Rogers


QuoteI have a tracker/clicker which can put down bets at lightning speed

You should maybe put a timer before it IF you can't tell it how quick/slow to click in it's function

mouseclick(wherex, wherey, how many times, how fast?)
There's only one way forward, follow random, don't fight with it!

Ignore a thread/topic that mentions 'stop loss', 'virtual loss' and also when a list is provided of a progression, mechanical does NOT work!


I personaly only use combination of Tracker/Clicker, never full automated Bot.
I like to take the final decision my-self.


Quote from: nOrMy2o0o on December 18, 2012, 02:51:43 PM
I personaly only use combination of Tracker/Clicker, never full automated Bot.
I like to take the final decision my-self.

Sometimes I want it so, and the bot I use can be set to spin once a click.


I am currently using Ophis tracker for Pattern Breaker and it's well handy. I can browse other sites online and catch up on my football team and wait for the tracker to tell me when to bet. Takes the tracking hassle out of things and lets me concentrate on other stuff while still making sure I bet when I've got a betting indicator.

Never really used a real bot in real money terms. Perhaps when I finish the Speramus experiment I will see how Ralph's bot fairs. It seems to be a good starting point for me to learn about bot.  :nod:



I pretty much agree with superman's view on bots, I can't see the fun in them either, which for me is using my skill and judgement, not handing it over to a machine.

QuoteI am more inclined to believe bots/programmes would be more beneficial in other areas as opposed to roulette.


sports betting/poker etc...

I agree. Poker bots are quite popular I believe although they're forbidden in many online poker rooms.
Bots seem to be becoming more popular for financial trading. According to wikipedia:

QuoteAs of the year 2010 more than 70% of the stock shares traded on the NYSE and NASDAQ are generated from automated trading systems.[citation needed] They are designed to trade stocks, futures and forex based on a predefined set of rules which determine when to enter a trade, when to exit it and how much to invest in it.

Where I think bots would be most useful is in sports betting. For example, suppose you have several horse racing systems which you've researched and found to be profitable. These might involve looking through data on the racingpost web site, or trawling a database, looking for the best odds online, etc. All this can take a lot of time and be very tedious and error-prone.