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What happen to Stephen R. Tabone topic about his book?

Started by Sputnik, June 13, 2017, 08:24:34 AM

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I've heard of the book. I thought he just did the simulations to generate statistics, and didn't claim that any of the systems actually came out ahead over those bets.



The authors view with 12 million games lead him to believe that you can quit a winner up to 90% with even odds.
The statistical analysis are based upon 600 rounds of 100 placed bets or games - equal to 60.000
He use following paramters:

1) what are the absolute worst and best things that could theoretically happen?

2) what were the worst and best things that actually did happen in 600 rounds?

3) what were the average worst and best things that did happen?

4) what typically happens if you don't get out while your ahead , but instead play the full round of 100 games?

5) during a round, how often can you expect to get ahead by at least 10, 20 or 30 chips?

6) in a 100 game round, how many times does your bankroll net-status typically reverse from losing to winning?

7) how often does this net-status never reverse but remains losing throughout a 100 game round?

And further information ...



Some days ago, I tried a certain approach.
Bet selection I used was the simplest, after 2 falls of the same color, I played the second color once.
Target profit + 7 units, stop lose -14 units. When i reach TP or SL end session.
The length of the session if I did not settle TP or SL was always 100 placed bets.
The results were positive after several sessions.
My tests were not long, but can such an approach give a longrun profit?

21 Aces

Makes sense that a very critical splinter thread is started completely elsewhere.
Life is something you dominate if you're any good. - Tom Buchanan

stephen tabone

Quote from: Jimske on June 14, 2017, 01:13:28 PM
Look - maybe you got a neat little bet placement twist that hasn't been already sampled (I doubt it).  That's fine.  You want to sell some books because that's how you make money.  Okay. 

The onous of proof is on you!  And so far relying on Amazon reviews as proof?  How crazy is that?

I do like the idea of a third book with a new and improved version.  Personally I can't wait.  I'm just hoping and praying - please let me be one of the few to get the magic bet placements!


wait and see, the book refined strategy will blow your mind.


Stephen, I have read all the threads regarding your books. What stands out to me is that you are telling all that book 3 is going to be the real deal. So although the first two books were sold as the answer to winning at baccarat,  what you are now saying is that you need to purchase book 3 which is "bullet proof" etc.

You kindly have advised that you are giving a free copy of book 3 to the first ten people who responded to your offer.

My point in this post is that I would have thought giving those who actually paid for book 1 and/or 2 a free copy would have made more sense as they paid for something that clearly wasn't delivered.

Whether it will be delivered in book 3 remains to be seen but surely those buying your previous books in good faith deserve a chance to find out without wasting further money.

And I notice in one of your posts you say book 3 is that good that you may even decide not to release it. Seems odd that you would come on a site like this promoting the greatness of its contents to then just pull it from sale.


Quote from: scaldedcat on June 17, 2017, 08:34:11 AM
Stephen, I have read all the threads regarding your books. What stands out to me is that you are telling all that book 3 is going to be the real deal. So although the first two books were sold as the answer to winning at baccarat,  what you are now saying is that you need to purchase book 3 which is "bullet proof" etc.

You kindly have advised that you are giving a free copy of book 3 to the first ten people who responded to your offer.

My point in this post is that I would have thought giving those who actually paid for book 1 and/or 2 a free copy would have made more sense as they paid for something that clearly wasn't delivered.

Whether it will be delivered in book 3 remains to be seen but surely those buying your previous books in good faith deserve a chance to find out without wasting further money.

And I notice in one of your posts you say book 3 is that good that you may even decide not to release it. Seems odd that you would come on a site like this promoting the greatness of its contents to then just pull it from sale.
Sorry to be so derogatory (ahem)!  U R right scaldedcat.  This whole thing smacks of a con job or rather a marketing ploy, if you prefer.  The three pillars of marketing: Need, Enthusiasm, Urgency.

But don't worry.  Whatever iteration he eventually finishes up with will be readily available to anyone who asks around in no time.  He knows that and is just trying to get as many book sales as possible before the thing gets proliferated.

stephen tabone

Quote from: Jimske on June 17, 2017, 11:58:31 AM
Sorry to be so derogatory (ahem)!  U R right scaldedcat.  This whole thing smacks of a con job or rather a marketing ploy, if you prefer.  The three pillars of marketing: Need, Enthusiasm, Urgency.

But don't worry.  Whatever iteration he eventually finishes up with will be readily available to anyone who asks around in no time.  He knows that and is just trying to get as many book sales as possible before the thing gets proliferated.

If anyone who shows they want my third book I'm happy to extend my offer. You only need send me a pm. I really am hardly making any money from books sales, this is not my main objective. Though since I have books and am writing more I can't escape from that fact. I believe that randomness can be ordered, or structured into a mode of play that helps the bettor to win. I read that some do not agree. Well they are free to believe whatever they want.I think my strategy has been tested and proven to work, on this website forum, and by those that are using it to win money. That said, people can use whatever strategy they want. I wrote my book because personalty I could not find any reliable way to win. It is as simple as that. I'm lucky after costs to profit 350$ per year on my book thus I'm hardly in it for the money.


Quote from: Stephen Tabone on June 18, 2017, 12:39:40 AM
If anyone who shows they want my third book I'm happy to extend my offer. You only need send me a pm. I really am hardly making any money from books sales, this is not my main objective. Though since I have books and am writing more I can't escape from that fact. I believe that randomness can be ordered, or structured into a mode of play that helps the bettor to win. I read that some do not agree. Well they are free to believe whatever they want.I think my strategy has been tested and proven to work, on this website forum, and by those that are using it to win money. That said, people can use whatever strategy they want. I wrote my book because personalty I could not find any reliable way to win. It is as simple as that. I'm lucky after costs to profit 350$ per year on my book thus I'm hardly in it for the money.

I want the 8th edition with all the bells and whistles.

stephen tabone

I'm not pulling the 3rd book, I was going to, 2nd book is bullet proof, but 3rd book is like a phd on the who strategy it refines the TUBS to its core. When you see it then judge it thereafter but before you see it how can you condemn it. I proved that I refined the 1st edition with the 2nd bullet proof edition, in my last book of this series what you will learn is a master, super human piece of analyses. I turn the tables n the casinos so that the bettor has the edge. All my work is complete in this respect. I'm using it now myself and it works wonderfully. It will be so strong, it will become the creme dela creme of baccarat strategies and thus there can be no other strategy that can beat it in terms of reliable returns. All in all I have proven that there is order within randomness enough for a bettor to gain profits and make a living from the game proper. To those that do not believe this I know that no matter what I or anyone says you will never believe in a system that can and does work. Some people just do not believe in systems this is because either they cannot follow one or they keep on believing in their way way of playing that is doomed to show a minus and not a profit.


Don't tell me casinos keep taking the right side of the struggle no matter how much players try to be smart.



Baccarat is 99% skill and 1% luck

(Friday Night Lights TV series)

(Nelson Mandela)

Winners don't do different things, they do things differently (Albalaha)

Success is not a goal, it's just a by-product


As Stephen Tabone made the kind offer to send his 3rd book to anyone who Pm'd him I thought I would take him up on his kind offer.

However apparently the 3rd book is no use to you unless you have read the 2nd book.

Mr Tabone has told me that he will need to talk with his publisher about this.

I will let you know if he is able to release the books to me and if so how much they improve my skill at baccarat (that would not be too hard ???)

stephen tabone

Quote from: Jimske on June 17, 2017, 11:58:31 AM
Sorry to be so derogatory (ahem)!  U R right scaldedcat.  This whole thing smacks of a con job or rather a marketing ploy, if you prefer.  The three pillars of marketing: Need, Enthusiasm, Urgency.

But don't worry.  Whatever iteration he eventually finishes up with will be readily available to anyone who asks around in no time.  He knows that and is just trying to get as many book sales as possible before the thing gets proliferated.

They wouldn't be asking me to write more if there was no valid and worthwhile information within. Just because you don't believe in systems it does not follow that everyone is like you.