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What IF????

Started by Razor, October 08, 2013, 12:55:17 PM

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I have a very serious question to make.

What can someone think if he has found a consistent winning flat bet that matches 100% with Charles win 3 mill scammer clues?
Meaning that has tested 30 sessions of 100 spins and almost all passed the test.(letting 1-2 sessions to end up with just a loss of less than 10 chips).

Would that mean that Charles actually has a winning bet?
And if so , why to scam all those ppl and take their money of the PPPC club?(I was not one of them)

I would be glad hear some opinions.

Peaceful warrior



I'm so glad you opened this up again!!

It is apparent from your post that you have done just what you describe.  My hats off to you.  However, I did not know there were "clues"; I only heard one--something that wins more than it should.

Now, Razor, a few of the guys will make fun of you or tell you to forget the whole Charles thing.  Follow your own drummer.

Now, a request:  Could you post the clues?  I'm sure you have them and it would save some of us the footwork of finding them.

And if you found the answer, make some money with it and let the rest of us find it for ourselves.

If dogs don't go to heaven, when I die I want to go where dogs go.   ...Will Rogers



QuoteI have a very serious question to make.

I have a very serious answer to make.


Start gambling.

Buy a new car and new house.
Quit working and live high life, just walk in to any casino in the world and rob them.
Travel around the world and see new things and meet new people.
Eat good and tasty food and get your self a younger girl friend.

Good Luck


Thanks for the answers ppl.

But what I am eager to hear is IF Charles had the bet WHY he stole ppls money?
Peaceful warrior


Quote from: Razor on October 08, 2013, 02:38:40 PM
Thanks for the answers ppl.

But what I am eager to hear is IF Charles had the bet WHY he stole ppls money?

WHY he stole peoples  money? Because it`s there. Suckers are born every minute. The line of  suckers  is getting longer waiting to be fleeced.



... perhaps it was hoax all along..... how do you know he has an "Real Consisting winning bet"??

Only when you know for sure that he has an consisting winning bet you can ask the question as you did, but do you know 100% he has it??

It seems that in your question you kinda belief or want to belief he has....

Carlitos  8)


Carlitos I suggest you to read my first post.
Peaceful warrior


This  CEH ( Charles) has an Army of scammers  working for  him . This is well known on  the internet`s  roulette  message  boards. Razor are you one of them?



I m in this forum for a long time.
If i was a scammer I would have acted a long time ago.

I just asked a simple questions for the ppl that were familliar with Charles , because from my point of view it doesn t make sense.
Peaceful warrior


Quote from: Sputnik on October 08, 2013, 01:45:51 PM

I have a very serious answer to make.


Start gambling.

Buy a new car and new house.
Quit working and live high life, just walk in to any casino in the world and rob them.
Travel around the world and see new things and meet new people.
Eat good and tasty food and get your self a younger girl friend.

Good Luck

I did all you mentioned...but you wouldn't believe...even that gets boring...no more challenge,
no more travel, no more every day play.......BUT....I know the reason and that is the main thing.
Bloody years.
Finding satisfaction in fishing squids down the sea those days....lovely.


I m glad that you have a winning way for roulette Flatino. [smiley]aes/beer.png[/smiley]
Peaceful warrior


.... that's what i did amigo. however they way you put it is as if you really belief the bet exist...

I am on this and was on others forums from the past a long time.... i was around when the whole thing started with w3m and CEH.....

If he had the bet, If Santa Claus really exist..... its all an big " If "  :)

Carlitos  8)



the question you asked is a question I've asked myself ever since. and I must admit I've haven't found an answer, yet. maybe a scam, maybe this, maybe that or maybe the other ... so for me it would be guesswork.

if you've solved the puzzle my sincere congrats to you. with all the material I have collected about it through the years I have not been able to put the pieces together. but I still think it's an interesting subject.

this is just my own opinion and nothing more. :-)




What can someone think if he has found a consistand winning flat bet that maches 100% with Charles win 3 mill scammer clues?
Meanning that has tested 30 sessions of 100 spins and almost all passed the test.(letting 1-2 sessions to end up with just a loss of less than 10 chips).--------Said the sharp one!


Have YOU tested 30 sessions of 100 spins each and came away with only two losers flat betting? 

If so, are you going to tell us how you did it, or is this just a post for a pure answer to the question?  If it is, ND is right, there's a sucker (like me) waiting with a credit card!!  If you found hundred dollar bills lying about, would you not stoop to pick them up?

Would you at least give us the clues?

If dogs don't go to heaven, when I die I want to go where dogs go.   ...Will Rogers


2catsam has anyone asked you for your credit card?

In my opinion Charles has the bet he was talking about.(At least this is what my testing showed).
The only reason that I can think of that Charles stole the money from the idiots was that he gave them one final lesson before he disappeared...
And the lesson was "Never pay anyone for a CWB even if it is me"(by me I mean that he was referring to himself)

He had worn everyone about it before in his site...didn't he?

He had also mentioned 1 million times that he hates lazy ppl that are not searching for the bet and they want everything easy and ready.
I trend to believe that these were the ppl that he aimed by taking their money.

As for me...I am gonna start playing the bet from tomorrow on land based Casinos.
Even If i will lose it s only 50 chips br.

I have cracked my head searching for this bet for about 4 years now.
I haven t played roulette since I started exploring the bet.
Finally the formula I have found(with the help of RX) is matching Charles criteria 100%.
Its time to let myself play.

Ps. Nathan I do not think that Charles had an army of scammers.
I believe that he was alone in this.
Simon and Charles and every other name he had mentioned it was the same person.
All high clever ppl are alone and have no friends because they feel that everyone is above them and they are making them tired.
Peaceful warrior