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What IF????

Started by Razor, October 08, 2013, 12:55:17 PM

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... so why are you asking us your question..... as you are going to find it out yourself..... by playing the bet....

I wish you succes with it..... but do not tease us here unless you have something for real to share....

Ps, its almost christmas time...... lol...  :)

Carlitos  8)


You see carlitos I have already told you to re read my 1st post.

You think all this time that the question I made is "IF the CWB of Charles really exist"
I never asked for something like that.

I am telling you again that all i asked is "WHY he scammed all these ppl if the bet really exist"

If you can t understand a simple straight question then I asure you that you are unable to find the bet.
Peaceful warrior


Hi razor,
Are you talking about the "boffin's bet"?
I have always thought it might prove a consistent winner if applied to all 3 EC's at the same time- and just play the "bet within a bet" at level stakes...?
Good Luck,


... " If the bet realy exist ", but you do not know whether the bet realy exist or whether your bet which appears to have passed the test which CEH mentioned is the same.

For that to know you must know the CEH CW bet.

To answer your question, yes he wanted to teach people an lesson, however that does not proof that the bet exist or not exist.

You belief by finding your CW bet that passed the CEH criteria therefor is also the CEH bet, your bet can be totaly different and pass the CEH criteria at the same time....

An simple question for you Razor, do you know or have the CEH CWB??

Carlitos  8)


Ok now my final post.

Not everyone is able to find the bet and this for sure.
It needs huge of dedication and a brain that is full of observation.

The bet can not be found without the help of the RX software..this is because the RX flashes the doz-col-B-R-O-E-L-H of the last spin and is a huge help in finding the bet.
Sure it can be found with pen and paper but it s a lot harder and maybe will never notice what is going on.

For the ppl that need help from me...

Find a way and read again all the pages of win3mill.
Every page has clues...even the little ffunny stories has clues in them.

Go in GG forum and find the posts of the person named "Shikamaru".
He was charles and he have fundimendal clues for the bet...clues that never been published in his site.(such as the bet is 4 chips on every spin and that the bet includes a Doz and a COL ...INCLUDES ...it s not the hole bet)

You should really focus on the formula that contains 3 bets and find out when you alter bets in order t TRAP THE RUNS AND THE CHANGES! Ringing a bell???

Forget systems that includes probability based on maths...every math educated person has tried beating the game with it and none could and will ever be able to.

On every spin observe...observe the movements...ringing a bell??

Read charles site so many times that if someone would ever ask you to re right it from scrach you should be able to do it.

unfortunatelly the bet can t be found if someone doesn t have the ability to observe EVERYTHING and know how to adapt.
The person that is gonna find the bet must be able to think very analitic...even in his personal life.

Copy/paste in a word doc the posts of "Shikamaru"...they are vital!!

Finaly Charles was so right when he was telling that the person that will find the bet ...he will have so hard time and dedication to find it that he will never share it with nobody.

I did my duty and helped some ppl in here that I know they desearve finding the bet....just a 2% of the ppl in any forum.

If they will accept that the bet really exist they will find it one day...
I was fighting by my own without knowing if the bet really exist and when I saw Charles scamming ppl my faith had colapsed...
But I was lucky not to give up because I had already found the formula and the only thing that was missing is to arrange the 4 chips correcty in order to make the bet a CWB.

I would have found the bet 1 year before but a simple mistake in playing the formulas wasn t letting the bet to pass the sessions tests...
Today I found out what the mistake was!
It was the zero.....and what you do after it....Remeber Charles saying "Zero is a loss".....it was a major clues because it affects the formula...

I hope I helpled some ppl in here...

I know that 99% of you do not beleave that I am telling the truth but I really don t care.

All I care was to say to you that the bet really exist because so many years I cough blood in order to find it and the best ppl to share this thing is with the ppl that had also searched for the bet and that they know Charles story.

Thank you all for the beautifull jurney you helped me make all those years of exploring roulette.

ps. Atlantis Boffind bet has nothing to do with Charles bet my friend...you are confused.
Carlitos I said that the bet maches the creteria of the clues of Charles...not only the testing creteria.
You are NOT reading anything correct.
Peaceful warrior


..... one of the clues CEH had given was that he never placed more then 2 chips at the same time, maybe other forum members can correct me if iam wrong, and yes Shikamaru has given clues on the GG forum saying that the bet exist of 4 different betts....

I wish you all the best, i also spent 3 years searching this bet :thumbsup:

Carlitos 8)


hikamaruPosted: 09-Jun-09 [color=aa0000]21:24[/color]
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yes an EC bet ALONE is better odds then a column bet ALONE. ALONE meaning not part of an engineered bet and ALONE meaning not part of an exactly planned session following an exact formula that you created.
However when a column bet is combined with other bets, 3 other bets to be exact, and when it is part of an exactly planned session following an exact formula you have created, then you now have created the dream odds and its definitely better than the EC bets.

When I said to try to CREATE a bet that includes a dozen or column or maybe both that is exactly what I wanted you to do. I did not say to include or exclude the even bets or to use the column and dozen combo. All I said was that you need to create a bet that INCLUDES a column, a dozen, or maybe even both. The word INCLUDES means that the column, dozen, or column dozen combo is not the whole bet, but just part of it.


Razor, you can stay if you want here on this forum, nobody is sending you away.....

Carlitos  8)



Lighten up, Bro!  I never said you asked for a credit card.  I was referring to that Carrie thing I bought for $24.  ND pointed out what a sucker I was and I was just agreeing.

Good thing you found the bet.

If dogs don't go to heaven, when I die I want to go where dogs go.   ...Will Rogers


My personal  take on this  topic  is that there is more to it  than just a  simple " What If ??  heading.



Quote from: Marshall Bing Bell on October 08, 2013, 08:14:00 PM

Bye Bye now, Viper.

perhaps he admires and wishes to recreate the rip off rather than the system


I guess his whole point was a backhanded way of saying......I found it and I ain't gonna tell!

I say bully for him!

If dogs don't go to heaven, when I die I want to go where dogs go.   ...Will Rogers


Again, same topic, but different member.
During all years you always see does who gave up and make a topic about how they quit.
Many do it telling us they find a bet and become a lier, when they still had the choice to be honest.

I seen at least 30 topics with the same manner.
No one of does 30 members find the HG ,,, that is just silly ... it does not exist ...



..... its the same drill all over again.... but perhaps he is trying to give some clues... this one i found intresting
Quote[size=0px]The bet can not be found without the help of the RX software..this is because the RX flashes the doz-col-B-R-O-E-L-H of the last spin and is a huge help in finding the bet.[/size]

Carlitos  8)


Just a general observation:

It is not what one sees  but what one thinks  one  sees.