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What IF????

Started by Razor, October 08, 2013, 12:55:17 PM

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yes graildigger that's what you are looking for.....i have only the manuscript in word docx form..i spent a lot of time doing that file and am not willing to put the docx here...the book itself is in book form is on kindle store i did have it available for free download for five days and that's up now.
..i got to wait another 60 days before i can do that offer again. ...it doesn,t say in there anything about columns and dozens that came about separate from the site of win3million.....


Quote from: Tomla on October 11, 2013, 02:28:14 PM
ok my new guess is that there is some correlation to betting a dozen or a column depending on what the 3 ec's are doing?

This is what I was just thinking as well!

Maybe we could add a list of any clues we can think about and then keep adding any new ones we find.

Ending on 2 wins seems like an important clue to me. It makes it sound like the bet is very streaky. The MM techniques which CH suggested would also validate this.

If we are looking to trap a bet and watch the carpet movements.....then I think the LOW / HIGH may play an important role in the bet. I can't imagine the RED / BLACK or ODD / EVEN as meaning much if it is something combined with the DOZENS / COLUMNS.

LoL....maybe the clue was in the name 'CH'.  HIGH and COLUMN C.   Who knows?

Sometimes it is the people who no one imagines anything of who do the things that no one can imagine.


it was charles edward hampshire.....column ..even..high lol


Quote from: Razor on October 08, 2013, 06:39:36 PM

The bet can not be found without the help of the RX software..this is because the RX flashes the doz-col-B-R-O-E-L-H of the last spin and is a huge help in finding the bet.
Sure it can be found with pen and paper but it s a lot harder and maybe will never notice what is going on.

[size=78%]On every spin observe...observe the movements...ringing a bell??[/size]


Movements of dozens and columns . Visual movements across the carpet? Left, right, up, down, diagonal? 9 of them as i understood reading other forums. AA AB AC BA BB BC CA CB CC?

Something happens less then it should. In movements of dozens and columns, or maybe EC behavior? Where does the trigger come from?


I've thought a lot on this.  Remember, the wheel selects numbers only.  Those numbers just so happen to fall within a dozen, column and so on.

Now--if something did NOT happen as often as it should, that would mean some numbers are not getting hit as often as they should.  As to movements, I'll have to study on that one.  Maybe that's it, but I can't see it at first blush...

Example:  If column A and B did not switch enough times, that would mean one column is being hit more than the other.  That is, one group of numbers, say 2-35, is hitting more than it should.

Am I wrong?

If dogs don't go to heaven, when I die I want to go where dogs go.   ...Will Rogers


Good guess Tomla, could it be that EC's show up in every dozen and colum within x-amount of spins?

Meaning, dozen 1 red, after an fews spins dozen 2 red, then again after an fews spins dozen 3 red, other EC"s etc.....

TwoCatSam, there is merrit to what you are saying, some dozens and or columns do show more times. But mostly gerneral speaking 2 dozens and columns at the same time...

Does anyone here has the " Old Clue list " from CEH website W3M?

I think it says that he placed no more then 2 chips at the same time.

Hahaha..... very nicely thought Bally, however be not surprised of you would to be right on that one, but then it would be " CEH, Column, even, high ".

Carlitos  8)


there is no clue-list, I'm afraid.  the clues are spread and hidden all over the w3m pages.




Yes there was an clue list and i had one but lost it due to an pc crash..... lol...... ps, the clue list are the clues spread on the w3m website gathered together....

Carlitos  8)


but this list was not published on w3m, was it?


 "some dozens and or columns do show more times."........he said.


Could you elaborate on this?  Because if this were the case, we would just bet those columns/dozens.

If dogs don't go to heaven, when I die I want to go where dogs go.   ...Will Rogers


Not as an list, but spread around the pages of the website, like i said the list are all the clues from all the pages.

Well has it not appeared to you that some times coloumn 2 or 3 ( or for that matter any other column together with another column ) appears more times together, but you have to see which do appear more times, its like pattern, so it can be that column 1 and 2 appear more times mixed with the column 3, it goes around.... its almost the same when 3 or 5 reds come, column 1 and 2 can come 3 or 4 times mixed with column 3 etc....

I hope iam explaining myself good, do not want to give you false hope....

Carlitos  8)


you have to remember that results in a tracker is like climbing the rungs of a ladder i posted rpro tracker on other site a long time ago but it will not allow me to upload here as the site says its too big...but columns and dozens are shown properly as well as other stuff and you notice its likes climbing the rungs of a ladder a misstep on one side but not the other...well not too much anyway


Just throwing a few random thoughts into the ring (along with my hat).

Clues that I have gleaned:
1) 4 chips.
2) 4 locations (a column plus 3 others is what I think was stated - but that could have just been an example).
3) euro wheel only. (Pretty sure I read somewhere that it doesn't work on American wheel - although maybe that was just "doesn't work as well" and so doesn't defeat the increased number of losses due to 2 zeros).
4) Le partage makes little difference to final outcome (again, I think I read that in Shik's comments).
5) Zero is considered a loss wrt the formula.
6) Objective: trap runs and changes.
7) symmetry (or lack thereof) seems to be important.
8] EC's are included - in fact I suspect it is ONLY EC's, columns and/or dozens.
9) something occurs less frequently than it should.

Some random thoughts relating to the above -

If you want to trap a run of High's or Low's then you would bet 3rd or 1st dozen resp.
If you want to trap a run of Black or Red then you would bet Col 2 or 3 resp.
Odd/Even is perfectly symmetrical in both dozens and columns so these are probably not included in the bet - unless they are used for some sort of independent purpose.
The above traps are not perfect - you could still lose because the run just happened to be avoiding the area of your trap - but this is not unexpected because I think the goal was 29 out of 30 successful games so even in perfect circumstances, when the gods of gambling are toying with you, you could still lose.
Trapping changes is just the opposite of the above - but still with HL or RB only.  So, for example, to trap a change from H to L you would bet 1st dozen, and so on.

So the question then becomes - what are the rules around going for the runs or the changes?  Has there been any mention of whether or not you bet continuously or wait for a condition to be fulfilled?  Perhaps the essence of these rules relate to clue 9.

See next post for a few thoughts on the philosophy expounded that "something occurs less frequently than it should".



So - here's a quote from My Keynes. His Treatise on Probability has been mentioned before but how many of you have actually looked at it - even just to the referred chapter?  It's not that tough if you just ignore the math and try to grasp the meaning.

Anyway - 2 quotes follow.

the actual frequency in a series of trials of an event, of which the probability at each trial is less than 1/2 (i.e. 0.5), is likely to fall short of its most probable value more often than it exceeds it.


it is sometimes worth the statistician's while to bear in mind this appreciable want of symmetry in the distribution about the mode or most probable value

He is saying that "the dispersion about the most probable value, even when the conditions for the applicability of Bernoulli's Theorem in its non-approximate form are strictly fulfilled, is unsymmetrical".

So there is some good support for the assertion that something happens less frequently than expected - i.e. falls short of its most probable value MORE OFTEN THAN IT EXCEEDS IT. Note, however, that this refers only to "probabilities less than 0.5" so EC's, INDEPENDENTLY, are insufficient.  However, in the table provided in the document which shows the calculated value of the excess delta there are some entries for a probability of 1/4 (i.e. 0.25) and this is very close to the combination of 2 EC's.  How convenient!

Another important principal from the Treatise is "the difference between the two probabilities being a maximum when n = 1, constantly diminishing as n increases ...".  So if you are trying to capitalize on this principal then SHORT games are more favorable than LONG games.  Again, mathematically proven (as far as anything is "provable" in maths - remembering that the whole area of probability is still referred to as a theory).

Final quote, which is a specific example, to assist with understanding.

Thus it is easily found that in 100 sets of 4 trials each, where p = 1/4, the actual frequency is likely to exceed the most probable 26 times and to fall short of it 31 times.

Food for thought?



Sam and Carlitos, you three cats have some great perspective on this matter!
Only thing that actually would surprise me is along those lines because we assume that all bets are equal.
Well they are equal on their own, column A will not show less times than B or C in the long run, I'm sure of that.
Had same thoughts (they look close enough to me) on this like Carlitos.
What's with combos? Runs?
Is some run less possible then others? ABBABBAABBA vs BCCBCBBCCCCBB vs ACCAACACAAACC ?
Do some appear less, are they shorter on average?
There is also something i was interested in my studies, clean runs - ABABABAB / BCBCBC .... betting against the order, against the pattern. Maybe this is somehow related.