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What IF????

Started by Razor, October 08, 2013, 12:55:17 PM

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"and to clear things up i didn't give the bet away instead i gave a clue that would lead you to it after much deduction. i narrowed down the bets that could be used to only 8 and then i gave them my play by play (down 3 units, down 2 units, up 2 units, etc. and the corresponding numbers, from a real wheel by the way and whether it was american single 0 double 00 or euro)

it makes a big difference whether it is an american or a european wheel as the numbers are arranged in a totally different manner. the fact that you get half back on even chances when it lands on 0 hardly affects anything.

if you don't know the significance of narrowing down the bets to only 8 possible choices then you know nothing of the holy grail. but at least you have the grail."

8 possible bets, that's a big clue. Also look the loss and gain unit wise. I think the bet is designed for european wheel. Maybe the reason of why is something happening less is in the carpet vs wheel problem. He says "the fact that you get half back on even chances" - even chances - plural? Or one at the time but sometimes you use R/B and other times E/O or H/L...


Hello Graildigger,

You are right on that one. When looking in the long run columns will show not less or more then other columns, perhaps with an few small difference.

Anyone can see that in the permenanzen. However when looking at an few spins could be slight difference.

Anyone with enough roulette playing experience will see that sometime some columns combines with other have the upper hand, and it changes etc... no big deal or secret.

Sqzboz, good posts!!

But i do not think the CEH CWB is in the ABBABBBAA thing.
CEH said, it was through default situation that he found the bet.

So what's an default situation in roulette??

When all possible betts are clear to see?? Like number 25 come up, red high oneven, but the opposite is, black even low.

And what's this riddle has to do with it, some guy called Werdna, ( or in the opposite writting Andrew, believed to be CEH ), posted this also on the old VLS forum,

If friends have the answer how many by your side?         

If pages could be read would they be your guide?           

An occurrance it will happen maybe once or twice         

The balance on your side you'd think that would be nice   

Should there be a minus there may well be a plus             

Working on your own means there is no us                     
Carlitos  8)


QuoteAs a pure example only, three spins of roulette for an EC can give 8 different combinations,two with the same chance and 6 with the two chances mixed..that's a ratio of 3 to 1 which is equal 75/25 

Above quote from the CEH message board.

BEL .... and then sort out all combi's.

that's the bet within the bet.

Example, number 7, R O L,




Carlitos  8)


Graildigger, its only European wheel for sure. Thus, 1 zero.

Carlitos  8)


Thank you Carlitos for those 2 posts. It was so long time ago that i forgot about the poem and this example from CEH.
They completely change my perspective on the bet. "Look for the opposite in everything you find".
First and fourth verse are very important.
About formula - it looks like the bet could be very precise like a clockwork... X number of placed bets in every Y spins 


Graildigger, thank you also for your posts, it made it all clearer to me  :applause:

that's the only thing we have to figure out, how to place the bets and in which way....

You could be right on this clockwork idea  :thumbsup:  Its the difference between night and day...

Carlitos  8)


Quote from: Graildigger on October 12, 2013, 11:48:34 AM
it looks like the bet could be very precise like a clockwork... X number of placed bets in every Y spins
I agree that there *could* be some kind of trigger ... after so many misses of a certain combo of a particular state then begin to bet that combo when the next trigger forms...


Hi Graildigger,


An EC + column (refined and revised) strategy for single 0 real casino roulette or single 0 live online roulette and based on the arrangement of the roulette colours on the table layout.

When you look at the table layout you will notice that:
The 1st Column has an equal number of Red and Black numbers, but the 2nd Column has 4 Red and 8 Black, while the 3rd Column has 4 Black and 8 Red numbers.

This is the rationale or reasoning influence behind this betting gambit.

Patience and tolerance will be required at times.

What to bet
There are 2 bets involved.

The first bet is on the RED or BLACK even chance

The second bet is on the 2nd OR THE 3rd COLUMN. (2/1 chance)

When you bet Red then you must also bet an equal amount on the 2nd Column.
When you bet Black then you must also bet an equal amount on the 3rd Column.

Whether you bet Red and the 2nd Column or Black and the 3rd Column, you are covering 18 plus 8 for a total of 26 numbers out of 37 at the cost of only two units. That's covering 18 of a colour plus 8 of the other color and doubling up the coverage on 4.

When only the correct colour comes up, the bet returns even money so you get the spin for free. When only the column hits you make one unit profit. When the colour and the column both hit then you make three units profit.

When and How To Bet
Selections are decided by the COLOUR of the DECISION BEFORE LAST (DBL)
In other words the penultimate or preceding number to the last number hit.

The ZERO is ignored. Only use the results before the 0.

If the colour of the DBL result is RED then the bet to be made is an equal amount on RED + the 2nd COLUMN.
If the colour of the DBL result is BLACK then the bet to be made is an equal amount on BLACK + the 3rd COLUMN.

These betting "movements" are to be followed correctly at all times!

Flatbetting only.

Now for the trigger rules:

Only bet on RED + COLUMN 2 when so indicated if the last THREE or more appearances of Red DID NOT also hit the second column as well!

Only bet on BLACK + COLUMN 3 when so indicated if the last THREE or more appearances of Black DID NOT also hit the third column as well!

That means it will not be continuous betting all the time - there will be automatic stop and start betting points for each colour combo. If a colour trigger applies and only if the DBL is that colour then betting will commence on it. Bets will cease on a qualifying colour after it hits (whether it was bet upon or not!!!) until the 3 miss qualifying trigger for that colour re-qualifies again...

Well this is my idea. I'm sure GLC could come up with a good cyclic progression if needs be too.

Will show example next....

A. :)


 I don't believe in this.
That it should be better selection then just using red and black.

It is easy to prove your point if you argue against my assumptions.
Pick any advance selection using multi locations.
Aim just to win +1 unit or break even +0.

that's it.

Then we can compare results.
If you argue you can flat betting, then +1 and +0 should overcome -1 -2 -3 and so on ...
You can pick any loss limit you like.

I do the same using red and black as they come with out any fancy or advance selection method.
And i claim i will get same results or even better results, then you can achieve using multi selection.

There is no underlying advantage with the layout, is just voo-do stuff ...


#spun                             +/-                times missed            bet
8                                     +0                       b1
6                                                                b0
34                                                              r1
25                                                              r2
21                                                              r3                    r+c2
7            w+0                   +0                      r4                    r+c2
14          w+3                   +3                      r0
12                                                              r1
28                                                              b1
8                                                                b2
1                                                                r2
18                                                              r3                    r+c2
9            w+0                                             r4                    r+c2
11          w+1                   +4                      b3                   r+c2
5            w+3                   +7                      r0                    b+c3
36          w+1                   +8                       r1             
34                                                              r2
26                                                              b4
4                                                                b5                   b+c3
7           L-2                     +6                       r3                   b+c3
10         w+0                                               b6                  r+c2
1           w+0                                               r4                   b+c3
5           L-2                     +4                       r0
8                                                                b7                   
35                                                              b8                   b+c3
10         w+0                                               b9                   b+c3
34         w+1                   +5                         r1                   b+c3
6          w+3                    +8                         b0
12                                                               r2
7                                                                 r3                   r+c2
8           w+1                   +9                        b1                  r+c2
19         w+0                                               r4


Remember, it's just an IDEA of what the CWB (if it exists) might or could be like.



 >:D Sputnik,

I am in full agreement with  your statement: " with the layout, is just voo-do".

Then  again it is  October. the month of the spooks . It`s  no wonder that this spook " CEH" made  a comeback  at this time of the year.


Trick or  Treat?




Bit of voo-doo might come in handy if you get freaked out by some bad ju-ju. Gimme that JD and coke!  O:-)


voodoo...anyone really take a look at the table?.....remember there was a few references to it and thinking outside the box...every cross section of dozen and column has at least 2 of the same group numbers except dozen 2....and cross section doz3 col 1.....16 numbers...also all lines are the same except lines 4...and 10....could doz 2 be the main trigger ..and the 4 bets placed on double street 1...single street 3...split 26/27...and 1 unit on quad... a thought all triggered by doz 2


Quote from: 6th-sense on October 12, 2013, 06:24:51 PM
voodoo...anyone really take a look at the table?.....remember there was a few references to it and thinking outside the box...every cross section of dozen and column has at least 2 of the same group numbers except dozen 2....and cross section doz3 col 1.....16 numbers...also all lines are the same except lines 4...and 10....could doz 2 be the main trigger ..and the 4 bets placed on double street 1...single street 3...split 26/27...and 1 unit on quad... a thought all triggered by doz 2

Sorry to say it again, but i think that is nonsense ... my opinion ...


I had a read through the w3million pages again this morning just to see if anything grabbed my attention.

Here is something that kind of fits the bill and I have not really seen it mentioned anywhere before.

So the first number out is 4 BLACK, EVEN, LOW, 1ST DOZEN, 1ST COLUMN.


Place 1 chip on all these locations.


The next number out was 11 BLACK, ODD, LOW, 1ST DOZEN, 2ND COLUMN.

That's a profit of 2 units and now you would reset and go again.

Sometimes it is the people who no one imagines anything of who do the things that no one can imagine.