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What IF????

Started by Razor, October 08, 2013, 12:55:17 PM

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That's good news. Carry on the winning, Razor. :)
I hope you will keep us all apprised of your results (good or bad) and update with your progress of your secret CWB.
How many spins you play on average a session? R U flatbetting or using a progression? I think might be hard without some kind of mild progression..



Atlantis, if i remember it right the CWB is without progression....off course i can be wrong on that....

Carlitos  8)


Quote from: Razor on October 08, 2013, 06:39:36 PM
Ok now my final post.


It was NOT the gentleman's final post after all.  (See post 185.)

I will ignore the scolding about the credit card and ask the question again:  What is a "Constant Winning Bet"?  Seriously, people, if you don't know what you're looking for, how will you know if you have found it?

Does it win every bet placed; never loses even once in a century??  Oh, sure!!  I'll smoke that; just light it up for me!!

Or does it just win more than it loses?

If it simply wins more than it loses, many people have it!!  Yep, they do!!

EDIT:  I do not mean the bet wins more decisions than it loses.  I mean it wins more money that it loses.  It loses forty units and wins fifty.  That sort of pie.


Please, no further scolding. 
If dogs don't go to heaven, when I die I want to go where dogs go.   ...Will Rogers


[mod] Excellent questions.They deserve a straight, unequivocal, unambiguous and enlightening reply.One without bluster, evasion, obfuscation -- and scolding. It's fast approaching put-up-or-shut-up-about-a-CWB-time... Why? Because this forum is not about hints, drip-feeding and strewing breadcrumbs. Or about the "look at me, mum, no hands" brigade who enjoy bragging without sharing. [/mod]


That thing Normy posted has won more than it loses for days and days and days.  More trots; more money.  Is it the "Holy Schmoly"?  To quote the immortal bard:  That is the question.

If dogs don't go to heaven, when I die I want to go where dogs go.   ...Will Rogers


Guys and dolls, this is basically " The Holy Grail ",




.... as being said by Graildigger and Shikamaru.

The only thing is how to work out the order of appearence. These are the 8 possible bets, however if you look at them they cover all the numbers on the carpet.

Shikamaru said, i narrowed it down to 8 possible bets, and how to trap 7 losers.
So could it be that one scratches of 7 combinations in order of appearance and then bet the remaining combination of numbers?

I have seen Red Even High 23 times without appearance so even with progression one would not make it, i think.

Carlitos  8)



What does it mean to "trap a loser"?  Does that mean that--for some reason--RHO cannot win?  Would you put your neck in the Guillotine and bet that statement is true.  I feel you would eventually bleed a little.

Someone educate me:  What does it mean to trap a loser?  And how would one trap SEVEN??

If dogs don't go to heaven, when I die I want to go where dogs go.   ...Will Rogers


Quote from: TwoCatSam on November 02, 2013, 03:00:05 PM

What does it mean to "trap a loser"?  Does that mean that--for some reason--RHO cannot win?  Would you put your neck in the Guillotine and bet that statement is true.  I feel you would eventually bleed a little.

Someone educate me:  What does it mean to trap a loser?  And how would one trap SEVEN??


Yes. I would also like to know exactly what "to trap a loser" means too...

Possibly it means that the way you place the bet ensures that it will not be a total loss of chips. In other words there cannot be a complete losing spin where all bets are lost; there is a guaranteed return - sometimes a losing return, sometimes level return, sometimes a profitable return....

For instance 5 bets @ 0.7:

If doz 1 and 3 were last dozens to hit then NO BET.

If doz 1 and 2 OR 2 and 3 were last dozens to hit then bet those 2 doz + the last 2 columns to have hit.

If betting doz 1 and 2 then also bet EC HIGH @0.7

If betting doz 2 and 3 bet then also bet EC LOW @ 0.7

Also place each time a bet of 0.1u on ZERO

Total bet= 3.6

0=level (3.6)
EC only = 1.4
col only = 2.1
doz only = 2.1
col or doz + EC hit = 3.5
col and doz hit = 4.2
col+doz+high/low EC = 5.6



Dear Forum,

It has been ages since I last posted. I am still interested in finding a winning bet but almost gave up.

I came accross this topic and manage to read Shikamaru's post in GG.

He did tell the below story:

[reveal]".....junket king and turbogenius were the first ones to strike at me for supporting charles, and quite quickly like in 3 hours or less.

i think a day or so after that, loadsamoneyalf agrees with them. of course when i first joined and posted i left out the fact that i knew the bet.

i waited till three weeks later to drop the hint that i know the bet.

spike, loadsamoneyalf, gilly, turbogenius, and junketking all pretty much went silent, probably due to shock. then all of a sudden on the same day crappy himself comes crawling along to ask me for help. oh yeah alan and rob were also against ceh.

let me tell you that when i saw that he registered on june 9, 2009 he immediately became a source of endless entertainment. with the five fools who went silent and now the same exact day i mention knowing the bet we have a "newbie" interested in my bet.

what a coincidence. couldn't be that crappy has around 7 different aliases could it? i mean its just a coincidence that the other idiots are silent and now there are some newbies....."

I believe there are clues in the story. 
spike, loadsamoneyalf, gilly, turbogenius, and junketking = 5
crappy, alan and rob = 3

"...the following events were not a coincidence..." "....what a coincidence. couldn't be that crappy has around 7 different aliases could it? i mean its just a coincidence that the other idiots are silent and now there are some newbies...."



If dogs don't go to heaven, when I die I want to go where dogs go.   ...Will Rogers


...... wow Mr. Nobody i think you have read my post..... :o

Carlitos  8)


Quote from: Carlitos on November 03, 2013, 07:21:00 PM
...... wow Mr. Nobody i think you have read my post..... :o

Carlitos  8)

Lol...long time no chat bro...

Still looking for the grail? If there is a grail..with our efforts...we will find it... If there is no grail..yeah...it was fun looking for it... :thumbsup:

So..back to the CWB...

Let me post the questions:

  • What is the trigger to bet?
  • What to bet? (How many bets? How many units?)
  • What happen if the bet loses?
  • What happen if the bet win? (are we in profit? if not, what do we do next?)
  • How to end the session?


Quote from: NoBody on November 04, 2013, 10:12:49 AM


  • What is the trigger to bet?

  • What is the trigger to bet?

  • The trigger of the bet are NOT on the Ecs
  • Do not care what the movements are doing on the inside bets...the triggers are not on the inside bets
  • Knowing what is the last doz or col or Ecs can t help you because only 1 spin is NOT a movement.
The trigger is "movement" of Doz/Col or Doz & Col (must be more than 1 spin)


Quote from: NoBody on November 04, 2013, 10:12:49 AM

2. What to bet? (How many bets? How many units?)

  2. What to bet? (How many bets? How many units?)

  • bet is 4 chips on every spin and that the bet includes a Doz and a COL ...INCLUDES ...it s not the hole bet
  • You should really focus on the formula that contains 3 bets and find out when you alter bets in order to TRAP THE RUNS AND THE CHANGES
  • RX flashes the doz-col-B-R-O-E-L-H of the last spin and is a huge help in finding the bet.
  • Only the flashing thing that RX has is helping in spotting the movements.
  • On every spin observe...observe the movements
  • RX is easier to SPOT the movements ...the hard part is to spot the correct ones because on every spin a lot of movements are happening. RX not only will help you find those movements but it will also make your life easier in testing the bet.
  • Open RX and inset a spin file of real Casino spins. Spin and observe the movements that are happening on the dozens and on columns( I ain't gonna say particularly look on the Doz or look on the Col...I have already said enough...it's your business to find what the triggers and formula is)
  • Observe of a movement that is NOT happening as much as it should
  • Then try to trap this by trapping the opposite
  • the formula -  arrange the 4 chips correctly in order to make the bet a CWB
  • The bet does not have 2 parts... It has 3
  • The hard part is the 4th chip where to be placed...but when you will have found the formula with more work you will find where this 4th chip must be placed
  • With just the 3 chips you will have found a bet that is not winning but it's not losing either
  • However when a column bet is combined with other bets, 3 other bets to be exact, and when it is part of an exactly planned session following an exact formula you have created, then you now have created the dream odds and its definitely better than the EC bets
  • All I said was that you need to create a bet that INCLUDES a column, a dozen, or maybe even both. The word INCLUDES means that the column, dozen, or column dozen combo is not the whole bet, but just part of it.
  • i narrowed down the bets that could be used to only 8
  • The life time BR is only 50 chips.
4 chips = 4 places = Ecs + Col + Doz
Flat bet
(3 chips = even – no win no lose, 4th chip = win)
3 spins = profit


Quote from: NoBody on November 04, 2013, 10:12:49 AM


  • What is the trigger to bet?
  • What to bet? (How many bets? How many units?)
  • What happen if the bet loses?
  • What happen if the bet win? (are we in profit? if not, what do we do next?)
  • How to end the session?

3. What happen if the bet loses?

  • You should really focus on the formula that contains 3 bets and find out when you alter bets in order to TRAP THE RUNS AND THE CHANGES
  • "Zero is a loss".....it was a major clues because it affects the formula
  • Find the formula...find where to change from the part 1 to 2 and to 3 ... it is obvious that a loss will make the part to change.
  • When you are testing you will realize that the 3d part of the formula must be played in order to make the consistent losses(at some point of the playing) ,consistent wins...and then part 1 or 2 again
  • This simple means that in every 100 placed bets you will be close to 0 (+5 or -5 in the end etc.)
    And with the adding of the 4th chip you will have a winner
  • i gave them my play by play (down 3 units, down 2 units, up 2 units, etc)
If Zero hit = loss
3 spin in total
Part 1, 4 chips
Part 2, 4 chips
Part 3, 4 chips (profit)

4. What happen if the bet win? (are we in profit? if not, what do we do next?)

  • You should really focus on the formula that contains 3 bets and find out when you alter bets in order to TRAP THE RUNS AND THE CHANGES
  • Find the formula...find where to change from the part 1 to 2 and to 3 ... it is obvious that a loss will make the part to change.
  • When you are testing you will realize that the 3d part of the formula must be played in order to make the consistent losses(at some point of the playing) ,consistent wins...and then part 1 or 2 again
  • This simple means that in every 100 placed bets you will be close to 0 (+5 or -5 in the end etc.)
    And with the adding of the 4th chip you will have a winner
Total 3 part (Part 1, 2 and 3)
3 spin (Part 3) = 100%

5. How to end the session?

  • 30 sessions the 1 or 2(the most) is allowed to lose less than 10 chips in the end
  • no more than 2 placed BETS(meaning 2 betting spins) are being used before being in profit.

1 Session = 3 spins