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What would be useful Software to you?

Started by RTB, October 27, 2014, 12:12:25 PM

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Hi All,

I'm interested to know what you guys would find useful in terms of software for Roulette playing? i.e. Trackers, Clickers, Calculators/Money Management etc.
I've coded roulette software before and am thinking of starting a site where users can submit their ideas for the categories mentioned, have me code it and would
be available to all for a small fee.

The one thought I have is, anyone submitting an idea that I code would get free site access. This would encourage a flow of new ideas/tools that everyone can use.
My vision is to have a site which serves as a 'Toolbox' if you will where there exists many useful programs\tools for Roulette players.

So let me know the kinds of tools you'd like to see coded, besides a Holy Grail of Course! :)



Friend, if I remember correctly some years ago this idea was carried out exactly and it was a failure. People were not happy with others obtaining for free what they had to pay for in full. That they were given other systems they would not use made ​​no difference. What they saw is that I pay full price for my system and others pay less or nothing. Also to the person who suggested an idea all was handed to them for free and this added further insult to those who paid their money to see him unfairly a free rider for their financial effort.

The solution for me is: to provide all free or all for pay clearly labeled. The halftone solutions always end not so well. Imagine that you are in a supermarket where you pay your money full price for a product to see that the owner gives it to the person next in line for telling a suggestion for the store. Even if the owner gives you a box of candles that you will not use anyway the result is the same: Offensive. Why do I have to pay for my product and he gets it all free?

The idea is very good on paper, but consider the human factor too. We must not repeat the mistakes of the past all the time. If your software is innovative rest assured that people will pay full price happily.
say things directly to show respect for other people's time. Walter.


Thinking aloud seeking to help. Two forms of success:

If you are a programmer who actually do this for the love of art where people put their suggestions and complete them for free as they did before in the VIP lounge Forum, your website would be a success. It would be filled with visitors because free calls members and members would voice the website like wildfire. Everyone likes to get something for nothing. It is an excellent recipe for winning many personal accolades and many visitors if this is what fills you as an individual.

The other way of success: a payment program with roulette xtreme quality but faster development. If you publish a clone of roulette xtreme at a budget price (I mean the range of $ 10 USD) success is guaranteed. You would serve your customers in your forum and all treated at the same level so there would be no resentment because some get all free and others have to pay full price. This ensures the funding of the product. Look at the longevity that has been possible for roulette xtreme. it  is undoubtedly the best program on the market but its Achilles heel is that it takes too long to add new things.

If you make a quality program like xtreme, cheaper and with faster output to add new features, it also has a guaranteed success, with the advantage of being sustainable in the economic part.

say things directly to show respect for other people's time. Walter.


Quote from: RTB on October 27, 2014, 12:12:25 PM
My vision is to have a site which serves as a 'Toolbox' if you will where there exists many useful programs\tools for Roulette players.

Here are some examples of sites that can help:




Much success in whatever you choose. If quality , rest assured that you will get support.
say things directly to show respect for other people's time. Walter.


Thanks for your input on this Wannwin. However, the example you've given doesn't represent what my aim is. Perhaps I haven't explained it the best.
It is essentially the opposite of what you are suggesting i.e. (1 person pays full price, others get it for free).

My aim is this:

- Have a website with a library of software tools which are useful to players.
- Everyone pays a small monthly fee for accesss (say $5), Except those who contribute new ideas that result in a new Tool being made.
- Not every idea is coded into a Tool ... need to filter out junk or systems\tools that don't have a wide enough appeal.
- Users vote on which idea(s) gets coded, giving them the power to influence future development.

So, essentially a person with a good idea which results in new software gets rewarded (maybe not lifetime membership, but 1 month free or something).

No one would really pay 'full price' for any one tool since costs are covered by a low monthly fee for everyone. This would be to everyones benefit since no one would want to pay what it actually costs to develop each tool they would want to use.

I appreciate your input on RX also, will do some reading on that.


Good thinking, RTB.

However, not wanting to rain on your parade, and please don't take this the wrong way, but isn't your broad-brush idea pretty much what Victor is already aiming to achieve with his BetSoftware software?

You'll find statements from him about this on the forum.

But I could be wrong. (My wife will tell you it often happens.  >:D)  But to me, several similarities were quite striking.

On the other hand, it certainly won't hurt for your plans to firm up and for your site to eventually appear.

After all, your ideas are well stated and will have appeal I'm sure.

In fact, the more responsive you are to coding requests the more successful you'll be. 

I've had experience in the past where the bot-coder kept dragging his feet. Getting the finished product out of him was like pulling teeth!  Never again.... <grrr>


Quote from: esoito on October 27, 2014, 11:00:03 PM

I've had experience in the past where the bot-coder kept dragging his feet. Getting the finished product out of him was like pulling teeth!  Never again.... <grrr>

...sounds like Victor. :thumbsup:


Quote from: greenguy on October 27, 2014, 11:53:04 PM
...sounds like Victor. :thumbsup:

The only slower programmer I know than Victor is that from roulette bot pro. Matt. The truth is that although a person is able to program it is better to say I do not have the time: you are not going to see anything from me until year 2025. I would appreciate it more than saying nothing, or to say something but no time estimates.

RBT Listen friend, you have the opportunity to make money here if you make a site that offers a much more advanced program than roulette xtreme and has a rapid cycle of responding to requests.

Do not have any hesitations: Roulette Xtreme is the only program to beat. It is number one in this niche . if you manage to overcome it many previous users that have roulette xtreme are guaranteed. And there are many who pay.

I frankly do not think that at this point the betsoftware program can become a reality in the short term space for members to see it featured here. If it appears I will back it for helping this website, but honestly I do not expect to see it any time soon. In the end for all those who sleep what is expected is for another one to appear and take its place. This is the law of life and it applies to everything. People, entire forums, software packages or web programmers. Grab notes staff: If you sleep here at betselection, soon tomorrow comes a new web site that draws the attention from all members away. Will that be your web site RBT?
say things directly to show respect for other people's time. Walter.


Quote from: greenguy on October 27, 2014, 11:53:04 PM
...sounds like Victor. :thumbsup:

I won't say who it was.

But I will firmly state it was NOT Victor.

So no more impugning the man, thank you very much.


Quote from: RTB on October 27, 2014, 02:31:45 PM1 person pays full price, others get it for free).

Yes, the guy of the "horrible software idea" was me :'( At times I'm over-idealistic.

The idea, nonetheless, could have brought something very positive around. A free-for-all already-paid-for library of code available to everyone. The "others" ultimately being our whole community of users. (It's been trial and error)

...and greenguy did nothing wrong, he's just stating the obvious view to him. It's no secret I take my share of time; I'm still on a mission to mend.
➡️ CHECK IT OUT: www.RouletteIdeas.com - Roulette Forum for Systems, Strategies and Roulette Software.

Email/Paypal: betselectiongmail.com
-- Victor


Quote from: esoito on October 28, 2014, 07:33:54 AM
I won't say who it was.

But I will firmly state it was NOT Victor.

So no more impugning the man, thank you very much.

I know you're not talking about Victor, I was simply stating Victor is also slow at "getting the finished product out".

Perhaps I should have said, "sounds like Victor, also".
