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Started by TheMagician, July 07, 2018, 05:32:04 PM

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You write on your home page;

"So far, I haven't found any App, system or strategy which could be compared to Manitou App. There is nothing better for online roulette which could provide such a great, reasonable, sustainable and verifiable results."

That is a bunch of crock and you know it. Having seen your videos and seen the meager return on each session, I can assure you that even the most unsophisticated platforms made by VRTech leave your creations way back in the dust. 

You seem trying so hard to SELL something you deem successful claiming you yourself make very good earnings each week using this software. How can you remotely compare the income from the few roulette players willing to pay for your software to the income you make? Because if you can, then your income is not much to talk about. I know you have supporters among the moderators (and perhaps even the owner) on this forum that believes your claims and accepts your little con game, but the real roulette professionals here, who make their own platforms and donĀ“t need to sell their platforms or systems to make a living,  do not buy your nonsense.
All beings are born and steeped in debt. I know of no creature that negates this fact. The commodity they bought with borrowed means, is life, and the price for its duration, be it good or bad, is death.


Sheesh, not this again. The guy has made it clear more than once on his web site that there are no guarantees. Enough with the trolling.  :no:


Who are you calling a troll? Have you even read your own posts the past months? You create nothing. Your contributions consist of a merely unsubstantiated critique of others based on little or no in-depth analysis. You are a cheap opinion maker that comes on like those TV talking heads on the news, worth nothing but a dime a dozen.

The guy in question is a pure con-man reminding me much of a seasoned car salesman. His arguments can be simply related to the same pitch as: "Oh, this is so good I have one of my own at home". Of course, he has to offer a no-guarantee at the bottom of his web page, or he would be sued by all the poor suckers buying that stuff.

Now, unless you have some constructive evidence that his bs platforms work consistently and with profit, you should do what you do best, keep half of your thick head buried under the ground with no clear view of reality.
All beings are born and steeped in debt. I know of no creature that negates this fact. The commodity they bought with borrowed means, is life, and the price for its duration, be it good or bad, is death.


Unlike you, this guy doesn't pretend that his software never fails to deliver. He is transparent and doesn't make absurd claims or blind people with nonsensical and pretentious waffle about quantum physics. He also doesn't attempt to sell by the back door like you do on the pretence that you're looking for more data. More data, lol. As if you can't get all the spins you need from public sources or writing your own bot.

"probability always starts at the subatomic level". LOL, what does that even mean? You can fool some people pal but I can see through your bullsh*t.



Quote from: Mike on July 09, 2018, 11:52:14 AM
A/ He also doesn't attempt to sell by the back door like you do on the pretence that you're looking for more data.
B/ "probability always starts at the subatomic level". LOL, what does that even mean? You can fool some people pal but I can see through your bullsh*t.


A/ Nice try. At least one on this forum knows I have never sold one single platform or "system" (as your primitive Cro-Magnon brain would perceive it) since I started create them over a decade ago. I don�t need to, because I have made the money I need on my earlier work and of course on the platforms themselves using them on many Casinos world wide.

A few here even profit consistently on them and returns valuable feedback no bot can ever return, because the parameters are still too complex for live casino data gathering (and not RNG with a roulette image slapped on for drunk gamblers). Can an illiterate unintelligent little troll like you understand that? Probably not, but still I let the ball be out there, should you sober up and walk through that mist of ignorance you currently stumble around in?

B/ Of course you don�t know what that means. In my eyes, you are basically stupidity incarnate. What is even more amusing is that you on several occasions have claimed to be one of the "math boys" here, which have made me laugh several times,  because I haven't seen one single theorem and much less, proof of the aforementioned IN ANY of your benighted posts.

Yes, not even the slightest equation originating in basic, or advanced game theory,  has ever been presented. And yes, if you have trouble presenting the formulas here together with proper mathematical symbols to make your proof or point,   you could use Mathematica software, make a pdf (or .nb alt. .cdf file ) and upload it, but you don't, because like much else you yap about here, its all hot air and nothing more. Pretty much useless.

Now, go back to the cave you belong in, Cro-mag.

All beings are born and steeped in debt. I know of no creature that negates this fact. The commodity they bought with borrowed means, is life, and the price for its duration, be it good or bad, is death.